Linda Brown
New member
My Dads last Project was something that he called Xerxes... no explanation ever given for why such an ancient and exotic name.....Someday I hope it will all be revealed but I am sure that it has something to do with The " Gates of Nations" .... and even perhaps something to do with the disappearing princess and Zoroaster. But I am a long way off from understanding any of that. I just know that he gave me an ancient lapis-lazurli ring which I carried for years... and which probably now is still playing a part in all of this.....
This will give you a lead on the story of the Princess and the rock wall....
By Karl Vick
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, June 18, 2006
YAZD, Iran -- The legend describes one cloud of dust chasing another across the epic desert landscape. Arab horsemen were gaining on the Iranian princess, it is said, when she reached the looming cliffs, slipped into a seam in the rock and disappeared forever.
His comment goes on to explain how the three religions are still active in that area... Christianity, Muslim, and Zoroasterism.....but Googling the town will give you a better history of the legend. More going on here than common knowledge can tell us at this point.
This will give you a lead on the story of the Princess and the rock wall....
By Karl Vick
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, June 18, 2006
YAZD, Iran -- The legend describes one cloud of dust chasing another across the epic desert landscape. Arab horsemen were gaining on the Iranian princess, it is said, when she reached the looming cliffs, slipped into a seam in the rock and disappeared forever.
His comment goes on to explain how the three religions are still active in that area... Christianity, Muslim, and Zoroasterism.....but Googling the town will give you a better history of the legend. More going on here than common knowledge can tell us at this point.