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A few months ago, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) irked the Zionist Lobby, when he told CNN’s Jewish talk-show host Wolf Blitzer that under crushing economic picture in the US, Washington needs to stop its billions of dollars of annual aid to Israel. Since its creation by the western powers, Israel has successfully sucked over US$3 trillion from the US taxpayers. Barack Obama in late 2009 approved an additional $2.77 billion for Israeli foreign aid in 2010, and another $30 billion over the next decade.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), the highest ranking Jewish member of Congress, has played down any talk of cutting foreign aid payments to Israel.

Most Americans believe that European Jewish settlers need their hard-earned money to makes two-ends meals in a place surrounded by anti-Semite, anti-American 300 million Arabs. But the fact is, while Israeli Jews receive 46% of total foreign USAID – they have the highest standard of living among its Arab neighbors.

In 2010 – the Zionist entity reported the highest numbers of billionaires (10) and millionaires (5900) in the Middle East.

The 2011 report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) proves once again that while the US economy is in the drain due to US-Israeli wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya – the Israel’s economy is booming.

Growing by 7.8% last year, the Israeli economy ranked fifth highest in growth among the world’s most prosperous OECD’s 34 members. Israel’s growth outstripped that of the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany and France.

However, the report also claimed that poverty is almost twice as widespread in Israel, 19.9% of the population, compared to the OECD average, 10.9%. The gap between the overall standard of living in Israel and that of the lowest tenth of the population was three times higher than the OECD average. In its latest release of data, made public April 12, the OECD reported that 39% of Israelis find it “difficult” or “very difficult” to live on their current incomes, well above the OECD average of 24%. How sad indeed!

Turkey is the only Muslim country among the OECD members.

In May 2010 – when OECD’s 32-member unanimously voted in favor of accepting Israel as new member of the ‘ZOG Ummah’. Benji Netanyahu was so excited that he called it a “seal of approval” of Zionazi policies against its neighbors: “Joining the OECD is like receiving a university degree. Just as it is significant to have a degree from the Technion, for example, when entering the job market, entering the OECD will open doors and provide access to many fields. It’s a seal of approval”.

Israel: The rich parasite state | Rehmat's World
Israel is running the world's all big and powerful organization and business institutions.So its the possibility that he can be the richest country and the powerful too in entire world.Their people are too much loyalty with their country and this is the reason that now they are leading the world.
Sorry to burst your 'loyalty' baloon - but Jews have never been known for loyalty to the lands they live in.

On December 27, 2010 – American Jewish Committee (AJC), one of US major Israel lobby group called the Senator “a bigot” for his remarks that prominent Chilean Jews including the country’s Jewish Interior Minister, Rodrigo Javier Hinzpeter Kirberg, in fact work for Israel. Senator Eugenio Tuma has also accused the interior minister being “an activist and militant for Israel”. The Senator also made similar remark about Gabriel Zaliasnik, the president of pro-Israel Jewish organization CREJ, which happens to be associated with AJC at international level to protect the interests of the Zionist entity.

Chilean Senator calls local Jews ‘Israeli agents’ | Rehmat's World
So, Obama is sending funds to Israelis. Funding their already 'rich' economy. Personally, I think the whole one country sending money to fund another country is stupid. The only reason the Jews are supposedly in control of the world is because that's how the elite want us to think to pit us all against each other. Yes, it's true that most of the rich and famous and landowners, and big shots are Jews, but that's just where the current focus is. And they've got people like you just where they want you. Hating a specific group of people because of things that have been set up for centuries. Do you honestly believe that the Jews were the 'first' to be in power over everyone? Seriously? I think you need to open your eyes to the rest of the world and start to factor other things in. You can't just go on being a Jew hater for the rest of your life and think everyone is a Jew especially those who disagree with you.

Jews are seemingly in predominant places of power at the moment as they have been for some time, but wake up to the bigger picture please. Get your head out of your ass and see that there is more out there. You might just find you'll be a happier person because of it!

I don't at all agree with some of the rules that are in the Talmud, which by the way, have been there for a very, very, very long time. These rules are not necessarily followed by all Jews to a 'T'.

Stop creating a black hole of hate!
So when was the last time you read Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice'? It shows the Jew Shylocks are never contended with the riches they already have. They always like to suck blood out of Goyim. Ask Jewish Madoff who sucked $60 billion out of Americans.

So when was the last time you read Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice'? It shows the Jew Shylocks are never contended with the riches they already have. They always like to suck blood out of Goyim. Ask Jewish Madoff who sucked $60 billion out of Americans.


I have read it. And I am aware that Shylock is a selfish Jew. But don't you think for 1 minute that these things are put in place throughout time to cause ignorance and hate? You also assume that ALL Jews are evil. Prove to everyone here, how every single Jew on this planet is an evil and selfish bloodsucker. Please. We're waiting.

It doesn't matter where the flow of money goes. Money is just a manner for keeping the entire human race as slaves. EVERYONE, including the Jews, is a slave to money. Without it, we all crumble to dust. It's those that find a way to live without the need for money and commerce, that will strive on this planet. So, if the Jews rely so much on money, they will perish and I feel sorry for them for being such slaves.

So I guess it just boils down to MONEY is the real enemy.
Nope - There is a minority among the Jews who are not evil and I some friends among those, i.e. Gilad atzmon, Roger Tucker, Simon Jones, Mary Rizzio, etc. But all of them hate Israel and majority of Jewish race.

Gilad Atzmon - Writings
