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First, I must confess that I did not watch this year’s Oscars Award ceremony on Sunday – like the last year or the year before. In fact I have never watched it because it has nothing to do with the real life. So why am I writing on this topic? Well, you can blame my curiosity watching how the Zionist mafia finds “anti-Semitism” among almost everything which moves on Planet Earth.

I know, it’s forbidden to whisper that Hollywood is Jewish (though Jewish film critic Joel Stein claimed it in LA Times on December 19, 2008). But, one of Oscars sketches this year proved it. I mean the sketch featuring Seth MacFarlane’s character “Ted,” in which the animated bear tells actor Mark Wahlberg that if “you want to work in this town” you have to be Jewish.

Naturally, the second highest-paid Israeli propagandist, Abraham Foxman, could not enjoy the joke. So, he issued a statement on February 25, calling the sketch “offensive and not remotely funny”.

“While we have come to expect inappropriate “Jews control Hollywood” jokes from Seth MacFarlane, what he did at the Oscars was offensive and not remotely funny. It only reinforces stereotypes which legitimize anti-Semitism. It is sad and disheartening that the Oscars awards show sought to use anti-Jewish stereotypes for laughs,” said Foxman.

Seth MacFarlane hosted the Academy Awards this year.

The Ben Affleck-directed American political drama, Argo, was named Best Picture at the 85th Academy Awards, one of three Oscar wins for the film. The movie is produced by Israel-Firster George Clooney, who was a major player in the anti-Sudan campaign last year. Clooney’s “Save Drafur” movement donated $50 million to build new illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Clooney has used Hollywood to demonize Iranian nation including its 25,000 Jewish citizens.

The movie is based on CIA “official story”, how it rescued six American hostages from Iranian students occupying US embassy in Tehran for 444 days after the 1979 Islamic revolution.

American Jewish writer, author and blogger, Danny Schechter, who visited US embassy building in Tehran and met some of Iranians who occupied the building in 2012 – wrote on in June 2012: “This tale of escape also is not a “new” story – it was told years ago in books and magazines – but “Argo” is retelling as if it is new. It is, as you would expect, all about our brilliance and their stupidity, our good guys against their bad guys – all classic “Made in the USA” commercial movie formula. Will this thriller contribute to a deeper understanding between our two countries? Will it help us find a way of resolving our differences? I doubt it“.

Robert Parry, an American investigative reporter and author, wrote on February 25: “Argo confirms to many average Americans the unreasonableness of Iranians, who are portrayed as both evil and inept. If negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program collapse, this propaganda image of the Iranians could help tilt the balance of U.S. public opinion toward war“.

What the Zionist-controlled mainstream media doesn’t want Americans to know, is – that Iran is not a dictatorship. Its system is more democratic and transparent than any western nation. For example, in the United States, any sex-maniac, money-launderer and racist can contest Congress, Senate and presidential election – but in Iran, such person will be banned not only from becoming a lawmaker but put in jail. There is no registered political party or Jewish or gun lobby in Iran. Furthermore, Iran has held free election every four year – even during the 8-year Iraq Iran war.

The 52 US embassy staff in Tehran was kept in custody by students for 444 days – not because they hated Americans, but because those 52 were part of CIA espionage network. The six American hostages who were able to escape Iran – were in fact smuggled out by Canadian ambassador in Tehran, Ken Taylor, who admitted in 2010 that he was chief of CIA operation in Iran.

Since 1979 Islamic Revolution, Tehran never carried out an arm deal with the United States. Washington still owes Iran military hardware which was paid for by King Reza Shah before 1979. The so-called ”Contra-Iran affair” was a conspiracy by the US-Israel-Saudi Arabia ‘Axis of Evil’ to demonize Islamic regime among the Arab world.

In US Congress, the anti-Iran crusade is headed by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman. She has Cuban Jewish family roots. British veteran journalist and author, Alan Hart, called her the ’First Lady of Zionist Lobby” in US Congress. She was co-star of a so-called “documentary” entitled “La amenaza iraní” (The Iranian Threat), in which she said, without blushing, that the US should attack Iran in order to “avert bomb explosions in various Latin American capitals”. The Israeli propaganda crap was aired by US-based Univision TV, a Spanish language network owned by Israeli-American Jewish billionaire Haim Saban. “I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel,” Saban told his interviewer in 2004. Haim Saban was born in Egypt. After the 1956 Suez War, his parents “moved to Tel Aviv where his family lived in a one-room apartment and shared a bathroom, with a hooker and a pimp,” quoted by the NYT, September 5, 2004.

An finally, Iran’s Fars News Agency photoshopped pictures of America’s first lady, Michelle Obama, to cover her “half-nude” breast and shoulders at the Oscars to conform to Islamic dress modesty – thus destroying the “sex appeal” of a mother of two daughter. How uncivilized, eh!

Oscars goes ‘anti-Semitic’ | Rehmat's World