Canadian Church and Germany to Boycott Israeli products


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Canada’s largest Protestant church, The United Church of Canada, has decided to boycott three Israeli companies as part of its campaign to boycott against products manufactured in illegal Jewish settlements in occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. The three Jewish companies are; Kater Plastic (home and garden products), SodaStream (domestic soda-making devices and ingredients) and Ahava (personal cosmetic products).

The Church said that in the coming months it “will engage in dialogue” with the three companies and ask them to cease production in illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem: “They will be informed that failure to do so will result in economic action against their products“.

The Church regards the entire City of Jerusalem as “occupied” and a major obstacle to peace in the region. The City of Jerusalem is regarded sacred by the followers of all three Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

On June 2, 2013, The Jerusalem Post, reported “a treason within pro-Israel western block”.

“The label ‘Made in Israel’ is, according to the opinion of the German federal government, only allowed for products from within the borders of Israeli state territory before June 1967,” said a report authored by Dr. Emily Haber, a state secretary in Israel-Firster Chancellor Angela Markel’s Foreign Ministry.

The Zionist regime has regarded Germany as their most reliable western poodle within the European Union (EU). Several members EU have been critical of Israel’s warmongering policies. Currently, all Israeli exports to European markets, including products produced in illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, are labeled ‘Made in Israel’. Since last year, the BDS groups have been pressuring EU member governments to distinguish products made from both before and after Israel’s 1967 borders.

The Zionist regime knows that none of these threats are ever going to materialize, thank to its Jewish lobby backers. Such Western rhetoric in support of Palestinians are meant to fool Western Christian conscience. The Church has been throwing its verbal support behind the BDS movement since 2009, but without taking some positive action. Last year, Bruce Gregersen, General Council Officer and senior spokesperson for the church, said: “We wanted to send a signal that the occupation has to end, that settlements are illegal and they need to ultimately stop constructing them and stop expanding them. The overall commitment of the church is very clear: we want a two state solution and the expansion of the settlements is undermining the two state solution“.

The above statement was blasted by Shimon Foigel, CEO Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs. “One of the implications is that it frees the Palestinians from having to do anything to advance peace. The real casualty is the peace process itself. This decision liberates Palestinians from having to recognize Israel. It places all the onus on Israel,” he asserted. I’m sure the dude knows over 45 United Nations member states don’t recognize state of Israel.

Canadian Church and Germany to Boycott Israeli products | Rehmat's World