Bibi offers $65 million ‘sweetener’ to Abbas


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On September 12, 2012 – Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported that Benjamin Netanyahu had announced to transfer NIS250 million ($65 million) to Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah out of the tax revenue the Zionist regime collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA). Netanyahu said it was Israel and PA’s “joint interest”, meaning the Zionist entity doesn’t want to see a collapsing PA which will leave Hamas as the sole ruler of both Gaza and the West Bank.

Showing his gratitute, Mahmoud Abbas, like the previous years – called Israeli president Shimon Peres to offer him Rosh Hashanah greetings. “Happy holiday and a Happy New Year to you and the entire Israeli nation,” said Abbas. Incidently, American Jewish writer, Stephen Lendman called Peres a War Criminal in 2009.

In September 21, 2011, Israeli finance minister Yuval Steinitz was quoted by Daniel Bases of Reuters: “Taxes that Israel collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority total about 500 million Israeli shekels ($135 million) a month“.

Netanyahu’s release of a portion PA assets could be sweetener to Washington’s pressure on Abbas to “delay its fresh bid to seek upgraded UN status until after the November 2012 elections“, reported by AFP on August 8, 2012. Abbas had said earlier that he would ask the UN General Assembly on September 27 to upgrade PA’s status from that of an observer entity to a non-member state.

Mahmoud Abbas mandate as PA president had expired in January 2009. However, under US-EU pressure, he kept postponing new election fearing Hamas will win the presidency too. Had Abass done that, or dissolved the PA, he would have raised himself as a statesman instead of a Zionist puppet. The current mass protests against Fatah government’s economic policy – show what public think of Mahmoud Abbas. The protesters chanted slogans against Fayyad, PA President Mahmoud Abbas, the Oslo Accords, and the Paris Protocol. The chant that resonated the loudest was “hokumitna khayna” (“our government is traitor”).

Israeli Jewish journalist Larry Derfner called Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas ‘Israel’s man in Ramallah’ (+972, July 18, 2012), saying: “Since his bid for statehood ended at the UN last September, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, has become strictly an enforcer of the occupation“.

Bibi offers $65 million ‘sweetener’ to Abbas | Rehmat's World