
Truth feeder
An Inconvenient Question

October 15, 2009

Apparently, Al Gore has given plenty of speeches over the past four years promoting his agenda driven documentary, ‘An Invonvenient Truth‘. And amazingly, not once has he allowed a question and answer period afterward.

Well, at long last, at the The Society of Environmental Journalists conference in Madison, Wisconsin last week, Mr. Gore opted for a question & answer, and "enviromnetal journalist" Phelim McAleer, the director of Not Evil Just Wrong, jumped at the opportunity to ask Al Gore about the British Court Case that found his documentary (An Inconvenient Truth) had nine significant errors.

What followed was a quick but classic verbal tennis match of what happens when truth speaks to power.

Here’s the scoop from the "Not Evil Just Wrong" blog:

Al Gore & The Death of Journalism

Written by Not Evil Just Wrong

The Society of Environmental Journalists spent much of its conference in Madison, Wis., questioning why mainstream journalism is dying.

Then they answered their own question when they decided it was their role to protect Al Gore from An Inconvenient Question.

Phelim McAleer, the director of Not Evil Just Wrong, asked Al Gore about the British Court Case that found his documentary An Inconvenient Truth had nine significant errors.

McAleer said that given his documentary is being shown in schools, does he accept the errors and has he done anything to correct them?

However, Gore declined to address the issue and when asked for a straight answer from McAleer, the response of the Society of Enironmental Journalists was not to applaud one of their own for bringing truth to power, but instead they cut the mic of a journalist.

It seems it is more important to protect a wealthy politician/businessman than to allow a journalist to ask inconvenient questions.

And they wonder why no one wants to buy their journalism.

Here’s a list of the nine above mentioned (and rather major) errors:

1. The claim: Melting in Greenland or West Antarctica will cause sea levels to rise up to 20 feet in the near future. The truth: The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change concluded that sea levels might rise 20 feet over millennia — and it waffled on that prediction. The IPCC envisions a rise of no more than 7 inches to 23 inches by 2100. Gore’s claim is "a very disturbing misstatement of the science," John Day, who argued the British case, says in Not Evil Just Wrong. The judge said Gore’s point "is not in line with the scientific consensus.

2. The claim: Polar bears are drowning because they have to swim farther to find ice. The truth: Justice Burton noted that the only study citing the drowning of polar bears (four of them) blamed the deaths on a storm, not ice that is melting due to manmade global warming. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, furthermore, found that the current bear population is 20,000-25,000, up from 5,000-10,000 in the 1950s and 1960s. Day says in Not Evil Just Wrong that the appeal to polar bears is "a very clever piece of manipulation."

3. The claim: Global warming spawned Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The truth: "It is common ground that there is insufficient evidence to show that," Burton wrote in his ruling. A May 2007 piece in New Scientist refuted the Katrina argument as a "climate myth" because it’s impossible to tie any single weather event to global warming.

4. The claim: Increases in temperature are the result of increases in carbon dioxide. The truth: Burton questioned the two graphs Gore used in An Inconvenient Truth. Gore argued that there is "an exact fit" between temperature and CO2, Burton said, but his graphs didn’t support that conclusion. Recent data also do not support it: The global temperature has been declining for about a decade, even as CO2 levels continue rising.

5. The claim: The snow on Mount Kilimanjaro is melting because of global warming. The truth: The melting has been under way for more than a century — long before SUVs and jumbo jets — and appears to be the result of other causes. Justice Burton noted that scientists agree the melting can’t be blamed primarily on "human-induced climate change."

6. The claim: Lake Chad is disappearing because of global warming. The truth: Lake Chad is losing water, and humans are contributing to the losses. But the humans in the lake’s immediate vicinity, rather than mankind as a whole using fossil fuels, are to blame. Burton cited factors like population, overgrazing and regional climate variability.

7. The claim: People are being forced to evacuate low-lying Pacific atolls, islands of coral that surround lagoons, because of encroaching ocean waters. The truth: By their very nature, atolls are susceptible to rising sea levels. But Burton said pointedly in his ruling, "There is no evidence of any such evacuation having yet happened."

8. The claim: Coral reefs are bleaching and putting fish in jeopardy. The truth: In his ruling, Burton emphasized the IPCC’s finding that bleaching could kill coral reefs — if they don’t adapt. A report released this year shows that reefs already are thriving in waters as hot as some people say ocean waters will be 100 years from now. Burton also said it is difficult to separate coral stresses such as over-fishing from any changes in climate.

9. The claim: Global warming could stop the "ocean conveyor," triggering another ice age in Western Europe. The truth: Once again, Gore’s allies at the IPCC disagree with that argument. Burton cited the panel in concluding that "it is very unlikely that the ocean conveyor … will shut down in the future." The fact that the scientific understanding of how the conveyor belt works remains unsettled further exposes the flaw in Gore’s claim.

Al Gore still addicted to nonexistent hurricane-climate link in new book

Watts Up With That?
Friday, Oct 30th, 2009

Gore 2.0, now with Pacific Hurricanes, coming to a book store near you. Gore plans to hawk it on David Letterman next Tuesday night. One more reason not to watch Dave anymore. One can always hope though. Maybe he’ll feature Gore as a “stupid human trick”.

