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The Toronto York University is not only located in Jewish majority area but its staff too is loaded with Jews. The Campus has a very powerful presence of Israel lobbying groups, such as, CJC, ADL, CFHU, Hillel, etc. Each year these groups run a smear campaign to disrupt the annual Israel Apartheid Week at Canadian campuses.

Currently, York University’s Jewish Professor Cameron Johnston is under fire from pro-Israel lobby groups for making so-called ‘anti-Semitic’ remarks. Jewish Defense League, a terrorist group designated by FBI has called for the expulsion of Cameron Johnston who has taught at the University for the last 30 years.

I don’t understand, being Jewish, should not Johnston be called ‘a self-hating Jew’ instead of ‘an anti-Semite’?

So what was Johnston’s cardinal sin that he was brought into the company of Israel-born Jewish writer Gilad Atzmon?

Well – according to Irael Lobby’s official story – Johnston was giving his introductory lecture to Social Sciences 1140: “Self, Culture and Society,” when he explained to the nearly 500 students that the course was going to focus on texts, not opinions, and despite what they may have heard elsewhere, everyone is not entitled to their opinion.

“All Jews should be sterilized” would be an example of an unacceptable and dangerous opinion, Johnston told the students.

One of Johnston’s low IQ Jewish student, Sarah Grunfeld, walked out of the lecture thinking as if Johnston had denied the Holocaust. She contacted Oriyah Barzilay, the president of Hasbara at York – an Israel advocacy group on campus – who then sent a press release to media and other Jewish community groups calling for Johnston to be fired.

Johnston tried to calm down the Zionazi mafia by explaining that what he meant was not an anti-Jewish slur. He said his religion likely influenced his choice of words.

The Nazi ‘Sterilization Law’ covered disabled and mentally retarded persons of all races, Christians, Gypsies and Jews – as was the case of Holocaust. However, though 150,000 German Jews were part of Nazi Army – every crime Nazis did has been monopolized by the Zionist Jews to the benefit of Israel.

Last year these gangs ran a vicious campaign against University of Toronto for awarding a Master degree to a Jewish student Jennifer Peto – for her thesis which claims that the Jews practice racism against non-Jewish communities.

In 2004, another York University professor David Nobel (died 2010) was attacked by Jewish Lobby for his exposure of the names of the directors of York University Foundation, the school’s fundraising arm, and their links to pro-Israel organizations. In 2006, he filed a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission against York for its longstanding practice of cancelling classes on Jewish high holidays such as Yom Kippur, saying it discriminated against non-Jewish students. He also sued several Jewish groups for $5 million for defamation. The case was to go to the court in 2011.

Anti-Semitism at York Campus | Rehmat calling