"For the last close to 6 years now I have been living in exile in South America, and I have been tried shut down in numerous ways throughout the years – but I am still standing, and still telling my story.

My response to this is..... he just didn't cross the folks that REALLY wanted him shut down. If he did he wouldn't be talking about living anywhere. Linda

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THANK YOU FOR A SHINING STAR MOMENT ... OK focus Linda .... you are exactly right on target here ....
Wow you are fascinating. What an inspirational life. I am interested in learning about similar things my latest exploration involves the djinn. Do you know much about these energies? kind regards Mishka
Trust me ianchris.... I did not say that to make your day. It was just an observation. Linda

Linda the more we do this, the more I am beginning to think your real name is Sally Havice.... Now I have to ask my question ALL over again because it's buried under two pages of damage control. No one knows everything well some people do ... and I have a need to understand something which Brother Maggador should be able to explain to me... Not too many people have knowledge of what I am addressing, well I take that back, too many of the wrong people have knowledge of what I'm addressing. There has been a great effort taken to remove me from that building, and I have a idea why however, if I am forced to come to my own understanding, then it might cause me to get emotional and do something crazy. So before I do something crazy, I would like to have a better understanding of the situation.

The Royal Arch degree occupies that building. I have experienced many things in that building which never shown to me, so I have had to arrive at my own conclusions based on very convoluted pieces of information. Before you tell me to mind my own business, it has become my business by default. It is in everyone's best interest that I have a clear understanding of the real picture in order to prevent me from acting out emotionally. Moreover, I am very inquisitive and without clarity then I might repeat sensitive information to the wrong news agency or organization, unknowingly, in my search for understanding.

On that note, I will repeat the my questions :)

Brother Maggador, what is your motivator for sharing this information?

While you are being so open to discussion, perhaps you can help explain something for me. There is a building that I have a physical connection to that is used by a government for various purposes. Once a month, the building is physically located in Urulu, Kenya... inside of an orphanage that is owned by a United States Church based in the state of Tennessee. The building is patrolled 24 hrs a day by armed soldiers, there is a military control post on the roof. What technology do they harness? I trust you don't need me to go into further detail. Do you have any thoughts as to why I am not affected by that technology? At least one member here already thinks I'm delusional... would you agree?
I don't think that Brother M is checking in here..... if so I do hope that he speaks up.

Ianchris you said

"There is a building that I have a physical connection to that is used by a government for various purposes. Once a month, the building is physically located in Urulu, Kenya... inside of an orphanage that is owned by a United States Church based in the state of Tennessee. The building is patrolled 24 hrs a day by armed soldiers, there is a military control post on the roof. What technology do they harness? I trust you don't need me to go into further detail. Do you have any thoughts as to why I am not affected by that technology? At least one member here already thinks I'm delusional... would you agree?

Which is a reproduction of what you have said before so I guess I will have to be more specific. It SOUNDS like you are trying to say that a particular building that you have something to do with.... ( where is it and what is your connection to is? Is somehow magically transported?????? to Kenya????? and somehow is hidden inside an orphanage???????? owned by some sort of Church connection in Tennessee??????? And it is armed 24 hours......You think that they have some sort of technology that they are hiding??????? And you ask why it is that you are not affected by this ?????? So do you get dragged there with the building?????? Or do you just "see" what is happening?

And you wonder why people call you delusional??????

You have found perhaps the only person who is willing to listen to such a thing being possible.... but you had better have more information than you are spilling here to make me look harder. Not playing games here and I don't accept brazen talk or threats well.... so please say clearly what you are TRYING to say here without bravado.

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I don't think that Brother M is checking in here..... if so I do hope that he speaks up.

Ianchris you said

"There is a building that I have a physical connection to that is used by a government for various purposes. Once a month, the building is physically located in Urulu, Kenya... inside of an orphanage that is owned by a United States Church based in the state of Tennessee. The building is patrolled 24 hrs a day by armed soldiers, there is a military control post on the roof. What technology do they harness? I trust you don't need me to go into further detail. Do you have any thoughts as to why I am not affected by that technology? At least one member here already thinks I'm delusional... would you agree?