Al doesn’t seem to learn when it comes to visuals. Or maybe he just thinks that he’s obligated to put a picture of a hurricane on the front cover to keep the theme of AIT going. Either way. Any imagined link between hurricanes and global warming has evaporated.

My prediction:* sales will be a fraction of AIT, and it probably won’t make the NYT bestsellers list. People are tired of the yap, as indicated by recent polls.

Here’s what he has to say about it on his blog (note: he doesn’t take comments)

From the Press Release:

Today Vice President Gore announced that his next book, Our Choice, will be published by Rodale in the US and by other publishers internationally on November 3, 2009. Picking up where An Inconvenient Truth left off, Our Choice utilizes Mr. Gore’s forty years of experience as a student, policymaker, author, filmmaker, entrepreneur and activist to comprehensively describe the real solutions to global warming. A co-recipient of the Nobel Peace prize in 2007 for his environmental work, Mr. Gore continues to make sense of the pressing issues we face and Our Choice will unquestionably inspire and rally those ready to fight for solutions that were deemed impossible only a short time ago.

Said Vice President Gore, “An Inconvenient Truth reached millions of people with the message that the climate crisis is threatening the future of human civilization and that it must and can be solved. Now that the need for urgent action is even clearer with the alarming new findings of the last three years, it is time for a comprehensive global plan that actually solves the climate crisis. Our Choice will answer that call.”

Since the publication of the New York Times bestseller An Inconvenient Truth and the release of the Academy Award® winning film of the same title, Mr. Gore has led more than thirty “Solutions Summits” with top scientists, engineers and policy experts to examine every solution to the climate crisis in depth and detail. Our Choice draws on conclusions developed through those summits as well as on extensive independent research, describing how the bold choices necessary to save the earth’s climate should also be the foundations of policies worldwide to create new jobs and stimulate sustainable economic progress.

As they did with An Inconvenient Truth, former Vice President Gore and Mrs. Tipper Gore will donate 100% of the proceeds of the book to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a non-profit, non-partisan group dedicated to spreading awareness about the climate crisis and how to solve it.

Our Choice will feature 100% recycled paper, locally produced and sourced editions, low VOC inks, and will be carbon neutral.

“Rodale is honored to continue our relationship with Vice President Al Gore,” said Rodale Inc. President and CEO Steven Pleshette Murphy. “We were proud to publish An Inconvenient Truth and very much look forward to bringing Our Choice to the growing audience of committed citizens who are seeking solutions to the climate change crisis. In the spirit of our longtime mission, we are dedicated to creating the greatest possible platform for Vice President Gore’s work and message.”

Simon & Schuster Audio, who published the Grammy Award winning audio version of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, will publish the audio edition of the book on CD and digital download simultaneous with the hardcover publication.

Al Gore Set To Become First ?Carbon Billionaire?

CO2 tax agenda front man lining his pockets on the back of global warming fearmongering


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The New York Times has lifted the lid on how Al Gore stands to benefit to the tune of billions of dollars if the carbon tax proposals he is pushing come to fruition in the United States, while documenting how he has already lined his pockets on the back of exaggerated fearmongering about global warming.​

As is to be expected, the article is largely a whitewash and takes an apologist stance in defense of Gore.​

However, the NY Times‘ John M. Broder does reveal how one of the companies Gore invested in, Silver Spring Networks, recently received a contract worth $560 million dollars from the Energy Department to install “smart meters” in people’s homes that record (and critics fear could eventually regulate) energy usage.​

“Kleiner Perkins and its partners, including Mr. Gore, could recoup their investment many times over in coming years,” states the report, highlighting the fact that Gore is “well positioned to profit from this green transformation, if and when it comes.”​

“Critics, mostly on the political right and among global warming skeptics, say Mr. Gore is poised to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire,” profiteering from government policies he supports that would direct billions of dollars to the business ventures he has invested in,” writes Broder.​

Since he left office, Gore’s personal net worth has skyrocketed on the back of his advocacy for global warming issues and the financial dividends this has reaped. Gore’s assets totaled less than $2 million in 2001 and although he refuses to give a figure for his current net worth, a recent single investment of $35 million in Capricorn Investment Group, a private equity fund, illustrates just how fast Gore has enriched himself from his climate change bandwagon.​

The Times report notes how Gore “has a stake in the world’s pre-eminent carbon credit trading market.” As we reported back in March, before he became President Barack Obama also helped fund the profiteers of the carbon taxation program that he is now seeking to implement as law.​

The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has direct ties to both Al Gore and Maurice Strong, two figures intimately involved with a long standing movement to use the theory of man made global warming as a mechanism for profit and social engineering. Gore’s investment company, Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon offset opportunities, is the largest shareholder of CCX.​

Maurice Strong, who is regularly credited as founding father of the modern environmental movement, serves on the board of directors of CCX. Strong was a leading initiate of the Earth Summit in the early 90s, where the theory of global warming caused by CO2 generated by human activity was most notably advanced.​

