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The paranoid Israel-Firster, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates at the end of his surprise visit to Bahrain - told reporters on his plane at Manama airport: “I expressed the view that we had no evidence that suggested that Iran started any of these popular revolutions or demonstrations across the region,” said Gates, recounting his talks with the country’s king and crown prince. “But there is clear evidence that as the process is protracted, particularly in Bahrain, the Iranians are looking for ways to exploit it and create problems,” said Gates after he could not control his Zionist itch. “So I told them, in this instance, time is not our friend.”

Gates’ comments followed renewed violence in Bahrain, home to the US 5th Fleet, on Friday when clashes erupted between pro- and anti-government groups just outside the capital of Manama who were demanding an end to monarchy. Gates met with King Hamad and Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa on Saturday to reassure the monarchy of the United States’ full support.

On Sturday, Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters had surrounded the palace of country’s ruler Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. The protest on Saturday comes a day after police – with the help of pro-government vigilantes – used teargas against mostly Shia, anti-government protesters. Over 700 people were injured as they marched towards the Royal Court in the capital Manama.

Syed Ali Wasif, Professor of International Law, in an interview with Press TV had blamed the US for the current political mess in the Middle East by supporting the murderous regimes for the protection of the Zionist entity.

The Zionist-controlled western mainstream media has been claiming Tehran and Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, behind the protests in the Middle East. Interestingly, the lie has been refuted by no other than an internationally wanted war criminal – Israel’s defense minister Gen. Ehud Barak, who recently said: “I do not believe that something similar to the Iranian events of several years ago (1979) is happening now. I think that the Egyptians have their own way. I think that their direction is something which emerges very genuinely and in a spontaneous manner”. He added that although he did not believe that the peace between Israel and Egypt was at risk, a rush to elections could bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power in the country.

Bahrain is a Muslim Shia majority (70%) country while the pro-West ruling Khalifa family belongs to Muslim Sunni minority.

Gates: ‘US may lose Bahrain to Iran’ | Rehmat's World
Everybody knows that Iran and the Muslin brotherhood along with the Islamnazi group Hizbullah is behind all the protests. Of course the one with the most money will win, You Islamic bastards would sell your mother to the one with the most money, while praising to Allah the whole time...