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On February 16, 2013 – a grocery market within Quetta’s shia Hazara community, was target of a bombing attack which took the lives of 65 peoples while injuring another 180 people. The Saudi-Qatar funded anti-Shia militia Lashkar-e-Jhangvi took the responsibility for the attack. The so-called “Sunni LeJ” terrorist militia was created to counter the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran.

The attack came on the day Islamabad officially handed over the management of its newly completed Gwadar port in Blochistan to China Overseas Port Holdings Limited. Pakistan’s province of Balochistan has great strategic value for US-Israel due to its Gwadar port, which is eyed by these two anti-Muslim regimes to use as terminal for the Caspian Sea oil to ship to Israel’s Haifa refinery and distablize Islamic Iran’s Balochi region for the benefit of Zionist entity.

On June 8, 2010, I posted on this blog an article, saying: “Some of the terrorist groups in Balochistan, such as the ‘Baloch National Movement (BNM)’, were created by KGB during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan – in order to punish Islamabad for its support for the Mujahideen groups fighting the Red Army. After the demise of USSR – the BNM withered out due to lack of funds. Later the group was resurrected by CIA and Mossad. The US Jewish lobby groups have created a PR group called ‘Friends of Balochistan’ – just like they created the ‘Save Darfur’, whose funds were diverted to Israel for building housing projects for Jew settlers on Arab stolen lands“. Read the full article here.

US-Israel-Saudi are training Saudi-Qatar funded Wahhabi-Salaafi anti-Shia sectarian groups to destablize Pakistan in order to neutralize its nuclear deterrent (80-100 nukes) and use Pakistan territory to attack neighboring Islamic Republic. These blood-thirsty thugs have already uprooted Muslim communities in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali and Syria.

“LeJ has received money from several Persian Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. These countries funded LeJ and other Sunni militant groups primarily to counter the rising influence of Iran’s revolutionary Shiism,” says a report prepared by Stanford University.

The US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and several other pro-Israel Jewish organizations are supporting anti-Islamabad terrorist groups. On February 8, 2012, the Israel-Firster Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif), introduced a resolution in US House of Representatives calling upon Islamabad to recognize its province of Balochistan as an “independent state”. Rohrabacher also used the opportunity to attack Israel’s two enemies in single breath.

Tony Cartalucci, Bankok-based American geopolitical analyst, posted an investigative report on the US-Israel-Saudi terrorism in the Muslim world on his blog, Land Destroyer Report, on February 18, 2013.

“The Voice of Balochistan whose every top-story is US-funded propaganda drawn from foundation-funded Reporters Without Borders, Soros-funded Human Rights Watch, and even a direct message from the US State Department itself. Like other US State Department funded propaganda outfits around the world – such as Thailand’s Prachatai – funding is generally obfuscated in order to maintain “credibility” even when the front’s constant torrent of obvious propaganda more than exposes them,” wrote Cartalucci.

“Perhaps the most absurd operations being run to undermine Pakistan through the “Free Baluchistan” movement are the US and London-based organizations. The “Baloch Society of North America” almost appears to be a parody at first, but nonetheless serves as a useful aggregate and bellwether regarding US meddling in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province. The group’s founder, Dr. Wahid. Baloch, openly admits he has met with US politicians in regards to Baluchistan independence. This includes Neo-Con warmonger, PNAC signatory, corporate-lobbyist, and National Endowment for Democracy director Zalmay Khalilzad (married to a Jewish woman who works for RAND),” says Cartalucci. Read his full article here.

US-Israel-Saudi terrorism in Pakistan | Rehmat's World
In a concise manner, could You please define how You percieve the adjenda of those said to be organizing all of this?
The Combating Terrorism Center at the West Point in its 2007 report had stated that US, Saudi and pro-West Labanese official claimed that US, Israel and Saudi Arabia were intentionally arming, training and funding the Jihadis and Al-Qaeda terrorists for the explicit purpose of overthrowing the governments of Syria and Iran.

The US sponsored Arab Spring has united the US, Israel, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to sabotage any genuine democratic regime being established in the Middle East – because the previous experience have proved that democracy has usually brought anti-Israel regimes (PA, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Lebanon, etc.) into power in the region.

US-Israel-Saudi war against democracy in Muslim world | Rehmat's World