Both Strong and Gore come from the Club of Rome clique, who in their 1991 Report, “The First Global Revolution” openly admitted how they were planning to exploit the contrived hoax of global warming in order to further their agenda.​

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.,” they wrote.​

Gore’s defense against claims that he is peddling fearmongering about global warming to get filthy rich, and one dutifully supported by the NY Times’ whitewash report, is that he is simply putting his money where his mouth is.​

However, Gore’s insistence that he is walking the walk, not just talking the talk, doesn’t seem to extend to his own private life in the context of energy conservation and CO2 emissions. While lecturing the world about reducing CO2 emissions and saving energy, Gore’s own mansion uses 20 times the energy of the average American home.​

In February 2007, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research revealed that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president’s 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours. These figures were not disputed by Gore.​

“If this were any other person with $30,000-a-year in utility bills, I wouldn’t care,” said the Center’s 27-year-old president, Drew Johnson. “But he tells other people how to live and he’s not following his own rules.”​

The clips below, taken from Alex Jones’ new documentary Fall Of The Republic, expose how Al Gore serves as the front man for the global carbon tax cap and trade scheme, which is designed to bankrupt the United States and drastically lower the living standards of the American people, while introducing nightmare levels of regulation and bureaucracy into their everyday lives. Get the full DVD here.​

Al Gore?s Inconvenient Truth sequel stresses spiritual argument on climate

Suzanne Goldenberg
The Guardian
November 3, 2009

Al’s Gore’s much-anticipated sequel to An Inconvenent Truth is published today, with an admission that facts alone will not persuade Americans to act on global warming and that appealing to their spiritual side is the way forward.

In his latest book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, the man who won a Nobel prize in 2007 for his touring slideshow on disappearing polar ice and other consequences of climate change, concludes: “Simply laying out the facts won’t work.”

Instead, Gore tells Newsweek magazine in a pre-publication interview, that he has been adapting his fact-based message – now put out by hundreds of volunteers – to appeal to those who believe there is a moral or religious duty to protect the planet.

Read entire article

Gore compares global warming skeptics to moon landing deniers

Stephen C. Webster
Raw Story
Tuesday, Nov 3rd, 2009

Speaking to CBS News host Katie Couric, former Vice President Al Gore panned climate change skeptics, comparing them to people who believe the world is flat, or those who doubt that NASA’s Apollo mission actually landed on the moon.

“The United Nations organized, along with the scientific bodies of the national academies of science and their counterparts, the 3,000 best scientists in the world from all of the fields that are relevant to this issue,” he explained. “Over the last 20 years they have conducted the most exhaustive examination ever on a challenge like this.

“They’ve issued four reports — they’ve all been unanimous, and the last one called the evidence unequivocal. Now, does that mean there are still some people who are gonna have a contrarian view? No, of course there will still be some. But, there are still some people who believe that the moon landing was staged on a movie lot. You know, a significant percentage as it turns out … Or that the Earth is flat. But that doesn’t lead public policy makers to take both sides of that into account.”

The man who many argue to have won the 2000 U.S. presidential election also praised the upcoming global climate summit in Copenhagen. He said that in order for the summit to be successful in formulating a new set of rules to govern emissions, the U.S. Senate must pass climate legislation. “Then we have to get a treaty that yes, can be ratified,” he said.

However, the hurdles facing both of those potentially landmark documents seem to be growing.

Though Gore said he believes the U.S. Senate will pass climate legislation, it will “face a stark political reality when it emerges for committee debate on Tuesday: With Democrats deeply divided on the issue, unless some Republican lawmakers risk the backlash for signing on to the legislation, there is almost no hope for passage,” The Washington Post reported Monday.

Senate Republicans are also taking up for Sen. Jim Inhofe’s (R-OK) boycott of the bill’s legislative markup in committee: an effort they hope will prevent it from moving on to the body at-large.

Additionally, with the Copenhagen meeting mere weeks away, it may be “physically impossible to finalize all the details of a treaty,” Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, told reporters recently. Instead of expecting a climate treaty to emerge from the summit, he said to look for “a set of decisions” that would clarify the complex politics, allowing space for the treaty’s details to be worked out.

This video is from CBS, broadcast Nov. 2, 2009.

