[Rant] Moses, Israel and The Sun - God's Chosen People? Or, Sun Worshipers?


New member
Sungazing, The (appendix system) as well as our digestive system, Moses in the desert and the IsRAelites and them being the “chosen people”

It came to me today as I was thinking about having just absorbed massive amounts of what the sun has to offer for about 1 ½ hours, that we are so ignorant as a people to overlook things just because of our beliefs. From one religious belief to another, and the WORDS that are used to describe people and places.

Just the name Israel, Is - RA – el, what do you see in the middle? RA, god of the sun. Which leads to Moses leading the Israelites through the desert for 40 years. 40 years is a long time to get through with scarce little food or water, but if you are living off of the sun, then this is entirely possible and yes, it happened. But what about the name Moses? Does that have deeper meaning as well? I don’t know, but it’s something worth looking into.

So the Israeli’s claim to be “God’s chosen people” has claim in that before the Illuminati got hold of their religion and turned it into what it is today, these were a people that lived off of the sun.

Today’s Isaelites are not the same as those in the story of Moses, not at all the same. The stories have all been skewed and mistranslated to make it look like the “religion” of Judaism is the way to God, but it is not. You must replace “God” with “sun” and you will see a much clearer picture of what has been written about.

My chain of thoughts went as such:
I was absorbing the sun for about an hour and a half, full on sun (no sunburn, by the way) mid-day sun up on a roof. When I got down I thought about how much sun I had taken in, and how the vitamin D is made through the process of the sun’s magnetism touching the body’s magnetism and the skin changing that into the vitamin D the body requires. Then my thoughts went to how the appendix changes those same “rays” from the sun into other essential nutrients that our bodies need to “stay alive”. Of course, then what about the people who have cold winters and they can’t absorb the sun’s rays and get the nutrients necessary. There are plenty of places on this planet that do not get the same benefits from the sun year round, so they couldn’t possibly survive all year simply on the sun alone. That’s why we have a digestive system (stomach and our teeth and saliva, etc.). We need these during the times that the sun is not available to us to “feed” us. And then finally, to Moses in the desert for 40 years (which I had never believed until now).

The thoughts were flowing in like wildfire on this one, our bodies are set up in a way that we can use either food OR sun to sustain ourselves physically. We simply have chosen to abandon the need for the sun and rely solely upon our digestive system.

If the Israelis need their food to be cleansed, that probably just means ‘by the sun’ and nothing more. Or, they simply don’t need to eat and the ‘clean’ food or ‘kosher’ has something to do with the sun and the energy from the sun.

ISRAEL – the people of the sun and the land of sun worship. They are Egyptians who were told by their “god” to go to the land that was being used by the Palestinians and to take it for themselves. The “chosen people” of “god”, the people who follow the sun and live by the sun, the Egyptians. Told by their “god” to take a land from another tribe. So now we have occupied Palestine. I can see why the Palestinians are upset and downright angry and have been for centuries/millennia. They were pushed out of their land by another tribe of people who were supposedly told by god that this was to be their land.

The whole religion has been skewed. Just like any other. But the fact (in my eyes it’s fact) remains that there’s a reason for the whole “chosen people” thing and it needs to be looked deeper into instead of just surface like so many have done over the years.

Everything at this point is speculation, that is the only real fact we can go on. But this is my current thoughts on this subject. Being a sungazer I have to look at this from that perspective. This just lands more credibility to the sun being life point of view. I can’t help but believe that.

Just putting it out there. Food for thought. I’m not saying I’m right; I’m just saying that it’s something that crossed my mind one day and I’ve been thinking about it on and off ever since, so I thought I’d write it down and share it with everyone and maybe even get some other thoughts on the subject.

BTW, I am in no way condoning the actions of the Jews taking over Palestine, just to be clear. I’m just saying I can see why they call themselves “chosen”, it’s simply because of the sun worship. I don’t think they are any more important to GOD than any other beings on this planet or any other planet. And their practices have been skewed just like any other religion on this planet to be that which the Illuminati and whoever else want them to be like so it becomes a matter of war of beliefs instead of what it once was, and that was sun worship.

That’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it. NO ONE is ‘chosen’ by the true GOD, if there so happens to be one. Like I said, I’m just putting it out there as the thoughts that crossed my mind as to WHY.
Thank you SUNGAZER! much respect to your path and your practice, brother.

