pegasus living moon

Perhaps EXTERMINATOR, You could explain in clear detail why Myself and Linda Brown were "exterminated " from the so called livingmoon site???

I have no intention of dragging that stuff into this forum... The ONLY reason I came here at all is because someone sent me the link to this post where you REPEATEDLY slander Zorgon and call him a NAZI. Since his family (an he) is German, and they left Germany because of the NAZI regime to continue with this behavior is both slanderous and liable. I am surprised that the owners of this forum allow such behavior because in their own T&C they claim that is not allowed

As I stated in the post that has no appeared... YOU were asked repeatedly by staff to stop your attacks and disrupting of threads. You refused to cooperate and refused to respond to private messages from admin. As such you were given a deadline to comply which you refused to do so your resignation was accepted by default.

Your continued slander of Zorgon and his site is proof enough to any rational person that you have a continued agenda as you have posted these NAZI insults on several other forums as well. Open minds forum was shut down by their host for similar behavior from other people

Well hobbit, you never have to worry about being banned from here. I don't do that to my members. The only reasons for banning are because of spamming and personal attacks on other members. I can't see you doing either of those.

Well spamming and personal attacks was the reason Hobbit is no longer a member of Zorgon's forum... and you can see his post here is a DIRECT attack against Zorgon and his forum using Zorgon's REAL NAME So am I to understand that you allow such behavior here? Especially when that person isn't even a member on this site to defend such alligations

I would strongly suggest to the admin of this forum that they remove these slanderous remarks. NO ONE should have to tolerate such insults.

I thought this site was about love and light... am I mistaken?
Sorry, I was looking at this when I first woke up and didn't see that it was in moderation and don't know why it went to moderation, it shouldn't have. It has been approved. :)

Apology accepted :D Might be because it was first post :D

Hobbit, Exterminator, if you want to have a discussion about things that happened over at Living Moon, you may do so, but I am going to stay out of it. I don't see the need to cause anything further and wish to keep this place an open for discussion and freedom forum. I will however be watching.

No need I have no intention of continuing this at all... as I said the only reason I came over was because these insults were brought to our attention from other members. Do you really want such posts to represent your forum? :D

Good luck on this place :D And feel free to delete these post late :p

Lady of Light[/QUOTE]
Sorry, I was looking at this when I first woke up and didn't see that it was in moderation and don't know why it went to moderation, it shouldn't have. It has been approved. :)

Hobbit, Exterminator, if you want to have a discussion about things that happened over at Living Moon, you may do so, but I am going to stay out of it. I don't see the need to cause anything further and wish to keep this place an open for discussion and freedom forum. I will however be watching.

Lady of Light

I do not desire or want to discuss anything to do with that site...livingmoon....I assure You.
But I will never ever allow Myself or Linda Brown to be made out to be anything other than what We both are , and continue to be.

Those who have a very negative agenda, often hide behind a veil of calling others such, I have experienced.
I encourage all to be truthfull, and reveal exactly their agenda/s, as they cannot help but succumb at this time to the truth vibrations that are permeating all.
The veil is lowering, I for one forgive all, including Myself.
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It's people like this to hold all of humanity back. If you're an alien looking down on Earth people like this would be a good reason to stay away, and keep the Earth in quarantine.

"people like this"?

Did you know that Zorgon and his Medieval group helped raise MILLIONS of dollars for a local Las Vegas charity dealing with mentally handicapped children. That is just one thing he and his group did to make a difference and can easily be proven as it was recorded in the news over several years

His group also helped stop the oil drilling in the Arctic Refuge working with state and federal politicians against the idea. We have letters of thanks from the likes of Sen Harry Reid and Congresswoman Shelly Berkley

What have any of YOU done to begin to match such active help? Oh yeah that's right you sit at your computer and make comments on people character without any facts to back it up

LOL 'Light workers' :applouse:
I have no intention of dragging that stuff into this forum... The ONLY reason I came here at all is because someone sent me the link to this post where you REPEATEDLY slander Zorgon and call him a NAZI. Since his family (an he) is German, and they left Germany because of the NAZI regime to continue with this behavior is both slanderous and liable. I am surprised that the owners of this forum allow such behavior because in their own T&C they claim that is not allowed

As I stated in the post that has no appeared... YOU were asked repeatedly by staff to stop your attacks and disrupting of threads. You refused to cooperate and refused to respond to private messages from admin. As such you were given a deadline to comply which you refused to do so your resignation was accepted by default.