Al Gore Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming

Startling concession devastates legitimacy of carbon tax, cap and trade agenda


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In a new development that is potentially devastating to the agenda to introduce a global carbon tax and a cap and trade system, Al Gore admits that the majority of global warming that occurred until 2001 was not primarily caused by CO2.​

Before we get too excited, Gore is not backing away from his support for the theory of man-made climate change, but his concession that carbon dioxide only accounted for 40% of warming according to new studies could seriously harm efforts to tax CO2, that evil, life-giving gas that humans exhale and plants absorb.​

“Gore acknowledged to Newsweek that the findings could complicate efforts to build a political consensus around the need to limit carbon emissions,” reports BB News.​

Yesterday we reported on how Gore was set to become the first “carbon billionaire” on the back of vast profits from companies invested in the “green revolution” that the former vice-president has a hefty stake in.​

We also highlighted how the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has direct ties to both Al Gore and Maurice Strong, two figures intimately involved with a long standing movement to use the theory of man made global warming as a mechanism for profit and social engineering. Gore’s investment company, Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon offset opportunities, is the largest shareholder of CCX.​

Gore stands to make windfall profits from his stake in carbon trading systems that would be used to manage the cap and trade system currently being readied for passage in the Senate, but his admission that CO2 is far less of a threat than global warming alarmists have been claiming could be a terminal blow for such a proposal.​

As Andrew Bolt writes in today’s Australian Herald Sun, his flip-flopping “Suggests not only that was Gore wrong to claim the science was “settled”, but that the hugely expensive schemes to “stop” warming by slashing carbon dioxide emissions will be less than half as effective as claimed.”​

“Over the years I have been among those who focused most of all on CO2, and I think that’s still justified,” Gore told Newsweek . “But a comprehensive plan to solve the climate crisis has to widen the focus to encompass strategies for all” of the greenhouse culprits identified in the Nasa study.”​

Gore now blames soot and methane for the majority of global warming, leaving the door open for a tax on livestock, a tax on meat, a tax on milk, and on and on until he changes his mind again and blames another culprit so that too can be taxed.​

In another indictment of Gore’s accuracy in warning about climate change, he has now virtually abandoned scientific “facts” in favor of characterizing his Inconvenient Truth presentation in the context of a religious sermon.​

“Simply laying out the facts won’t work,” admits Gore.​

That’s right, the church of environmentalism has come full circle with Gore’s intention to deliver his widely debunked presentation with spiritual overtones, a move that will shock most hard-headed empirical scientists.​

“I’ve done a Christian [-based] training program; I have a Muslim training program and a Jewish training program coming up, also a Hindu program coming up. I trained 200 Christian ministers and lay leaders here in Nashville in a version of the slide show that is filled with scriptural references. It’s probably my favorite version, but I don’t use it very often because it can come off as proselytizing,” Gore tells Newsweek.​

In a new book Gore has been working on, he attempts to address the rapidly growing skepticism towards global warming alarmism not with science, but by blaming people’s own thoughts, a Kafkaesque cop-out if ever there was one.​

According to the book’s press release, “Among the most unique approaches Gore takes in the book is showing readers how our own minds can be an impediment to change.”​

“Our own minds are the enemy! Don’t free the minds – imprison them!,” scoffs Tim Blair.​

Gore Not Interested In Solutions To Climate Change That Don?t Line His Pockets

Advisor proposed solution to CO2 emissions that would bypass need for carbon trading system that Gore owns, and was promptly told to shove it


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Al Gore has been on the defensive over his financial motives for pushing for a cap and trade system to reduce CO2 emissions, arguing that he is merely putting his money where his mouth is, however, a startling revelation in a recent Newsweek article proves that Gore is only interested in solutions to environmental problems that line his pockets.​

For argument’s sake, let’s accept the highly contentious premise that the life-giving gas that humans exhale and plants absorb, carbon dioxide, is a dastardly evil threat to the planet, despite the fact that Al Gore himself admits CO2 is not the major driver of global warming.​

If there was a solution to neutralize CO2 emissions that didn’t involve devastating the economy, taxing the citizens into oblivion, de-industrializing the west and giving government huge regulatory powers over our private lives, would Al Gore, Maurice Strong and the rest of the kingpins of the globalist environmental movement be interested?​

You can bet your bottom dollar they’re not interested.​

One of Gore’s global warming advisors, CEO Timothy LaSalle, told Gore’s team that CO2 emissions could be neutralized completely by clever use of agriculture and technology, without the need for a global carbon tax or the use of cap and trade systems that Gore, along with people like the Rothschilds, Maurice Strong and Barack Obama, have a huge financial stake in promoting.​

The Newsweek article states:​

“If we feed the biology and manage grasslands appropriately, we could sequester as much carbon as we emit,” says Timothy LaSalle, CEO of the Rodale Institute, who presented at two summits. The political clash is this: if you tell people soils can be managed to suck up lots of our carbon emissions, it sounds like a get-out-of-jail-free card, and could decrease what little enthusiasm there is for reducing those emissions—as one of Gore’s assistants told LaSalle in asking him to dial down his estimate. (He didn’t.)​

So there you have it – LaSalle proposed a way of solving the CO2 issue but was basically told to shove it by Gore’s team because the methods he advocated would eliminate the need for what Gore and his cronies are really pursuing, nightmare regulation, taxation, and control over American’s lives, along with billions of dollars flooding into the coffers of Gore and the rest of the “carbon billionaire” globalists via the carbon trading systems they own.​

“Could it be that Mr Gore and his team want the US economy and its free market system to be overturned regardless of the science? Could it be that they do not want to know about any science that does not allow them to tax and interfere in the lives of every American?” ask Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer.​

