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Former US President Jimmy Carter (2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner), who bribed ($1.5 billion annual USAID) the Egyptian President Anwar Sadat at Camp David Accord (1979) to handover to the Zionist entity more than what the later could have achieved via military force – is now being hit by a five millon dollar lawsuit by a New York-based Israeli law firm.

The five American plaintiffs, two of whom are dual citizens of the US and Israel – have blamed Jimmy Carter for his criticism of the Zionist entity in his 2006 book ‘Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid’. Their attorneys David Schoen and Nitsana Darshan-Leitner have claimed that their clients’ lawsuit “will expose all the falsehoods and misrepresentations in Carter’s book and prove that his hatred of Israel has led him to commit this fraud on the public.”

“By claiming to be a Middle East expert, the suit claims, Carter and, by extension, his publisher, intentionally presented inaccurate information that was highly critical of Israel and therefore violated a New York law that makes it illegal to “engage in deceptive acts in the course of conducting business”.

Jimmy Carter has been target of smear campaign by pro-Israel Jewish and Zionist groups since the publication of his book which contains a very mild criticism of the Zionist entity – as compared to the two Jewish professors Norman Finkelstein and Judt (both descendant of Nazi victims) who have claimed that power in Israel has tragically shifted to religious and territorial Jewish zealots. Similarly professors Walt and Mearsheimer, who have co-authored a book arguing that the American-Israel lobby has pushed policies that are not in the United States’ best interests and encourage Israel to engage in self-destructive behavior. The two respected scholars have been denounced as anti-Semites by ADL Director Abraham Foxman, among others.

While promoting his book, Jimmy Carter had repeated professors Walt and Mearsheimer claim that “US-Mideast policy is influencd too much by lobbying by American Jewish groups”. For which he earned the title of ‘anti-Semite’ from ADL and other Jewish lobby groups. In June 2009, Jimmy Carter made another ‘politically wrong statement’. In his Gaza speech, Jimmy Carter said that Israelis are treating the 1.5 million natives in Gaza as “animals and not as human”.

Jimmy Carter 86, is very active in his Baptist community. In December 2009, to mend his differences with Israel Lobby for his grandson Jason Carter’s bid for a Georgia Senate seat – Jimmy Carter wrote a letter made public by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) offering an Al Het, a Yom Kippur prayer asking for forgiveness, timed with Chanukah, the Jewish festival of lights. Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) national director, welcomed the statement, calling it the “beginning of reconciliation.”

Adam Rothberg, a spokesman for Simon & Schuster, said in a statement sent to The Washington Post: “This lawsuit is frivolous, without merit, and is a transparent attempt by the plaintiffs, despite their contentions, to punish the author, a Nobel Peace prize winner and world-renowned statesmen, and his publisher, for writing and publishing a book with which the plaintiffs simply disagree. It is a chilling attack on free speech that we intend to defend vigorously.”

Jimmy Carter hit by $5 million Israeli lawsuit | Rehmat's World