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    Bishop Williamson sacked by the Church

    Last week, the Vatican announced that it has expelled British Bishop Richard Williamson 72 for questioning the ‘Six Million Died’ figure. Williamson, in an interview with a Swedish television had claimed that Nazis did not use gas chambers and killed no more than 300,000 Jews. The claim...
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    Irish TV host: ‘Israel is a cancer in foreign affairs’

    Former newspaper editor Vincent Browne, the host of Ireland’s top television political talkshow, ‘Tonight with Vincent Browne’, on TV3 has called Israel “a cancer in foreign affairs”. After the remark, Vincent said that his criticism of Israel doesn’t mean he hates the Jewish people. “Israel is...
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    US officials detain Imran Khan at Toronto airport

    On Friday, the world famous former Pakistani cricket-team captain turned politician, Imran Khan was pulled out of a Toronto-New York bound flight by US immigration officials. He was taken into custody and grilled for two hours over his opposition to deadly US drone strikes over northern part of...
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    Iran and the ‘Drone warfare’

    United States and Israel are world’s largest user of the un-manned aerial vehicle (UAV). The US is using UAVs in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia on daily bases. According to some arms-magazines, Israel is the main supplier of drones to United States. Last week, Israel announced selling of over...
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    US: ‘EU must label Hizballah as terrorist group’

    On Friday, speaking at the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) in Dublin (Ireland), Barack Obama’s counter-terrorisn Czar, John O. Berennan (a Zionist Jew), criticized the European Union for denying Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak’s earlier request to declare Lebanese...
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    UNHR Envoy: ‘UN must boycott Israel’

    On October 25, a frustrated UN Human Rights special Rapporteur for Israel and Occupied Territories, Richard Falk (Jewish), in his latest report to the UN has urged the member nations of the UN General Assembly to boycott companies that do business with the Zionist entity. Washington’s envoy at...
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    Israeli jets bomb Khartoum arms factory

    Today, Sudan’s Minister of Information Ahmed Bilal Osman told a news conference that four Israeli jets have attacked the Yarmouk plant, a light arms manufacturing factory in Sudanese capital city of Khartoum. Khartoum governor Abdul-Rahman Khedr said the explosions at the factory have not...
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    Jill Stein: ‘Obama-Romney are Israel’s slaves’

    “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it,”Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, Kol Yisrael radio, October 3, 2001. I know it’s very anti-Semitic of me to repeat an eleven-year-old statement...
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    Jewish Lobby: ‘Norwegian hates Israel’

    The pro-Israel Jewish leaders connected to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe , in a recent statement has whined that anti-Israel attitudes in Norway may be fuelling anti-Semitism there. Norway’s welknown sociologist, professor Johan Galtung, claims that six Jewish...
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    Anti-bankers mural offends British Jewish groups

    A mural in the heart of bohemian east London has caused uproar among local politicians and community leaders who have accused it of being anti-Semitic – in an area with a long Jewish and immigrant history. The mural is work of internationally renowned LA-based graffiti artist Mear One (Kalen...
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    Mossad behind latest Beirut bombing

    On October 19, Israeli Mossad car bombing killed Lebanese internal security chief Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan near Sassine Square in Beirut’s predominantly Christian district of Ashrafiya. Wissam al-Hassan, a close Sunni ally of President Michel Sulaiman, had recently earthed an Israeli...
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    Israel captures Gaza-bound Zionist ‘Estelle’ vessel

    Today, Israeli troops intercepted and took control of Gaza-bound Finnish-flagged vessel ‘Estelle’ carrying 16 human rights activists from several western countries including a former Israeli pilot and former Canadian MP Jim Manly. Interestingly, the leader of this ‘provocation’ against the...
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    Amb. Stevens haunts Muslim-haters from grave

    While ignoring the anti-Islam ‘billboard war’ across the United States by the Israeli-poodles – I noticed a news item in the Think Progress Org. published on October 12, 2012, saying that a Florida chapter of the pro-gay Log Cabin Republicans had published an attack ad against the Obama...
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    US cancels 30 scholarships to Gaza students

    Under pressure from the Zionist regime and American Jewish lobby groups, Obama administration has quietly canceled a two-year-old scholarship program for students in the Gaza Strip, undercutting one of the few American outreach programs to people in the Hamas-ruled territory. The program now...
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    EU: ‘Thou shalt not watch Iranian TV channels’

    On Monday, European satellite provider Eutelsat SA announced that it has stopped broadcasting several Iranian satellite channels under orders from the European Commission. The company ordered media services company, Arqiva, to take the Iranian satellite channels off one of its Hot Bird...
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    Peres tells Brazil to boycott Ahmadinejad

    The visiting Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota told Israeli president Shimon Peres that Israel’s threats of military action against the Islamic Republic (just propaganda barking to force Obama to attack Iran on Israel’s behalf during the election year) over its nuclear program are...
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    Israel sacks IAF Commander over Hizballah drone

    The Zionist regime has sacked Brig. Gen. Doron Gavish, commander of its airforce defense layout as result of its recent humiliation by a Hizballah spy-drone operation early this month. Israeli media has reported that Gavish will be replaced by Col. Shachar Shochat, who has immediately been...
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    Whose interests US guards in the Middle East?

    Peter Van Buren (a US foreign service official for years) in his latest artical published in the Tom Dispatch on October 11, 2012 raised a good question about America’s bloody wars in the Middle East. The question was: “What we want from the Middle East?” Then Peter wrap the obvious answer under...
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    The Zionist Jewish war on Islam

    “The Jews achieved their Golden Age in Muslim-ruled Spain (711-1492),” Dr. Bernard Lewis, the Jewish Orientalist. The pro-Israel Jewish groups and individuals are spending tens of millions of dollars each year to stir hatred toward Muslims in the US, Canada and Europe. A 2011 investigation...
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    Church leaders blast US for Israel Aid

    On Monday, the leaders of the Lutheran, Methodist, UCC Churches, and the National Council of Churches sent a letter to Congress members, calling for an investigation into Israel’s continue violation of the US Foreign Assistance Act and the US Arms Export Control Act, which makes the Zionist...