“This is an outrageous interference in science for a political purpose. But what is the political purpose? Al Gore has called for stopping the use of fossil fuels and the complete restructuring of the economy in the US within ten years but when offered a chance to remove “harmful” CO2 from the atmosphere his team tries to change the science.”​

That’s because Gore doesn’t give a damn about the science and he doesn’t give a damn about the environment. Like the rest of the vultures circling around the rich pickings of the global warming fraud, his only interest is in feasting on the corpse of the U.S. economy and the American taxpayer once he manages to ram though the cap and trade scam that will enrich the very carbon trading systems he owns.​

Radio Talk Show Host Calls Gore a Traitor

Tennessee Sons of Liberty
November 9, 2009

“Radio talk show host and columnist Phil Valentine, who says global warming doesn’t exist and is a critic of Gore, was hanging around the edges of the crowd hoping for an interview, along with some others who agree with Valentine’s view.

“You’re a traitor,” Matt Gulliver, 30, called out toward Gore, who was seated, signing books.

Gulliver said he was a Ron Paul supporter with a group called We Are Change and thought global warming was a hoax perpetrated by governments and large corporations.”

What the Tennessean failed to do was give the ‘hecklers’ proper perspective and credit in the above links. We were very respectful and took time to debate those Obama and Gore supporters who were present.

I was simply exercising my Constitutional Rights to free speech and public assembly. I witnessed an Al Gore handler repeatedly tell Phil Valentine that Al Gore did not have time for an interview. I then debated an Al Gore supporter on the hypocrisy of Gore and the potential billions he stands to make off of the investments made in the Kleiner Perkins firm.

I also asked why Al Gore, the former Vice President, and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, remained silent during the cluster bombings of Serbia, Kosavo, and Afghanistan. The use of cluster bombs are forbidden under the Geneva Convention and attacking a country that was not attacking the USA and without a Congressional Declaration of War is both illegal and immoral. Needless to say the Global Gore Supporter had no rhetoric that could challenge his negligence to speak out against the unnecessary acts of aggression performed by the Clinton/Gore Administration, not to mention the murderous/poisonous effects of cluster bombs on human beings and the Earth.

Al Gore is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Club of Rome. Both are strange/secretive/elitist groups which have publicly stated their goals are to destroy American Sovereignty in order to make the world a safer place. Please carefully read these quotes from the groups that our fellow Tennessean is a proud member of:

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. …The real enemy then is humanity itself.
Democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead.”
—From the Club of Rome’s “The First Global Revolution” p. 71,75 1993

“Globalisation thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker. States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves, because they cannot insulate themselves from what goes on elsewhere. Sovereignty is no longer a sanctuary.”
-Richard Haass President of Council on Foreign Relations

Al Gore also publicly supports a treaty that would sign away US Sovereignty. He is quoted as saying, “This treaty must be negotiated this year. Not next year. This year.”

Here is a Youtube Video explaining the Copenhagen Treaty:

Not to mention his blatant disregard for energy conservation by running up his electric and gas bills back in 2006…An Al Gore supporter explained that Mr. Gore was a very important man and that is why he needs to take private jets to and from movie premieres and pay ‘carbon credits’ so he can ‘pollute’ as much as he wants…

“The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, the Al Gore Household devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.

In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.”

I was also told by this Al Gore and Obama Supporter…as evidenced by her numerous buttons and stickers emblazoned on her shirt, that the Constitution was outdated and was only meant for the early Colonial Times. She felt that America had to be the ‘World Police’ and that the Earth would crumble without our membership in the United Nations.

Before I left the fiasco, I spoke with a young man of Iranian descent. He also was an Al Gore supporter but politely took one of my fliers. As we began to argue on the inconsististies of Global Warming and Al Gore’s Agenda, I noticed he began to listen. His face relaxed and his stance softened. He asked me about my Ron Paul hat and why being a member of the United Nations was a bad thing. As we talked through unjust American Imperialism and our occupying forces of 700 Military Bases in 130 countries I began to see him as a brother and a fellow American. The more we talked the more we had in common. I become emotional as I explained that I did not want America to invade Iran and continue in the Orwellian tradition of Endless War as initated by George W. Bush and unashamedly continued and enhanced under Obama.

I went there to let Al Gore know he did not represent me or other rational and Constitutionally minded Tennesseans. I was nervous and hesistant while sharing fliers and talking with Gore supporters. I am not a gifted debator nor do I have a degree in Politcal Science. But as I spoke and shared the principles penned by our Founding Fathers two hundred or so years ago I found courage to continue. After meeting and befriending the young Iranian American man I felt energized and refreshed by the concepts of liberty and sovereignty we discussed.

I believe his name was Amir. I will remember him and our conversation as I continue to study the Constitution and American History.








Gore?s presentation on climate change draws 800 as 200 protestors gather outside

George Bennett
Palm Beach Post
November 15, 2009

BOCA RATON — Confused Palm Beach County voters helped thwart Al Gore’s 2000 bid to become president of the United States, but he was introduced as “president of the planet” when he returned here Saturday night to deliver an environmental lecture.