Your continued slander of Zorgon and his site is proof enough to any rational person that you have a continued agenda as you have posted these NAZI insults on several other forums as well. Open minds forum was shut down by their host for similar behavior from other people

Well spamming and personal attacks was the reason Hobbit is no longer a member of Zorgon's forum... and you can see his post here is a DIRECT attack against Zorgon and his forum using Zorgon's REAL NAME So am I to understand that you allow such behavior here? Especially when that person isn't even a member on this site to defend such alligations

I would strongly suggest to the admin of this forum that they remove these slanderous remarks. NO ONE should have to tolerate such insults.

I thought this site was about love and light... am I mistaken?

The EXTERMINATION procedure undertaken upon the livingmoon site proceeded My DEFENSE against such.
It was DECIDED to ELIMINATE a whole bunch of posters called Lindas team, or similer.
It was then given as a hint that such persons should do the honourable thing and resign.
I chose to do no such thing, and began to defend Myself againt the EXTERMINATORS that were then released.
Your site...livingmoon is totally flawed and held by Myself in total contempt.
Any suggestion by such as Fruitbat that Myself be allowed back there is a total waste of their time.
TIME will show the wiser ...EXTERMINATOR.
I for one forgive all, including Myself.

If that is true... then simply retract your slanderous comments and go in peace...

Otherwise... who is the hypocrit?

"Proof is in the puddin.." as you Brits love to say

Okay folkes TTFN I have other places to be
It was DECIDED to ELIMINATE a whole bunch of posters called Lindas team, or similer.

Actually most of them chose to drop the BS and remain as useful friendly contributors. Just you. Linda and Mikado and I think that tricky fox spook

It was then given as a hint that such persons should do the honourable thing and resign.

yes the offer was given to stop the disruption and get on with it or leave... most chose the former

I chose to do no such thing, and began to defend Myself againt the EXTERMINATORS that were then released.

You chose to continue disruption despite being asked to stop... as you continue to do here. You even did so in a welcome thread for a new mod...

Your site...livingmoon is totally flawed and held by Myself in total contempt.

Fine so be it... then grow up and move on... we completely forgot about you until this thread was brought to our attention

Any suggestion by such as Fruitbat that Myself be allowed back there is a total waste of their time.

I will be more than happy to pass that on to fruitbat and the others that were petitioning for your return

Adieu, Hobbit Je n'ai pas plus de temps pour ce. Avoir une belle vie!
If that is true... then simply retract your slanderous comments and go in peace...

Otherwise... who is the hypocrit?

"Proof is in the puddin.." as you Brits love to say

Okay folkes TTFN I have other places to be

The proof of the pudding is in the eating....actually.
Which is a way of describing exactly what I experienced of that tin foil hat site called the livingmooon...the after taste is STILL lingering on.

Than goodness for small mercies.
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Exterminator just typed " Who is Linda Brown? Don't know, because has no record that TT Brown had and kids...

Curious that, eh?
You HAVE to be kidding , right?
Alls well in the world kiddos... This is Linda Brown, rightful heir to the Thomas Townsend Brown legacy...
I am Linda Ann Brown ( Dad wanted a LAB at the time.... I guess in December of 1945 I had to do!!! <g>)
My brothers name was Joseph Townsend Brown.... he was proud of his name and his legacy too though he chose to go into sports instead of science. ....

So curious it is Exterminator! Is this your idea of research? hahaha and now I am supposed to not exist?
You folks are really very funny.

Lady of Light. I am sorry that I have been away. I have many questions to ask of you because much new material has come in my direction and I am curious to know if you have had any other strange feelings or visions about all of this. I feel that there is a tremendous upwelling of positive energy which will benefit all of us as long as we don't let petty bickering sideline us. Sometimes its good to step to the side to avoid an oncoming freight train... anything short of that the above....are just silly statements which are just unnecessary and are designed to delay serious and thoughtful considerations...Lets not get sidelined with silly stuff like this!

