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In his address at the Georgetown University, Doha on January 17, 2011 – The Pulitzer Prize winner American-Jewish investigating journalist, Seymour Hersh, exposed the control of the ‘Israel-First’ anti-Muslim neoconservatives (mostly Jewish) cabal over American foreign policy in the Middle East.

“What I’m really talking about is how eight or nine neoconservatives , radicals (Jews) if you will, overthrew the American government. Took it over,” he said. “It’s not only that the neocons took it over but how easily they did it – how Congress disappeared, how the press became part of it, how the public acquiesced.”

The goal of these pro-Israel facists is to invade and occupy Muslim lands and destroy Islam. “That’s the attitude,” Hersh said. “We’re gonna change mosques into cathedrals. That’s an attitude that pervades, I’m here to say, a large percentage of the Joint Special Operations Command.”

Hersh also claimed that Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who headed Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) before briefly becoming the top US commander in Afghanistan, and his successor, Vice Adm. William McRaven, as well as many within JSOC, “are all members of, or at least supporters of, Knights of Malta.” The Knights of Malta is Jewish-Jesuits masonic cult whose members trying everthing in their power to fulfil the devilic agenda of The Protocols of Zion - One World Government under Jewish domination.

Seymour Hersh also touched on the US invasion of Muslim lands and Washington’s blind support for the Jewish colonization of Palestine.

“Many of them (neocons) are members of Opus Dei. They do see what they’re doing – and this is not an a typical attitude among some military. It’s a crusade, literally. They seem themselves as the protectors of the Christians. They’re protecting them from the Muslims as in the 13th century. And this is their function.”

Torture in Afghanistan, assassination missions in Pakistan, and the continued support of an Israeli regime with questionable intentions are all serious issues that have yet to be significantly addressed by Obama.

The Israeli shift to the right represented by the new political appointments in their government is a source of concern. With more hawkish and right-wing Israeli politicians replacing or in the process of replacing outgoing officials, Hersh worries about what the future may hold.

Hersh said that the US must enter into a dialogue with Mullah Omar if they wish to get out of the country in the foreseeable future.

Hersh also expressed his concerns about developments in Iraq, and said he believed the Iraqis “would rather burn their oil” than see it go to the US.

Recent developments in Tunisia will “scare the hell” out of other leaders in the region and countries experiencing economic distress could well witness similar political action, he said, according to Gulf Times.

Although he said he was “shocked and appalled” at Obama’s apparent lack of desire to change the situation he found thrust upon him when he entered the White House, Hersh did offer one crumb of comfort – albeit a wishful one.

He said that Obama may be bidding for time, ensuring that he wins re-election before “becoming more like the Abraham Lincoln style President we hoped he would be.”

Obama may well be waiting before delivering on the promises he made upon entering the White House, Hersh said. He however admitted his concern. “I’m very sceptical,” he said.

Hersh: Anti-Islam Ziofacists control the US | Rehmat's World
I really don't know what you are trying to accomplish with your rambling and lies, but most of it makes no sense at all. .seems you hate everyone, who is not Muslim. I wish you would find somewhere else to write your BS, because it is not appreciated be me, and I see it for what it is, lies and propaganda...
I understand your rant coming from world's most hateful religious literature - Talmud (according to professor Israel Shahak). If you know any Zionist Jewish Forum where they allow the non-Jewish posters to criticize the Zionazi filth (Israel) - please name it here so I can put my Muslim rant over there. However, i bet my Canadian looney - I will be banned, as usual, within 24 hours.

Now, knowing you're an idiot person - let me remind you - Seymour Hersh is as much Jewish as you could be.

Shalom....... Oops! My friend Jewish blogger Gilad Atzmon always tells me ...... Shalom is mean what's good for the Jews!

Now spare me telling the usual Hasbara lie: "But I am not Jewis!"
I am not Jewish, nor am I muslim. I am also not an idiot. It is people like you who have given the Muslims such a bad name. I am a veteran who fought for my country so people like you could have freedom of speach. But of course there are people like you here and in Canada who want to spread hate, lies and ill will towards all other people. To this I say, look in the mirror and then tell me who is the real idiot.....
Guys, seriously, there is no need for such anger. I can see that Rehmat is posting not only his/her opinion, but the opinion of others which is quoted in this post. Whether or not Rehmat is a "hateful Muslim", is really irrelevant. I'm sorry Eloans1, but I have to allow for freedom of speech which is being taken away in this country and in almost if not all other countries around the world that ever really had it. Although I like to keep this a peaceful place, I have to allow everyone their say. Too many of these truther and/or enlightenment sites don't allow for all sides of argument and full opinion. That's why I created this site. Full outright openness and freedom of speech and opinion.

So, unless it is clearly an attack on an individual with clear hate/violence, I have to allow it. You both have very strong opinions, and that is great, but try to keep it civil. I am not here to try to offend anyone, I am here as a symbol of FREEDOM! No matter how touchy things get for anyone on here.

No one is asking either of you to agree with each other. I'm also not asking you to have a full out war either. So, keep it somewhat civil people. I don't need some hate crime starting here.

BTW, I'm not Jewish or Muslim either. I was brought up Catholic, but I don't agree with ANY religion. I take the good teachings from all religions and work them together into my own beliefs and try to love everyone. I'm not asking you all to do the same, but that's just who I am and I don't want huge fights breaking out.

And Rehmat, I'm not planning on banning you just because of your opinion and by quoting what others are saying.

However, if things get out of hand, there will be action taken.

Lady of Light
People like you with the help of witting and unwitting accomplices in and out of government, Islamism doesn’t merely fuel terrorism but spawns America-hating Islamist terrorist enclaves in our very midst, gradually foisting the repressive concepts of sharia law on American life. The revolutionary doctrine has made common cause with an ascendant Left that also seeks radical transformation of our constitutional order.
They're all in it together. Jews, Islamists, Protestants, Catholics. as long as you have the money and are willing to have complete disregard to the rights of the people you serve (leaders seem to forget they serve US not the other way round), and agree to allow multi-nationalism to take over your country for profit for the very few, then it doesn't matter who you are or what religion you are.

The supposed 'Arab' uprising over the last few months is testamnet of that. That was all pre-planned by the bigwigs round the world. don't be suprised to see Islam being outlawed (along with many other 'ancient religions' ) this century. The NWO will not allow wee set backs as a religion stopping them gaining what they want. and i hope this year the truth will come out in the press about the US government's involvment in destroying Iraq's most tressured artifacts (can't have Sumerian texts lying around or any ancient texts regarding science, maths, language for that matter).
No. Why do you think Jews are trying to do this and that? Wouldn't they already have dropped nuclear weapons on Iran? The United States has many bombs.

Rehmat, what is your opinion of the terrorist groups?