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    Syria’s election to UN decolonization committee upsets Israel

    Inspite of the US-Israel bloody campaign to topple Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government – last week, Syrian representative at United Nations, Bashar Ja’afari PhD, was unimously re-elected rapporteur of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. This shows that everyone at the UN doesn’t agree...
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    US budget cuts wouldn’t affect USAID to Israel

    On Friday, Barack Obama signed the so-called “Sequestration (automatic cuts) bill” after he and Congressional leaders failed to find an alternative budget plan. Originally put in place in 2011, the automatic cuts can only be halted by an agreement between the President and the Congress. The...
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    John Kerry “ignores” Israel during his foreign tour

    Two week ago, John Kerry began his nine foreign nations (Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE – all pro-USrael and anti-Syria) tour as Obama’s new foreign secretary. Kerry’s choice of those nations in Europe and the Middle East shows Obama administration’s...
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    World Powers step-down at nuclear talks with Iran

    The latest round of talks between the P5+1 powers (aka E3+3) and Iran in Kazakhstan ended on Wednesday. The new proposal by the P5+1 called for easing of the “crippling sanctions” and allowing Iran to keep its 20-percent enriched uranium fuel in return for Tehran’s suspension of its enrichment...
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    Chuck Hagel won – and so did Israel Lobby

    Tobin Harshaw, the Zionist Op-Ed editor of the NYT summed-up Chuck Hagel’s 58:41 victory in the Bloomberg on February 26, 2013: “So Chuck Hagel is finally and officially the secretary of defense. But there’s not much to celebrate. President Barack Obama has man in place, but Hagel’s disatrous...
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    UK Chief Rabbi: ‘Europe is not safe for Jews’

    The myth of Jewish victimism is one of Israel Lobby’s favorite ploy to keep European Holocaust guilt alive. However, the tens of millions victims of Jewish supremacists don’t bothers the westerners’ conscience. On February 21, 2013, the Jewish Chronicle (UK) reported that Britain’s Chief Rabbi...
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    Israel gets ready to cash-on Syrian conflict

    While the world’s eyes are focussed on the daily bloody events in Syria – and Syrian army is pre-occupied fighting the western sponsored anti-government insurgency – it dawned on the Zionist regime recently how to make its occupation of Syrian territory of Golan Heights permanent. On Thursday...
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    ‘Five Broken Cameras’: The film Israel hates

    Emad Burnat, Palestinian director of a documentary film ‘Five Broken Cameras’ along with his wife Soraya and their 8-year-old son Gibreel were detained for two hour at the LAX airport on arrival from Turkey on February 20. Burnat is in Los Angeles for Sunday’s Academy Awards, where the film he...
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    Syrian shot down two Israeli drones

    On Wednesday, Syrian Mayadeen TV claimed that Syrian army shot down two of the seven Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which entered Syrian space from the Golan Heights along Syrian-Lebanese border. The drones were shot down over the village of Deir al Ashayer, 15 miles West of Damascus and...
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    Lebanon and Israeli exclusiveness

    Israeli leaders have proven again and again that they’re not answerable to the world community for their immoral actions. They believe that with United States covering their backs, they have dominance over the world. In July 2010, Lebanon complained to the UN Security Council on Israel’s covert...
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    US-Israel-Saudi terrorism in Pakistan

    On February 16, 2013 – a grocery market within Quetta’s shia Hazara community, was target of a bombing attack which took the lives of 65 peoples while injuring another 180 people. The Saudi-Qatar funded anti-Shia militia Lashkar-e-Jhangvi took the responsibility for the attack. The so-called...
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    NATO expert: ‘Israel is affraid to attack Hizballah’

    Dr. Jean-Loup Samaan is a researcher-lecturer of Israel-Hizballah conflict at the NATO Defence College in Rome and former policy adviser for the French Ministry of Defense and a visiting scholar for the RAND, an Israeli advocacy group. In an article, published in Jewish Al-Monitor on February...
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    Americans should choose Iranians over Israelis

    The Zionist mafia has never stopped reminding Americans how the Iranian took 52 US Embassy staff as “hostages” after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. However, the Zionist mafia never tells the Americans how Washington-Tel Aviv plotted a coup in Tehran against the first democratically-elected...
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    Hitler is still popular

    Mahtama Gandhi addressed Adolph Hitler as “Dear Friend” in two letters he wrote to German Chancellor dated July 23, 1939 and December 24, 1940. India’s Bollywood released the film ‘Gandhi to Hitler’ in July 2011. It was directed by Rakesh Ranjan Kumar. Gandhi was played by Avijit Dutt; Hitler...
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    Argentina’s President slams Israel Lobby

    Last week, the foreign ministers of Argentina and Iran signed an agreement to establish a joint Truth Commission to investigate the 1994 bombing at the Jewish Community Center (AMIA) in Buenos Aires and 1992 bombing at Israeli Embassy building. This has infuriated the Zionist regime and the...
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    Israel’s “Prisoner X” was Mossad agent

    Yesterday’s revelation by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that the prisoner, known as “Prisoner X”, who committed suicide inside Israel’s maximum security prison near Tel Aviv in December 2010, was Australian Jew by the name Ben Zygier. The news diverted Netanyahu’s attention from...
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    Pope Benedict XVI exit saddens Chief Rabbi

    On Monday, the Vatican announced that Pope Benedict XVI had decided to step down from the Papacy on February 28, 2013. Before appointed as Successor of St. Peter, German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was nicknamed “Nazi Pope” by Zionist bloggers for being a member of Nazi Youth movement as a young...
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    Israel rejects US report on Israel-PA education

    The Zionist Education Ministry has rejected the findings of a US State Department funded study, which has claimed that the textbooks taught in Gaza and the West Bank don’t teach hatred toward Jews. The Ministry has called the report “profoundly unobjective”. The American Jewish advocacy group...
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    Israeli Jews hate Black people

    In Israel, hatred toward Black people is based on the color of skin and not on being non-Jewish. Take for example, Ethiopian Falasha Jews, who were flown into Israel from Ethiopia and Sudan over 20 years ago with great fanfare – as a ”Jewish humanitarian” gesture, are now being treated like...
  20. Truth Vibrations

    *New VIDEO* Ring Of Power II : The Zion King

    Want to understand the royals? I will be watching this tonight, post my thoughts later.