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I must admit, I’m at loss to understand what the Zionist-controlled Obama administration and Israeli Hasbara goons are trying to hide by running a vicious campaign against the NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman. It could not be just because Rodman (a Jewish name, I presume) visited North Korea and calling country’s new leader Kim Jong Un as “friend”.

Then I thought about Dubya Bush’s Canadian-born Jewish speech-writer, David Frum, who had coined the pharase “Axis of Evil” – and dumped North Korea into it along with Iraq and Iran. Bush used the term in his State of Union address on January 29, 2002 – accusing those countries for seeking out WMDs. No WMDs were found in Iraq when US-led coalition occupied the country in April 2003. The west has no proof that Iran is even seeking WMDs. In the meantime, North Korea did succeed in acquiring a few crude-type nuclear bomb as compare to Israel’s stockpile of 240-400 nuclear bombs.

In addition to the White House condemnation of Rodman’s trip to an “enemy country” – the real smearing campaign against Rodman was lead by ABC’s chief political correspondent, Israel-Firster George Stephanopoulos, accusing Kim Jong Un being “an odious dictator who commits gross human rights violations, operates prison camps“. I wonder if the Zionist dude knows that Washington has been running “prison camps” in dozen of foreign countries for decades? Last year, Russian Human Rights report had put America on top of the list of human rights abusers. And how about George Stephanopoulos’s darling Israel, which has been slammed by UNHRW for decades?

Britain’s major Israeli propaganda outlet, Harry’s Place, has equated Rodman with anti-Israel, pro-Iran British MP George Galloway – while Jewish FrontMagazine compared him with Charles Lindbergh, who had “befriended Hitler”! Another Israel-Firster, Dan Rather, made his sick joke at the ‘Piers Morgan Tonight‘ show – saying that Rodman should now visit Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. I bet he knows his fellow Jewish Barbra Walters had dined with Assad in Damascus in July 2008 and later called Assad intelligent and charming.

Now here are some possible clues to Jewish anti-Rodman propaganda.
1. North Korea has never recognized the Jewish ownership (Israel) over Palestine. N. Korean leaders have called Israel an “imperialist satellite”. In fact, since 1988, N. Korea has claimed that entire historic Palestine belongs to its native Muslims and Christians.

2. Pyongyang has maintained friendly relation with Tehran since Ahmadinejad assumed power in June 2005. North Korea supports Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear program and has recognized Iran’s role in bringing stability to the region. However, Kim Yong-Nam and Ahmadinejad have not exchanged official visits. The Zionist media has accused N. Korea for collaborating with Iran in rocket technology. The allegation was refuted by Iran’s former deputy foreign minister Gholam Ali Khushroo.

In May 2010, critiquing the United States Nuclear Posture Review, Khushroo indicated that the main differences were that “North Korea has withdrawn from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It does not follow it and does not wish to return to it – and it has even produced nuclear bombs.” Khushroo added that “North Korea has been threatening other countries, but in the past few years we have been witnessing Iran as a target of threats made by others countries.”

3. In December 2011, late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in a condolences message for the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, called it a “loss of a comrade”.

4. The US, Israel and India – all have accused Pakistan for helping North Korea in developing its nuclear arsenal. In December 2006, American Jewish journalist, William Langewieshe, in The Atlantic Magazine wrote that nuclear bombs in hands of North Korea, Pakistan or Iran are not safe as they could easily fall in the hands of jihadi terrorists.

Pakistan is the only Muslim nation among 57-Muslim majority states that is in possession of nuclear bombs. However, like India, Israel and North Korea – Pakistan refuses to sign the NPT.

Last year, Washington-based Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), claimed the nuke-grade uranium stockpiles are more safe in Israel than Pakistan, North Korea or China. How true is the assessment of this Zionist group – but one has to give credit to NTI for admitting that Israel is indeed in possession of nuclear bombs which no US lawmaker has the courage to say in public.

Is it coincidents that North Korea, Pakistan, Venezuela and Iran – all refuse to accept the Jewish occupation of Palestine?

An finally, the latest story of Israeli vengeance. On March 7, Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center, hit Dennis Rodman with a subpoena to be deposed about his financial dealings with North Korea. Shurat HaDin won in 2010 an historic $378 million judgment against North Korea for its involvement in the 1972 Lod Airport (aka Ben-Gurion International) hostage taking, but has been unable to collect on the judgment to date. I wonder, if Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the head of the center knows that Rodman is worth only few million dollar! During the shoot-out between three members of Japanese Red Army and Jewish soldiers, 28 people including eight Israeli Jews and two hostage-takers were killed.

Jews against Dennis Rodman | Rehmat's World