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Several Jewish groups have criticized Jewish weekly Ami Magazine’s publisher, Rabbi Yitzchak Frankfurter, for using Nazi imagery on magazine’s front page of this week’s issue. It depicts the White House draped in Nazi flags with Nazi storm troppers marching in front. See magazine’s cover-page on left.

According to the The Jewish Week (January 13, 2012), the editor of the magazine has apologized, calling the depiction “may have been a poor choice“. The Ami Magazine is published every Wednesday from New York and Israel. It’s aimed at the cross spectrum of Orthodox Jews.

“The swastika is the present day symbol of Nazism and we did it to make a journalistic statement about the spread of neo-Nazism,” explained Rabbi Yitzchak Frankfurter.

But dear Rabbi – ‘Swastika‘ which in Sanskrit means “all is well” – is a powerful religious symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism. It has existed for over 3,000 years.

It seems Israelis are adopting Nazi symbols to replacing pornography to demonize their critics. During December 31 protests in Jerusalem, Jewish demonstrators dressed their children as Nazi victims to protest against what they claim a persecution of devout Jews seeking gender separation in Israel.

However, Ami Magazine’s front-page picture could be interpreted as a blowback for Obama’s criticism of new illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank which he had backed down long time ago – and the recent comments Hillary Clinton made about the plight of Jewish women in Israel.

Abraham Foxman, the national director of Israel lobbying group, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), however, assured the panicky Zionists that though Jewish hatred has increased worldwide, it’s on decrease in the US – And the White House is occupied by one of the best friends Israel ever had.

“That’s not to say that America is immune from anti-Semitism, but certainly the White House or America is not overrun by Nazis and neo-Nazis,” Foxman told the Jewish Week.

Foxman seems to be confirming former Jewish Rep. Abner Mikvaner, who in 2008 had said that Obama will be the first Jewish President.

Israeli Knesset is debating a bill to outlaw Swastika, photographs, drawings, sculptures and any other imagery which reminds the Zionists’ of their collaboration with German Nazis. The penalty is a fine of 100,000 shekels (26,000 dollars) and six months in prison.

Jewish magazine: ‘White House occupied by neo-Nazis’ | Rehmat's World