To all-
The Sun is source of all energy, life and growth.
If you must eat- eat green, eat raw.
Sungaze for yourself and receive the benefit and the understanding.
This requires no debate, no teaching, no belief system.
I love you.
Okay so let me see what I think you're trying to say here, you believe that Jews worshiped the sun and while in the desert for 40 years they only absorb the sun and didn't eat?

Have you ever heard of the mana machine? It apparently produced food for the Israelites while they spent the 40 years in the desert. However nobody is really sure exactly what it is, but they do have descriptions of it.

In case you don't know Israel is sun 3 times is=sun ra=sun el=sun.

Maybe there is something to your theory?
Bible's G-d never promised Palestine to Moses, who was not even a JEW. He was a great grandson of prophet Jacob (Israel). Moses followed the religion of prophet Abraham, who was not a JEW. As Israeli historian Dr. Shlomo Sand has claimed in his book that JEWS were INVENTED only a century ago.

Jesus was not a Jew, but Evangelist priests say he promised Holy Land to JEWS. Even then, Jews' most holy book Talmud call Jesus a "bastard (sic)" and his mother Saint Mary "a prostitute (sic)".

As they say, if one keeps on repeating lies - some idiots will take these lies as TRUTH.
Bible's G-d never promised Palestine to Moses, who was not even a JEW. He was a great grandson of prophet Jacob (Israel). Moses followed the religion of prophet Abraham, who was not a JEW. As Israeli historian Dr. Shlomo Sand has claimed in his book that JEWS were INVENTED only a century ago.

Jesus was not a Jew, but Evangelist priests say he promised Holy Land to JEWS. Even then, Jews' most holy book Talmud call Jesus a "bastard (sic)" and his mother Saint Mary "a prostitute (sic)".

As they say, if one keeps on repeating lies - some idiots will take these lies as TRUTH.

Do you even acknowledge the SUN once in your post???
It is easy to call people who align themselves to other beliefs than yours "stupid." You have many beliefs that exclude all others and assert your own truth. A modern author who wrote a controversial book. You believe info that fits your perspective, rejecting any speculation to another POV.

Who wants to sit online and argue the nationality of Moses and Abraham?? Who wants to observe the destruction of history and culture by the BIG THREE (Christianity, Islam, Judaism)?? No, thanks. I'd rather cultivate myself, love all these delusional fools and get some SUN! :D
WOW - What a paranoid idiot, eh! Instead of learning from history, the creep is quoting his anti-Gentile Talmud.
The sacred text cited is not historical fact any more than Dr. Shlomo Sand's controversial modern perspective. I am not an aggressor toward you. And would never call another spiritually devoted individual "creep, idiot or stupid" when, brother- we have never even had words between us.

I am no paranoid, Rehmat. I do know that sungazing is an ancient spiritual technique of individual cultivation. With sacred texts, including the Holy Qur'an, the power is in the effect in the individual's life and point of view by coming into contact with the teachings and applying them to daily life and being. I respect your path too, brother. I sincerely believe you shall have the heaven you truly seek.
The sacred text cited is not historical fact any more than Dr. Shlomo Sand's controversial modern perspective. I am not an aggressor toward you. And would never call another spiritually devoted individual "creep, idiot or stupid" when, brother- we have never even had words between us.

I am no paranoid, Rehmat. I do know that sungazing is an ancient spiritual technique of individual cultivation. With sacred texts, including the Holy Qur'an, the power is in the effect in the individual's life and point of view by coming into contact with the teachings and applying them to daily life and being. I respect your path too, brother. I sincerely believe you shall have the heaven you truly seek.

Well put noah, and Rehmat we all love you and want you to have the paradise your promised! No one wants to have ill will here, everyone walks a different path, but sometimes the paths cross and when they do that's where we find friends, teachers and guides that may join us on our journeys for a short time or maybe even to the end!
Here we go again. Round and round we go, eh Rehmat?

You consistantly pull things out about how someone else (who's not a Jew) claims that something you "believe" is true, therefore it becomes fact and everything else is people being "paranoid" and or an "idiot".

NOWHERE did I say that my OPINION was in ANY WAY FACTUAL. Where you pulled that one out of I have no clue, but I guess you read things the way you WANT to read things.