The former vice president spoke on climate change at the Mizner Park Amphitheater to a crowd of about 800. More than 200 protesters gathered across the street from the event, and their boos and chants could be heard inside the amphitheater as Gore began his presentation.

Gore lost Florida, and the White House, by 537 votes to George W. Bush in a 2000 as many Palm Beach County Democrats said they mistakenly voted for conservative Pat Buchanan because they were confused by the county’s “butterfly ballot” design.

Read entire article

Photos of Protest Against Al Gore in Florida

November 15, 2009

An Infowars reader sent the following photographs of the protest against global warming scammer and opportunist Al Gore in Florida. As usual, the corporate media under-reported the number of protesters.

While Al Gore spewed his Global Warming lies in an outdoor arena we did our best to chant and educate on the TRUTH about the global warming scam! We could be heard during his lecture… and we just kept getting louder. Sufice to say I bet he’ll never do a lecture in an outdoor venue again! Also there was not 1,000 people in attendance – no way more like half of that!














With Hurricanes At Thirty Year Low, Gore Turns To Photoshop

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, November 19, 2009


With the increasingly discredited notion of man-made global warming crashing and burning on a daily basis, climate alarmists are being forced to accelerate their fearmongering to unprecedented levels. With the evidence failing to match up to the doomsday proclamations, Al Gore has turned to photoshop in order to make a CO2-choked earth look scary enough to sell his cap and trade scam.​

The latest example of climate cult fakery comes in the form of the front cover of Al Gore’s new book, Our Choice; A Plan To Solve The Climate Crisis.

Shortly after the devastation of Katrina, Al Gore was busy making a correlation between hurricanes and global warming in an effort to drive home his claim that higher global CO2 emissions cause an increase in extreme weather events. The cover art for Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, features an image of a hurricane rising out of a smoke stack.

Seemingly underwhelmed that there have been no major hurricanes since Katrina, along with the fact that global hurricane activity is now at a thirty year low, Gore came up with an ingenious method of solving the problem of the lack of scary depictions of frightening hurricanes to display on his book – simply airbrush them in!

Ryan Maue, hurricane expert from the University of Florida writes:


The cover opens and closes half and half — so you only see one hurricane…as in the press release photo or the one on Amazon.

But this is the real picture sequence from the book which I looked at Borders today and took cell-phone pictures, original (before the retouching by some “artist”) Note all of the Arctic ice and the size of the Florida Peninsula…

And the final product:


A midget Southern Hemisphere cyclone is off the coast of Florida, another hurricane is sitting on the equator off the coast of Peru — and the Arctic Ice is gone (perhaps it is summer) and the Florida Peninsula is half gone

There are other differences I am sure you can find — but the hurricanes are just nonsense…

Despite the fact that CO2 levels are at their highest for 15 million years, just like global temperatures, hurricane activity has dropped off dramatically, as the graph below illustrates.


Gore has now dropped the presentation from his slideshow claiming a link between CO2 emissions and hurricanes.

There is a clear correlation between the natural ebb and flow of global temperatures and hurricanes, but none whatsoever with human CO2 emissions. As many skeptics have attempted to highlight, in the face of official intimidation and quasi-religious decrees that “the debate is over,” temperature levels prompted by natural factors leads the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, not the other way around.

With his invention of scary hurricanes for the purposes of his book, Gore is merely following his new ethos that “Simply laying out the facts won’t work,” in the attempt to corral a highly skeptical public into believing claims about man-made global warming.

This represents another grasping at straws as Gore adapts his propaganda into the form of a religious sermon in a desperate effort to claw back rapidly evaporating poll numbers that show 20% of Americans have changed their minds over the last three years and become man-made global warming skeptics.[/LEFT]

Rush Limbaugh Mentions Prison Planet Article On Al Gore

Kurt Nimmo
November 19, 2009

On his nationally syndicated radio show today, Rush Limbaugh mentioned an article written by Paul Joseph Watson and posted on Prison Planet and Infowars. In With Hurricanes At Thirty Year Low, Gore Turns To Photoshop, Watson details the fakery of Al Gore in his attempt to ram cap and trade world enslavement down the throats of the people.

“The latest example of climate cult fakery comes in the form of the front cover of Al Gore’s new book, Our Choice; A Plan To Solve The Climate Crisis,” writes Watson. “Shortly after the devastation of Katrina, Al Gore was busy making a correlation between hurricanes and global warming in an effort to drive home his claim that higher global CO2 emissions cause an increase in extreme weather events. The cover art for Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, features an image of a hurricane rising out of a smoke stack.”

The cover of Gore’s book has a photo of the earth with hurricanes photoshopped in (see photos below).


“With his invention of scary hurricanes for the purposes of his book, Gore is merely following his new ethos that ‘Simply laying out the facts won’t work,’ in the attempt to corral a highly skeptical public into believing claims about man-made global warming,” Watson concludes.

At this time, we do not have the audio clip of Limbaugh talking about Watson’s article. Infowars will post the audio after Limbaugh posts his podcast online. A top headline on Limbaugh’s website links to the article.

