
New member
More forums or sub forums

Would love to see these forums included here on UHF. Anyway, they are debates, travel, and others.
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Ok I added all of the suggested forums plus more.

Debates --------------------------------> category--------->General Discussion
Travel & Tourism-----------------------> category--------->General Discussion
Biblical Archeology---------------------> category--------->Religion
Mathematics----------------------------> category--------->Science
Modern or Recent History------------> category--------->History
Ancient History-------------------------> category--------->History
Alternate History-----------------------> category-------->History

If you feel the forums deserve to be in other categories please post where and why in this thread.

Thank you for the suggestions. If you have any more feel free to post them. After all this site is for everyone.


Thanx for doing this for me. The forums that I want to see on UHF are parenting, families, separate forums for all ages, all sexes, etc.
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Sweet, thanks Rumas much appreciated.......ricklbert



Thanx for doing this for me. The forums that I want to see on UHF are parenting, families, separate forums for all ages, all sexes, etc.

I don't mind putting in a section for families and parenting, however, I feel by putting in specific forums for age specific and sex specific, etc, it creates separation. Part of the reason I opened this site was to bring people together. To wake people up from, and break them away from, what is seemingly real.

If you want to start threads under the general discussions section for these specific groups, feel free, but I honestly feel that we would be pushing separation if we allowed the creation of such forums on this site. That is not what this site is about at all. Peace and love, as well as truths and ideas about what is truly going on out there is why we are here.

I would love to hear some other thoughts on this, but at this point, until someone can give me a GOOD reason why we should separate people, I have to say no to those types of forums.

I hope I haven't offended you (or anyone else on here), but this is how i feel.
I don't mind putting in a section for families and parenting, however, I feel by putting in specific forums for age specific and sex specific, etc, it creates separation. Part of the reason I opened this site was to bring people together. To wake people up from, and break them away from, what is seemingly real.

If you want to start threads under the general discussions section for these specific groups, feel free, but I honestly feel that we would be pushing separation if we allowed the creation of such forums on this site. That is not what this site is about at all. Peace and love, as well as truths and ideas about what is truly going on out there is why we are here.

I would love to hear some other thoughts on this, but at this point, until someone can give me a GOOD reason why we should separate people, I have to say no to those types of forums.

I hope I haven't offended you (or anyone else on here), but this is how i feel.

A Family & Parenting forum was created in theGeneral Discussion categories.Enjoy :)

Lady of Light and Rumas,

Thanx for your responses to my thread on this. Have to say Lady of Light's response to my thread here was quit interesting. Never thought of it that way and guess I'm used to the other way around.
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Here's more forum ideas for UHF. There should be fertility, pregnancy, birth, etc subforums in Family and Parenting subforum in the general discussion area of here. At the same time there should be friends sub forum in addition to family sub forum.
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Why doesn't UHF have TV subforum included in its videos, radio, books, & articles forum area as well. Basically, I feel thats an important as well as the others that you guys already have.
I added a TV forum in the Off Topic forum. I feel that TV is a subject that misses the the main theme of the forum. As this site is for alternative or unhypnotizing subjects. TV is a means to control the masses, so I placing it as an Off Topic subcategory seems proper.

The Video / Movie and radio forums are for stuff like Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, or movies of video that will help wake people up and unhypnotize them.

If you have a you can come at this from different point of view I would be willing to listen.

I added a TV forum in the Off Topic forum. I feel that TV is a subject that misses the the main theme of the forum. As this site is for alternative or unhypnotizing subjects. TV is a means to control the masses, so I placing it as an Off Topic subcategory seems proper.

The Video / Movie and radio forums are for stuff like Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, or movies of video that will help wake people up and unhypnotize them.

If you have a you can come at this from different point of view I would be willing to listen.



thanx and wow I didn't know that.
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Hi Rumas
Wondered if we can have a sub categories for:
nano technology/AI/molecular manufacturing? in the science forum?

'near death experiences' in the spiritual forum?

Planet X in the 2012 forum?

and could we have these emoticons added?

- native section

- smiley section

big thanks ( Wado )
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OK I have added the 3 forums and the smilies...sorry it took so long, its been a busy week and a half.
Rumas and Lady of Light...


*Osiyo- Hello in Cherokee
*Wado - Thank you in Cherokee

appreciate it my friends

hagwadohiyu gvyohiyu tsvgineli- I appreciate you sincerely my friends - Cherokee