I'm not going to sit here and argue with you on something that was pointed out as a "THOUGHT". If you can't understand the difference between that and fact, then you've got some serious problems and need to pull your head out of that deep dark place you have it in.

I didn't post this as an insult to anyone and I don't wish to be insulted in the process.

These are my "thoughts", things that simply occurred to me one day that "hey, maybe this is possible" kinda thing. The truth of the matter is, Rehmat, no matter how much you or I think we KNOW about ANYTHING, we truly know nothing. Everything you and I were ever taught in this world, religious or otherwise, is theory and hearsay. You weren't there and neither was I, so you can't spout "fact" when you don't know first hand. I don't know either, that is why I specifically stated it is my OPINION based on some thoughts that I had.

If you want to keep believing in all that you were taught, more power to you, but please try to refrain from insulting others just because they THINK differently than you.
Here we go again, round and round you go whining SUNGAZR, eh! - using Zionists' "smoking gun" aka the Jewish hatred (aka anti-Semitism) labeling whosoever tells the truth and exposes hidden Jew-loving Zionists.

Shalom and good-luck in your double personality.
Can Rehmat only respond with aggression? SIR- I get no response when I address you directly wanting to have understanding but, when you believe you are being attacked, you respond (react) very quickly. I feel sorry for your mind-state.
A few points seem obvious to me:
You are projecting (defense mechanism) and are indeed paranoid.
You think you are more noble and righteous than others you don't even know, to a point of being conceded.

Higher beings that are conceded and self-righteous do not remain in higher realms for long, brother. And, humans that are conceded and self-righteous will NEVER get there.

I mean no ill by my post here, brother. The human condition is for growth and development, none here in this world are of perfect character. Sorry to be critical of you but, I consider open and seeking individuals my friends. SUNGAZER definitely is and this thread was started in the spirit of sharing and exploring the sun-gazing concept in light of traditional stories and modern speculation.

sorry for the degeneration of this thread, there was no need :(
I bet you were looking into mirror when you wrote your latest stupid rant.

Aggression! Exposing someone's meanness cannot be called "agression".

Remember the Persian saying: "You receive in return what you throw on others".
I see why I have indeed never had words with you before. I am sorry that you can find nothing in my post except my first sentence worthy of response, Rehmat. I should have not used that word.
The above was not a "rant."
You have not exposed me as "mean" or, exposed anything at all here. You have revealed your nature to the extent this situation has called for.
I will take to heart what you have said *You recieve in return what you throw on others" and shall try to apply this principal in daily life. Thank You, Brother! :)
When was the last time an evil person admitted to be an evil? Just curious to know.

Ok- in Exodus chapter 32 is recounted the story of the golden calf, I am sure you are familiar. When the Lord proclaims that the Is'ra-el people have corrupted themselves by worshiping an molten idol, he makes clear his intention of destroying them. In verse 12, Moses pleads on behalf of the people for the Lord to "Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people." Verse 14 states clearly "And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people."

There is an answer relevant to the OP at least :p
People admit evil all the time. Justify evil thoughts quickly and make jokes about their evil desires. Hitler admitted many evil intentions before he acted on his ideas, I read a book one time that had a quote from some high-level scientist who admitted the decision to drop the Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was "evil."
How exactly would one go about finding the last time a person admitted he was evil? google? perhaps you could read biographies or something? Glad I could help out, brother! :)
Still whining, eh!

Historically, Exodus was not written by prophet Moses - but evil-doer rabbis 1500 years after his death. Moses' followers were not Jews of the Wall Street, but greatgrand sons of first ten sons of prophet Isac, who dumped their younger brother Yusuf (Joseph) into a well.

The biographies of 'evil-doers' are mostly written by six Jewish families-owned mainstream media - therefore, than you, but no thank you - I don't need your favor.
There is no whining here, sir.
Is the Biblical account of Moses and the Is-RA-elites true to "historical fact?" Of course not. The story that is passed down through religion is truly a mixture of teaching, symbolic fact and historical event. Moses is a figure immortalized by religion to pass through time (to you, my friend) specific teachings and wisdom. Moses was no doubt an enlightened man.
The OP takes the modern experience of Christian introduction and teachings of the figure of Moses and the people he lead (tribes) out of Egypt, and speculates as to whether the figure of Moses, as teacher and spiritual adept, gazed to the sun for nourishment.