Which is a reproduction of what you have said before so I guess I will have to be more specific. It SOUNDS like you are trying to say that a particular building that you have something to do with.... ( where is it and what is your connection to is? Is somehow magically transported?????? to Kenya????? and somehow is hidden inside an orphanage???????? owned by some sort of Church connection in Tennessee??????? And it is armed 24 hours......You think that they have some sort of technology that they are hiding??????? And you ask why it is that you are not affected by this ?????? So do you get dragged there with the building?????? Or do you just "see" what is happening?

And you wonder why people call you delusional??????

You have found perhaps the only person who is willing to listen to such a thing being possible.... but you had better have more information than you are spilling here to make me look harder. Not playing games here and I don't accept brazen talk or threats well.... so please say clearly what you are TRYING to say here without bravado.


Linda you are so funny. I have missed your inflated omnipotence this past week. Why must I keep reminding you that you merely just a pawn on this checked board of chess? I was deliberately vague in how I asked my question. But seeing as how our token Mason is avoiding my question, I'll go ahead and humor you with more specific details. The unabridged version is long winded, but here goes.

In January 2011 I was coerced to an abandoned house in Hollywood under a false pretense and to make a long story not as long, the house ended up burning to the ground. I contacted the Los Angeles Fire Department the following day and I filed a police report with the Los Angeles Police Department for attempted murder. I have since identified an individual on the FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list as being the person who had coerced me. He led me to believe he was moving back to Thailand and needed me to help him in some way.

The event was the closest they had gotten to killing me and I asked a friend of mine to arrange a personal body guard for me since my resources have been tied up with my partner's probate case. I cannot go into too many details, but I had activated a GPS tracking system on my smart phone in the event I was kidnapped and once a month, that tracking software placed me in Urulu, Kenya. A first I thought the device was malfunctioning. I even had it replaced three times and then I noticed that the device would only change inside the building. The building was in Santa Ana, California, but inside the building the GPS tracking would place me in Kenya but the minute I walked outside, I would be back in Santa Ana.

So, like I said before, I am very inquisitive and because everything has a reason for happening, I was determined to find the reason why the GPS was being affected. I started listening to the walls, to the floor, I took off the ceiling panels and crawled along the support beams... everywhere I went I took a stethoscope with me and the sounds I heard were very similar to the sound that some people have described as "groaning sounds coming from the earth" in places like Windsor, Canada. I heard other sounds too, which I cannot go into. According to the lease records for the building, one of the tenants was the "El Salvadorian Embassy" however the only office sign was for a company called "Global Media" and it appeared as if Global Media was the only tenant.

Then one afternoon I turned to my friend and I saw someone sitting on the floor in between us. At first I thought it was my imagination, until that person met me later that same day. From that point on, I started seeing more people. The closer I got to dismantling the guise and revealing the truth, the more effort was made to remove me from the building. My friend was evicted for over due rent, however, he owned the building so I helped to arranged the money and told his business partner to sue me. Nevertheless, he was still "evicted" because ultimately, I got too close to something.
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Linda you are so funny. I have missed your inflated omnipotence this past week. Why must I keep reminding you that you merely just a pawn on this checked board of chess? I was deliberately vague in how I asked my question. But seeing as how our token Mason is avoiding my question, I'll go ahead and humor you with more specific details. The unabridged version is long winded, but here goes.

In January 2011 I was coerced to an abandoned house in Hollywood under a false pretense and to make a long story not as long, the house ended up burning to the ground. I contacted the Los Angeles Fire Department the following day and I filed a police report with the Los Angeles Police Department for attempted murder. I have since identified an individual on the FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list as being the person who had coerced me. He led me to believe he was moving back to Thailand and needed me to help him in some way.

The event was the closest they had gotten to killing me and I asked a friend of mine to arrange a personal body guard for me since my resources have been tied up with my partner's probate case. I cannot go into too many details, but I had activated a GPS tracking system on my smart phone in the event I was kidnapped and once a month, that tracking software placed me in Urulu, Kenya. A first I thought the device was malfunctioning. I even had it replaced three times and then I noticed that the device would only change inside the building. The building was in Santa Ana, California, but inside the building the GPS tracking would place me in Kenya but the minute I walked outside, I would be back in Santa Ana.

