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1878 - Symmes' Theory of Concentric Spheres by James McBride

I kept thinking how familiar it sounded and remembered a couple of things that was pertinent to Symmes' theory of Concentric Spheres.

when I was in university I came across a short article, which I dont have anymore about some of the things that were being excavated in Greece. It had to do with a belief of the many concentric circles of man, such as emotions, intellect, physical, spiritual, family, prosperity etc were seen as a series of concentric spheres, each sphere holding its own vitality and balanced with all the rest of the inter related sphere.

this was very old and I recall that it dated from the Roman era

the second and most intriguingly is a book I read about fluid mechanics called " A History and Philosophy of Fluid Mechanics by G. A Tokaty.

Tokaty includes a theory put forth by Aristotle that the surface of water is spherical. The book included a listing of some of Archimedes works and is honored as the founder of Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics.

This is the area of research I believe and those early great thinkers who birthed Mathematics and conceptual thought to represent these laws of Creation which also bear the reality of a hollow earth.

Archimedes was perhaps the first to examine the internal nature of water - something that would lay relevant to the inner earth as its openings lie within the oceans. Further this thought to the auroras shown coming from this openings and it reminds me of a cathode.

the breakdown of water is h2o - 2 parts hydrogen 1 part oxygen and with a spark of electricity we have water....

its this unique nature of the opening of the hole to the inner earth I am thinking about - its periodic visibility or is it always visible? these are questions we dont have the answers to -

but just like Tom Beardons work
Tom Bearden and several associates have been doing some interesting work with 'over-unity' applications. They have replaced the term "Vacuum Energy" with their own expression - "Radiant Energy."

He found a whole new set of laws for electricity
Energy from the Vacuum Science Series
pt 2
EFV - Disc 2

tokaty source:A history and philosophy of fluid ... - Google Books

Additional information: Sir Edmund Halley's theory of Concentric Spheres

Sir Edmund Halley was the first person to suggest that the Earth might be hollow. He did so on the basis of his studies of the Earth's magnetic field. This resulted in him proposing that the motion of the Earth's magnetic field was caused by three hollow rotating shells existing inside the Earth. Edmund Halley was convinced he had discovered something great and he even had his portrait painted showing him holding a drawing of the hollow shells which he thought made up the Earth. His theory has since become know as the Concentric Spheres theory. Nicholas Kollerstrom from the University College, London did a detailed study of Halley's ideas.

Interestingly enough the problem of the mysterious origin of the Earth's magnetic field is still under scientific debate. Many scientists believe that a Dynamo is driving it. This dynamo is thought to be caused by convection currents in the Earth's core, however there are problems with this theory. In the 1990's a nuclear scientist at the University of California wrote several papers which show that naturally occurring nuclear fission reactions might be taking place at the core of planets. This has tremendous implications. During my study I often toyed with, and examined the idea of nuclear fission reactions occurring inside planets. This new thinking opens up vast possibilities. Could the Great Red Spot on Jupiter for example be caused by a hole in the hollow crust of a planet, a planet which has a powerful nuclear reaction inside it?

source: Hollow Planets Theory

Concentric spheres to describe the earth is apparently a very old idea... I wonder where Aristotle got it from?
I did a Googlel Search and found his book on sacred Texts
The Book of Earths: Earth a Hollow Sphere

Earth a Hollow Sphere

WITH THE Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres we take up, for the first time, a cosmogony of the nineteenth century. In this flight through worlds we have spanned not only the centuries but the oceans and continents of the Earth. We are in the year of our Lord, 1818, in America, and at St. Louis, Missouri, on the western bank of the mightiest river of the Earth. We are on the continent whose aboriginal inhabitants have, running through all their mythologies and traditions, the tradition and myth of a "hollow Earth," and we are about to consider, in their order, three modern American theories of the figure of Earth, all of them based on the assumption that this planet is a hollow sphere, habitable within.

A brief circular announced the first of these:

Light gives light to light discover--ad infinitum

St. Louis (Missouri Territory)

NORTH AMERICA, April 10, A.D., 1818


I declare that the earth is hollow and habitable within; containing a number of solid concentric spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the poles twelve or sixteen degrees. I pledge my life in support of this truth, and am ready to explore the hollow, if the world will support and aid me in this undertaking.

Of Ohio, late Captain of Infantry


as to how old the understanding of a hollow earth --- I found some amazing points in the first few paragraphs - but before I share that, Id like to draw your memory back to the videos posted of where the Hopi and Dine'h or Navajo had come out of the inner earth.

I remember thinking then that this is proof too of an inner earth or hollow earth.

what I read next made me realize and give thanks for this trail that the Creator had led me on - because it had, just like our teaching say, brought all the fibers together and rewove them in a strong braid. (cherokee)

I remembered to my own algonquin foster mother teaching me how all things were a circle and many circles within a circle. I was taken outside and we blew bubbles with her husband and her grandson. This reminds me of the earth'', I was told.

The bubbles danced in the breeze and shone brightly with the sun - yes I thought circles within circles this is all of life.

I remember that teaching as if it was yesterday and so when I read this in the book I knew that our people had learned this a long time ago and carried it with us .....

here is the next bit of the book=

pg 240

But it is interesting to consider that three "concave" cosmogonies have sprung up within less than a century on this continent whose aborigines believed in the hollowness of their "great Island." The Montagnais held the earth to be pierced through and through; that the Sun set by entering one hole and hiding inside the Earth during the night; that it rose by emerging from the opposite hole. Numberless tribes have the tradition that formerly their race lived underground, until some adventurous youth climbed upwards by some great vine to the outer surface of the Earth, and, finding it delightful and habitable, returned and brought their people out of the "concave." Indian gods fell from Heaven, through the Earth; and vanished races were those who had returned to their first homes. How much of this Symmes had picked up through fraternising with the western Indians, or whether he had ever heard any of this tradition from them, we shall probably never know.



:pnw-han: :Fire: :pnw-han:
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