Portland Protest of Al Gore

Friday, Nov 20th, 2009

CFACT at protest against Al Gore…it was at night, so hard to really capture the magnitude of the amount of people that attended!​

Al Gore: ‘I’m gonna start acting crazy’

David Edwards and Gavin Dahl
Raw Story
Monday, Nov 23rd, 2009

Al Gore details the ways that we can address climate change in his new book Our Choice. But on Saturday Night Live he said he has a new backup plan.​

“I’m gonna start acting crazy. I think it’s crazy that our politicians aren’t more worried about the climate crisis,” he told host Seth Meyers. “So it’s time for us to out-crazy the crazies.”

One of his ideas for mildly amusing stunts involved dumping ice water on members of Congress with a note saying, “We’re melting, love the glaciers.”

His other idea was reminiscent of many environmentalist demonstrations, with a silly twist. “I’m gonna start planting trees in politicians’ front yards… in the middle of the night… and tape toy guns to the branches pointed to the door,” he warned. “So when they wake up and walk out of their houses in the morning, they’ll think it’s the forests coming to get their revenge.”

He eventually admitted his pranks were outlandish and hit on four key points.
“We need to cut back on the burning of coal and oil and start using renewable energy. We need to stop deforestation and plant billions of trees. We have to become more efficient and stop wasting so much energy. We need to stop factory farming and start using sustainable agriculture.”

He insisted, however, that if we don’t stop the climate crisis, “Instead of science, I’m going with crazy.”

This video is from NBC’s Saturday Night Live, broadcast Nov. 21, 2009.


We Are Change Colorado @ Al Gore Book Signing ? Activist Rips Up Al?s Book in Front o

Tuesday, Nov 24th, 2009

With more and more people changing their minds about man-ma de global warming as a consequence of the increase in juvenile alarmist propaganda on behalf of the warmists, Al Gore’s lies are increasingly being confronted in the public arena.​

Gore predicts climate treaty by next year

November 27, 2009

Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore said Wednesday he’s optimistic that a global climate treaty will follow the Copenhagen conference next month.

The environmental activist thinks some good will come out of the climate change conference even though “the expectations have been scaled back.”

“I’m optimistic that partway through next year, we’ll have a treaty,” he told Jian Ghomeshi on CBC Radio’s Q. Gore also welcomed the news that U.S. President Barack Obama announced earlier in the day that he will attend the Copenhagen conference.

David Suzuki, who joined Ghomeshi on the program, criticized Canada’s stance on climate change and Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision not to attend the conference.

“Canada isn’t really taking the issue seriously,” he said.

Suzuki said the Harper government hasn’t had much to say about global climate change.

“I’d like to hear a statement from this government that climate change is real and affects Canada enormously.”

Read entire article

Gore says supercomputing can be killer app in climate change

Patrick Thibodeau
November 28, 2009

Editor’s note: Oh, so they can produce the same flawed, largely worthless, and buggy code based on junk science as the CRU? Cooked computer models are at the heart of the CRU scandal.

Former Vice President Al Gore today told an audience of scientists, programmers and system builders at the SC09 conference here that their work is essential in the effort to avoid global catastrophe caused by climate change.

Supercomputers, he said, can be used to show the world how climate change is affecting the earth in human terms. The visualization capabilities of supercomputers can produce a visceral reaction to the potential for catastrophe. “Supercomputing has given us the most powerful tool in the history of civilization,” said Gore.

Making climate change real requires improved simulations of what is actually happening in the world and how these changes are unfolding, said Gore.

Read entire article

Al Gore Confronted On Climategate In Chicago

We Are Change Chicago
November 30, 2009

CHICAGO IL – On Tuesday, November 24th 2009,*We Are Change Chicago attended a book signing with former vice president Al Gore, at the Borders Bookstore on 150 N. State Street.

The previous Thursday, news had begun to circulate that hacked documents and communications from the University of East Anglia’s Hadley Climate Research Unit (CRU) had been published to the internet. The information revealed how top scientists conspired to falsify data in the face of declining global temperatures in order to prop up the premise that man-made factors are driving climate change. Please review ClimateGate for Dummies.

To ensure the public that the media and Al Gore are aware of the facts that prove global warming to be a hoax, patriots from WAC Chicago marched to the book signing. Scattered throughout a crowd of a few hundred were members of WAC Chicago ready to ask Al Gore what he thought about ‘ClimateGate.’

First up was Saad Ali. As he approached Gore, he peacefully and respectably asked, “Sir, can you comment on the emails and documents that were hacked [ClimateGate] that reveal… that the research was a fraud and that it was all manipulated?” Gore, with an evil smirk, claimed that “he never read them.” By the look on his face and his stutter, it became quite clear that Gore was extremely uncomfortable with the question, so he quickly glared towards his security. The agents grabbed and assaulted Saad, escorting him away from Gore for merely asking a simple question. The press took notice and started filming and snapping pictures of what was going on. One of which appeared the next day in the Chicago Sun Times.