So, like I said before, I am very inquisitive and because everything has a reason for happening, I was determined to find the reason why the GPS was being affected. I started listening to the walls, to the floor, I took off the ceiling panels and crawled along the support beams... everywhere I went I took a stethoscope with me and the sounds I heard were very similar to the sound that some people have described as "groaning sounds coming from the earth" in places like Windsor, Canada. I heard other sounds too, which I cannot go into. According to the lease records for the building, one of the tenants was the "El Salvadorian Embassy" however the only office sign was for a company called "Global Media" and it appeared as if Global Media was the only tenant.

Then one afternoon I turned to my friend and I saw someone sitting on the floor in between us. At first I thought it was my imagination, until that person met me later that same day. From that point on, I started seeing more people. The closer I got to dismantling the guise and revealing the truth, the more effort was made to remove me from the building. My friend was evicted for over due rent, however, he owned the building so I helped to arranged the money and told his business partner to sue me. Nevertheless, he was still "evicted" because ultimately, I got too close to something.

I say again that if anyone really wanted you dead you would not be here. You seem to agree with that but still assume that someone attempted to take your life.

however the only office sign was for a company called "Global Media" and it appeared as if Global Media was the only tenant.

So who do you think this " Global Media" is then. You are mentioning them for a reason. My question was just the vehicle that you have used to get that information across.

Then one afternoon I turned to my friend and I saw someone sitting on the floor in between us. At first I thought it was my imagination, until that person met me later that same day"
That kind of experience I have had myself. I have called them " standing visions".... and I know others who have called them " pop up" experiences. But what does that mean to you particularly?

You say...."The closer I got to dismantling the guise and revealing the truth, the more effort was made to remove me from the building." Why would " dismantling the building cause these beings any concern? Have you come up with a theory on that yet?

Linda you are so funny. I have missed your inflated omnipotence this past week. And you have been missed too.... Just been busy saving the world this week. <g> What have you managed to do? <g>

I say again that if anyone really wanted you dead you would not be here. You seem to agree with that but still assume that someone attempted to take your life.

Yes that's correct and since the LAPD censored my police report, I don't see any harm to share what I told them. The house fire was not the attempted murder. It is impossible to communicate intuition to the authorities because intuition is considered to be paranoia. So the best I can do is speculate based on the other party's behavior. Keep in mind, at that time I had an open law suit against the trustee for the estate, I had no reason to doubt whether or not he was real person and I had just established a connection between the individual asking for help and the trustee. I received a text message from that individual around 2am and agreed to help him then I advised him to let me know when he was ready, I didn't get a call until 3 days later. The time was approximately 3pm or 4pm, so I didn't arrive to that house until almost 5 or 6pm and the individual rushed me to take him to a storage facility down the street. We arrived approximately 10 minutes before that facility closed and I refused to go inside. I told the individual that I would wait for him outside, he became agitated and confused, he stuttered and said he might not understand something since he didn't have "experience" with renting out a storage unit before. So, I instructed him to bring out the paperwork to me and I would explain anything which remained unclear to him. I didn't understand why he needed the storage unit in the first place since he was moving back to Thailand, never to return again, so he said. While he was inside I called a cousin who's office happened to be right down the street, she told me to take a picture of the address and then text her the image, so I did and I uploaded the image to Facebook as well. My cousin is very intuitive, and she advised me not to go into the facility, no matter how much they tried to get me to go inside. Sure enough, the manager came out with him and they both tried to persuade me to go into the facility to look at the different sizes of units. I finally made the decision that my acquaintance would take whichever unit fits his budget and that I would somehow make it work. They reluctantly agreed and went back inside to finish the paperwork. I thought I was being paranoid because the behavior seemed odd to me, it still does. By the time they finished, the sun had just about set, so it was dark and then the individual informed me that the house had no power, or running water. The entire ordeal was very strange. However, if I was going to kill someone and had never done it before, a storage unit might cross my mind for more than one reason, the most obvious would be no one would hear a struggle and if it got messy, no one would notice the stains on the floor.

however the only office sign was for a company called "Global Media" and it appeared as if Global Media was the only tenant.

So who do you think this " Global Media" is then. You are mentioning them for a reason. My question was just the vehicle that you have used to get that information across.

