Is Meditation Protective?


New member
Does practicing meditation help you protect your mind from outside influences? Are you better able to withstand control techniques such as ones you see on TV?
From personal experience, I would have to say YES! Meditation just for relaxation, maybe not as much, but with a bit of focus, absolutely can and does help to protect and build a layer of "white light" so to speak which repels the negative energy that we are bombarded with on a daily basis.
Lady of Light you are absolutely right and learning how to put up shields comes through meditation. It is important to be able to meditate and visualize your shield wrapping around you.
That is really interesting. A shield of protective white light is a very powerful image to meditate on, and I think I will try that. I have been feeling vulnerable for some reason.
The white light shield works extremely well once you get the hang of it. About 10 or so years ago when I first started this technique, I had trouble envisioning it and it took most of my energy to do it. After a few months, it was really easy and everything was working well.
Others have no trouble with this right off the bat.
Now, I have these protective shields up around my home, my kids, myself, my cars, and everyone that is close to me. It takes very little energy out of me now to do this. It used to make me really tired.

Like I said before, it's all about focus.

Good luck!