Following Saad’s confrontation, Sati Word, a member of WAC Chicago, questioned Gore on why the IPCC hasn’t released any reports on sunspot activity. However, before he could get an answer from Gore, security grabbed Sati and escorted him out of the building.

A little while later, Anthony, an activist from We Are Change Ohio, approached Gore and handed him the petition of the 31,486 scientists who say that Global Warming is a complete hoax. Anthony asked, “What do you think about the science behind this sir?” Mr. Gore rolled his eyes, and security escorted him out of the building.

Steve (swizzlesteve), was the last activist to question Gore. Within seconds of asking, “Any comments on ClimateGate? The emails that prove it’s a scam, a farce, that global warming is a joke, any comment?” Mr. Gore is heard to utter a few “uhhhhhhhs” and security quickly steps in to remove him as well.

The press was waiting outside Borders.*They wanted to find out who this group was, that dared question what the elite had forced us to consume as truth. WBBM news radio, 780, ran a sound bite of WAC Chicago, WGN news ran footage, Medill Reports wrote an article, and blog posts were popping up all over the internet about the Al Gore confrontation in Chicago. Many also asked about the footage of WAC Chicago chasing after Gore’s SUV after the event. You will find all of it in this video. Al Gore was confronted multiple times in line, outside the event as he rushed to his waiting Mercedes SUV, (were you expecting something electric?), and once again in the streets of Chicago. We Are Change had people outside with signs, banners, fliers, and DVDs. *Activists were inside asking questions and demanding answers; the world is waking up, it’s a great time to be alive.

Jon Stewart on ClimateGate: ?Poor Al Gore ? Global Warming Debunked Via Internet You

Noel Sheppard
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

If you needed any more assurance the growing ClimateGate scandal is far more significant than America’s media has been portraying, you got it Tuesday night from Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart.

Somewhat surprisingly, “The Daily Show” host in his opening sketch tore apart the scientists involved in sending the obtained e-mail messages for showing “a clear effort to raise fears about global warming, and hide evidence against it.”

Stewart even mocked the man responsible for spreading more fear on this subject than anyone on the planet:
Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. OH. OH the irony.

Irony indeed (video embedded below the fold with transcript, vulgarity alert, h/t Story Balloon):

UNKNOWN PERSON: A hacker in England got hold of emails between leading scientists which skeptics say show a clear effort to raise fears about global warming, and hide evidence against it.


JON STEWART, HOST: Oh for f**k’s sake! Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. OH. OH the irony. The iro—ny. Actually, the real story isn’t quite that sensational. Basically, emails stolen from scientists at one of the leading centers for global warming show them discussing the work, a bit, how do I put this, casually.


UNKNOWN FOX ANNOUNCER READING EMAIL MESSAGE FROM CLIMATEGATE PARTICIPANTS): “The fact is we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.” (Kevin Trenberth)

“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.” (Phil Jones, CRU Director)


STEWART: (Laughing) See, I tell you it’s nothing. He was just using a trick to hide the decline. It’s just scientist speak for using a standard statistical technique recalibrating data in order to trick you into not knowing about the decline. But here’s what’s great about science: in disagreement, we go back and look at the raw data.


UNKNOWN FOX NEWS ANNOUNCER): University scientists say raw data from the 1980s was thrown out.


STEWART: Oh for f**k’s sake! Why would you throw out raw data from the ’80s? I still have Penthouses from the ’70s! Laminated. What did you keep?


UNKNOWN FOX NEWS ANNOUNCER): The scientists say they kept something called “value added data”.


STEWART: Value added data? What is that, numbers fortified with art? Truth plus, now with lemon? It doesn’t look good. Now does it disprove global warming? No, of course not. But it does put a fresh set of energizers in the Senate’s resident denier bunny.


SENATOR JOHN INHOFE, (R-OKLA.): The fact that this whole idea on the global warming. I’m glad that’s over, gone, done. We won. You lost. Get a life.


STEWART: Alright. We knew Inhofe was going to say that. That guy thinks global warming is debunked every time he drinks a Slushee and gets a brain freeze. “If global warming is real, why does my head hurt?” But by the way, that quote was from BEFORE he found out about the leaked email story. But that’s the point. If you care about an issue, and want it to be your life’s work, don’t cut corners. It’s disheartening for people inclined towards the scientific method, and it’s catnip to these guys who are going to end up celebrating tonight drunk, roaming the Arctic Circle trying to skullf**k polar bears, which are quickly disappearing because of rising oceans caused now apparently by God’s tears!

Pretty amazing.

To be sure, it’s just a comedy show. However, for several years various polls have indicated that many young people in America get their “news” from this program.

As polls have also shown belief in the global warming myth seems to decrease as you go up in age bracket, young folks hearing Stewart’s view on this matter could easily be swayed by it.

But even more important than that, “The Daily Show” addressing this subject is a clear indication that ClimateGate is not going away any time soon.

All we need now is for “Saturday Night Live” to start mocking Al Gore along with this entire pathetic scam, and we can say goodbye to cap and trade.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Bravo, Jon. Bravo.