Well, this is actually very interesting because according to my research "Global Media" is an adult film studio. Despite the fact that "Global Media" is a very common name and many companies use it, after reviewing some of the video footage produced by Global Media I recognized similarities in architecture, decorations, background as well as between the models and some of the people who came to the office. It also explained some of the "noises" I heard. I actually thought my partner was still alive and that he might have faked his death to escape his tax liability. Music artist "Snoop Dogg" or Calvin Broadus actually dressed up like my partner one night in an effort to make me believe my partner was still alive and producing pornography under the name "Global Media" However, by accident the doctor told me how "they" killed my partner, which ended up in my book.

Then one afternoon I turned to my friend and I saw someone sitting on the floor in between us. At first I thought it was my imagination, until that person met me later that same day"
That kind of experience I have had myself. I have called them " standing visions".... and I know others who have called them " pop up" experiences. But what does that mean to you particularly?

Honestly, I thought the kid was giving the doctor a blow job but that was WAY too crazy for me to communicate. It made more sense if there was some technology that was being used to conceal the person's presence. Although, from where I was sitting it looked like the kid was giving the doctor a blow job.

You say...."The closer I got to dismantling the guise and revealing the truth, the more effort was made to remove me from the building." Why would " dismantling the building cause these beings any concern? Have you come up with a theory on that yet?

I don't know, that why I asked my original question. If I start to theorize, who knows what kind of out of portion theory I might come up with.

Linda you are so funny. I have missed your inflated omnipotence this past week. And you have been missed too.... Just been busy saving the world this week. <g> What have you managed to do? <g> LOL ... wanna know a secret? it's just an act to justify my selfish need for justice. Don't tell anyone. ;)

Well last Thursday was the fifth year anniversary of my partner's death. It's never an easy day for me but this year music artist artist Lady Gaga announced the cancellation of her concert tour. Apparently, she has suffered an injury which requires surgery and almost a year rehabilitation. It's a rather serious injury from what I understand, and she may never fully recover from it. So I am claiming it was an act of God, not the accident itself, but how the timing was identical to my partner's death. I've been preparing to present my case to law firms again. I hate to make money an issue, and I have avoided the issue since my partner was killed, but it's been five years and in order for me to recover I need resources. I am alleging Lady Gaga used my partner's resources to advance her career. By now, there is too much evidence to ignore or even to be considered as mere coincidence.


Linda in all honesty my teasing is very lighthearted. I am glad to see that you don't take it too serious. Actually that fact, is how I prove intuition is not paranoia. I've address your questions in blue
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I mentioned "other noises" but said I couldn't really go into further detail. When the building was in Kenya, I would hear group chanting. One of the exam rooms was remarkably larger than the other room, in fact, it was the largest space in the entire clinic. There were about 4 exam beds and some equipment and a stainless steel table. From that room one could hear people walking up and down a stairway that seemed to back up against the dividing wall, as well as the sound of large pull out drawers like from a filing cabinet. When I would hear the sound of the drawers being pulled out it, I would envision something like a morgue because the sound was heavy and long. I could hear a door open, then the sliding drawer. It almost sounded like a large industrial sliding wall/ door. I was certain it wasn't a filing cabinet. Before I met the doctor at the clinic I astral projected there . I had never been there before and the way I entered the layout of the clinic looked very odd. I didn't understand until I physically went there to meet the doctor. When I astral projected myself there, they were having an orgy and one of the walls in the front exam room revolved. When I met the doctor he was with one of the young women I saw him with when I had astral projected there. I kept it to myself, like I always do, but a few weeks later the doctor said I had mentioned something to him about being at the clinic before. So I told him I had a dream about it, but six months before and I said that in my dream his son was with a friend and a girl who they accidently killed. The doctor didn't deny it, he very casually said that the son had mentioned "something like that" to him. Then he told me about the party they had there the night before I met him at the clinic.

Please know, I have given the FBI a similar statement. The statement I gave them had nothing about astral projection and the facts I gave were concrete details. As I mentioned before, I grew up around the authorities, my uncle was a Freemason/ bail bonds man, my dad is a retired Federal employee and veteran so I know how to communicate with the authorities.

What I'm trying to say is that based on the things I heard, when I heard them and the behavior of the people around me ... I think they were performing human sacrifice in that building.
To the others who have been studying our "Ianchris" here.... I hope now that you have enough information to satisfy yourself as to his role and agenda here. I have no more interest. Have a good time.

LOL - Linda you act like it really was a secret. From the very beginning I stated that I had nothing against Freemasonry. However, a couple very wealthy Freemasons owe me a lot of money and because they have defamed my character, slandered me, taken everything away from me and basically have destroyed my life I have been forced to resort to the Papal Bull of Pope Clement XII which condemned Freemasonry forever, and by Inquisition if the need arises. Considering the fact that Freemasons were responsible for the Massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012, which do not forget that I warned the Vatican of 2 months prior, the need has arisen for an Inquisition against Freemasonry. In fact, this issue is so serious, the Pope himself couldn't handle it and he threw in the smoking purse and quit. Be advised, I haven't gotten this far without intending to go all the way with this. A quick review of recent history indicates I have at least one endorsement, which is the only endorsement I need.

I mean, not to boast, but Lady Gaga is calling her wheelchair "Emma" and when I finish suing her, her record label and studio, trust me, she really won't be able to walk. We all have an agenda, I fully disclose mine so what's your point? At least I'm honest about it.

Bam! mousetrap ...
My point is that you have almost identically the same delusions and opinions that Mikado expressed....
You asked for my opinion and thats it. I have seen these exact expressions before....Its an interesting parallel type of agenda......

"and because they have defamed my character, slandered me, taken everything away from me and basically have destroyed my life"..... Mikado said much the same thing... over and over and over again...

Considering the fact that Freemasons were responsible for the Massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012,????????????? Someone else is always responsible....and usually its a misplaced blame..

the need has arisen for an Inquisition against Freemasonry. Mikado called it " Due Diligence" but it was actually his own special brand of Inquisition.

Be advised, I haven't gotten this far without intending to go all the way with this.( another phrase that Mikado used all the time...) A quick review of recent history indicates I have at least one endorsement, which is the only endorsement I need..... and I have heard those words too.

Now I know that this is strange for me to say... but I believe that our Ianchris here is affected by the same "mental force" that has affected Mikados actions....its nearly the same playbook. I have no explanation on how that happens... maybe this kind of mental stress is common and I am just now noticing that more than one individual falls into this group. I doubt that Ianchris even sees it... and thats alright. He will deal with this in his own way.... but whether its Mikados words or this poor individuals.... its really a sad state which does not need any kind of encouragement or recognition.... If any one else figures learning more from Ianchris is worth the time getting it...... I wish them the best.

I mean, not to boast, but Lady Gaga is calling her wheelchair "Emma" and when I finish suing her, her record label and studio, trust me, she really won't be able to walk. We all have an agenda, I fully disclose mine so what's your point? At least I'm honest about it.

Threats? and delusions of grandeur? Again... its so similar.
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My point is that you have almost identically the same delusions and opinions that Mikado expressed....
You asked for my opinion and thats it. I have seen these exact expressions before....Its an interesting parallel type of agenda......

"and because they have defamed my character, slandered me, taken everything away from me and basically have destroyed my life"..... Mikado said much the same thing... over and over and over again...

Considering the fact that Freemasons were responsible for the Massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012,????????????? Someone else is always responsible....and usually its a misplaced blame..

the need has arisen for an Inquisition against Freemasonry. Mikado called it " Due Diligence" but it was actually his own special brand of Inquisition.

Be advised, I haven't gotten this far without intending to go all the way with this.( another phrase that Mikado used all the time...) A quick review of recent history indicates I have at least one endorsement, which is the only endorsement I need..... and I have heard those words too.

Now I know that this is strange for me to say... but I believe that our Ianchris here is affected by the same "mental force" that has affected Mikados actions....its nearly the same playbook. I have no explanation on how that happens... maybe this kind of mental stress is common and I am just now noticing that more than one individual falls into this group. I doubt that Ianchris even sees it... and thats alright. He will deal with this in his own way.... but whether its Mikados words or this poor individuals.... its really a sad state which does not need any kind of encouragement or recognition.... If any one else figures learning more from Ianchris is worth the time getting it...... I wish them the best.

I mean, not to boast, but Lady Gaga is calling her wheelchair "Emma" and when I finish suing her, her record label and studio, trust me, she really won't be able to walk. We all have an agenda, I fully disclose mine so what's your point? At least I'm honest about it.

Threats? and delusions of grandeur? Again... its so similar.

I cannot believe you are starting to have me question whether this Mikado business has anything to do with me. I personally think it is a very befitting title to give me since it is the Japanese term for "Emperor." From my very brief research the only similarity I share with this so-called "Mikado" is that he is Israeli and I am Jewish. However, I do not appreciate being attacked with a witch hunt for no other reason, than the fact that I am shedding light onto the 1738 PAPAL BULL OF POPE CLEMENT XII WHICH CONDEMNED FREEMASONRY FOREVER.

Whether or not you are aware of it, Ms. Brown, your behavior has raised a serious question in my mind as to your credibility and true agenda here. Obviously you have a affiliation with Freemasonry aside from your apparent idolization of it.

I have no reason to be motivated by hiding my identity, for God's sake I am somewhat of a public figure, it is impossible for me to conceal my true identity when everything about my current situation reveals it. The only reason why I have not provided the name of my book or links to my websites, is because I do not want to be accused of "spamming an idea." If I didn't know better, Ms. Brown, I would think you were trying to incite me to loose my temper and in a heated moment of anger, post this information in order to get me banned. But like I said before, I do not lose my temper, because when I do it usually involves a Hilton hotel having to be rebuilt or renovated.

With that said, I do not hide my identity because my identity is all I have left and my identity is my credibility. I may not conform to "the norm," I may be colorfully outspoken, some might recognize me by my penis instead of my face, however I have made the effort to document history based on facts which speaks for itself. My opinion is mine to give to anyone which is effortless for me to give.

So if you have done nothing else, Mr. Brown, you have made people question the possibility that "Mikado" may have had a point but for whatever reason, was unable to communicate it effectively. From what it sounds like, you sure have quite a thorough archive on everything that person has ever stated. I have done the research to know that the Condemnation of Freemasonry by the Catholic Church has been something that Freemasons have been trying to dismantle for the last 300 years or so. They have made the effort to infiltrate the Vatican, molest little boys and girls in an effort to discredit the Catholic religion, and allow me to remind you that according to history, a Pharaoh once thought he was God, until God sent him a man by name of Moses.

Moses said "Let my people go!" which the Pharaoh ignored, do you remember what happened to the Pharaoh's son as the consequence? Those who choose to be ignorant of history are condemned to repeat it, Ms. Brown.

You may not believe in God, which would explain why you have such a difficult time believing God's message or your affiliation with a Godless organization which plots against the tranquility of the State prevents you from hearing the word of God. But keep in mind, one can lead a mule to water, but if that mule refuses to acknowledge it, it doesn't prevent that mule from dying of thirst.

Give me more credit because from your references of "Mikado" he wasn't or isn't nearly as eloquent as I am--God knows I gave you a 300 word insult which went over your head nearly 2 weeks ago.
For the record, an individual who is truly delusional would not have the mental ability to recognize their delusion just like how an individual who is truly paranoid, would not have the mental ability to question whether or not they are acting paranoid.

For example, someone who is delusional might believe they have won or will win a "publisher's clearing house" million dollar prize because they received a letter which stated they "could be" the next winner. Another example of delusion is if someone gambles at the same location because of a fallacy they will win again from that same location.

Someone that is paranoid might display extreme panic over their belief that a meteorite is going to crash into their home after watching footage of a meteorite crashing tn Russia.

It is not delusional behavior for someone to return a Global Positioning Device for believing it malfunctioned because it placed them in a foreign country half way across the world. However, they might be perceived as delusional if they take it back to the same store three times claiming the same malfunction, if the device is completely functional Nonetheless, the device history will show a record log supporting the persons claim. That does not quality as delusional.

It is also not delusional for someone to question a medical diagnosis which appears to be incorrect. It would then not be paranoid for them to suspect a discrepancy if every medical doctor they consult, confirms the inaccuracy of the medical diagnosis in question.

With that said, someone who cannot recognize the discrepancy after someone points it out and takes the time to explain it, would either have a learning disability, or lack the intelligence to comprehend the situation which could suggest some form of mental retardation.
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Hello Maggador,

I hope you are still following this post. I have some questions that has linger my mind for a while and I believe you are the right person to ask. I am a level 1 Mason but I have also been very interested in becoming a Rosicrucian. My grandfather was a Rosicrucian for a long time (he reached level 33 according to my mother) and I wanted to join them. My grandfather passed away many years before I was born. I was told, and for what I have read, both fraternities have similarities but also many differences. Regardless, I have been very intereted in the knowledge and wisdom both can offer, and I feel I like to be part of both. My questions to you are, did you find it hard to become part of many fraternities? I mean, did you get opposition from other members because you were already part of any other? Also, I know there are many Rosicrucian groups out there, like the Orden Rosacruz in La Palma, Canary Islands, and A.M.O.R.C. Is there a difference between them?

Your answers will be very welcome and appreciated.

Thank you.
Hermetic teachings have an important role in the majority of the orders, simply because the teachings of Hermes and hermeticism is so universal and practical and effective. That does not mean hermetics is the only system used within any of those order, and in some it does not start with hermetic teachings until higher degrees etc such as in some masonic rites.

We do not call ourselves messengers, more like silent assistants, we are here to influence the world in a positive way and make the balance and harmony come back into right states as we approach the new ages.

We perform rituals and "sacrifices" but not human sacrifices or animal sacrifices or anything like that, it is more symbolic. It could be something like a fire ceremony where we sacrifice our written oath and thus ourselves to the higher, as an example.

I can not discuss the direct practices much , but you can find out pretty much by looking up the right sources. I'm a Freemason of the Scottish Rite as well as Rite of Mizraim, check out https://sites.google.com/site/memphismizraimbg/

I am also a Rosicrucian and Martinist, you'll find some info on that on the same website. But you can find more information about Martinism here: The Martinist Order Reaux Croix 8Check through the "Three Branches) and Rosicrucianism here: AMORC - International Website for the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis

You can also try wikipedia, the information is fairly accurate and detailed. Wikipedia

In addition I'm a member of High Magick orders Ordo Nous Ogoz ( Ordo Nous Ogoz ) and Noble Knights of Co-Creation ( CoCoCreators )

Woman are allowed in ALL the orders i'm active in, I believe in Balance and Harmony thus I see no reason to exclude woman.
Hermetic teachings have an important role in the majority of the orders, simply because the teachings of Hermes and hermeticism is so universal and practical and effective. That does not mean hermetics is the only system used within any of those order, and in some it does not start with hermetic teachings until higher degrees etc such as in some masonic rites.

Your disloyalty will come with a price my friend'

Your wrong on many of levels of life,and thats all im going to say.

We do not call ourselves messengers, more like silent assistants, we are here to influence the world in a positive way and make the balance and harmony come back into right states as we approach the new ages.
We are messengers,and our gifts are from the higher source her self.

simply because the teachings of Hermes and hermeticism is so universal and practical and effective.
I have been doing this for over 30 years,and i have never broken 1 rule , so not cool.

i hope you are not a gemini,,,i really dont,
It's a good job you were not all around in medieval times, you lot would be burned to death in a matter of days.
I'am interested in joining the rosicrucians but I was given initiation by teacher early in life.He told me I could study whatever and with whoever I wanted to study with as long as I didn't take initiation.He studied in a mystery school early in his life.however he didn't join anything.the teachers found him. They had told him they were watching him and he was ready to learn the mysteries.He met the teacher once a week in a hotel room by him self.He was not allowed to take notes,no money was ever exchanged.
during the week the when he was at home the teacher would give him an experience of the lesson.example (relive past lives).later he became a student of a great yogi.The mystery school teacher did not want to release him.However the yogi told him to tell the teacher to contact the highest teacher in his tradition and
ask him.the mystery school told him that the the yogi offer the highest path available on earth.
The initiation I received was very concrete transmission of light ... .What I want know is are the initiations just learning knowledge or do they connect you with linage and does the teacher come in his light body to instruct you or does he use hes lower l bodies.
Thank you for answering questions.