Too much is counting on the thoughts that can be developed here for the future.

I will try to keep up with the subjects here Lady of Light.... thank you so much for allowing me membership.

Times are changing and certain forces are losing their grip on what they want us all to see as reality...Don't let these forces delay your own progress into the future.

Thats as much as I am going to say about Exterminators comments. If anyone doubts that I am who I say I am you are very welcomed to join me at the Forum that carries my Dads full name. Or through this avenue contact me directly.

Best to you all Linda
Thank you Linda. You don't need to apologize for being away. :)

I will not be side-tracked by anyone. Unfortunately, bickering is the only way some people know how to communicate.

To you all, I hold no ill-will or have any bad feelings toward any of you. I hold an open forum free for all opinion and for that which is presented as fact at the time.

Exterminator, I can see no reason for editing or removing any of the above posts/statements. Unfortunately for you (and Zorgon, and Living Moon website), and fortunately for Hobbit, what was stated is in such a way that it cannot be considered slander or liable. Yes, Hobbit did write in the last name of Von Schmidt, and associated that last name with the user Zorgon, however a last name isn't giving any personal information about anyone as there are many people with that last name. Hobbit also states that the methods being used are of the zionists and nazis. Hobbit has been careful on how things are worded here; I don't know how he/she has worded things on other sites, but here hobbit has been choosing his/her words carefully so I cannot remove anything that has been said.

I run this forum so that others may have a free say for their opinions/thoughts without harm to anyone. I am sorry if egos have been bruised, but I must run things in a legal manner. That being said, the opinions of Hobbit and any others on this forum will remain as long as they are within legal limits.

I will be posting for our conversation on those papers and anything related over on this thread:

I haven't had any images recently, however, I have been feeling that I should be focusing in that area. I'm feeling the pull, lol. :) :) I'll post when I get more info passed my way. :)

Please, there is no need for fighting and arguing. This is meant to be a peaceful place to discuss. It happens to be the land of the 'misfits', lol. Members of other sites tend to gravitate here. And we accept everyone here! :) :)
Exterminator, I can see no reason for editing or removing any of the above posts/statements. Unfortunately for you (and Zorgon, and Living Moon website), and fortunately for Hobbit, what was stated is in such a way that it cannot be considered slander or liable. Yes, Hobbit did write in the last name of Von Schmidt, and associated that last name with the user Zorgon, however a last name isn't giving any personal information about anyone as there are many people with that last name. Hobbit also states that the methods being used are of the zionists and nazis. Hobbit has been careful on how things are worded here; I don't know how he/she has worded things on other sites, but here hobbit has been choosing his/her words carefully so I cannot remove anything that has been said.

Oh that is fine... I merely said you may remove my posts if you wished. I can see that you will allow negativity because someone carefully words a response. LMAO Well that is interesting and shows your true intent. Zionist and Nazi tactics? Because we chose to limit members to invited guests on a private forum? Really? Wow.

Well you are free to run your house as you see fit :D And threads like this are actually good advertizement because people LOVE drama and come visit to see what all the fuzz is about

You say you have an open forum dedicated to truth... yet you allow any member to state things that are not fact, but merely inflammatory rhetoric. Your choice, but what kind of message does that send about YOUR forum? Law of Attraction... you reap what you sow.... I wish you luck :watermelon:

I run this forum so that others may have a free say for their opinions/thoughts without harm to anyone. I am sorry if egos have been bruised, but I must run things in a legal manner. That being said, the opinions of Hobbit and any others on this forum will remain as long as they are within legal limits.

Ah yes... must keep to those legal limits... just toss in any insults 'under the wire' worded 'correctly' and your okay. LMAO Comical really... but it will come back to bite you, because once you open the door to such behavior, you open the floodgates.

You HAVE to be kidding , right?
Alls well in the world kiddos... This is Linda Brown, rightful heir to the Thomas Townsend Brown legacy...
I am Linda Ann Brown ( Dad wanted a LAB at the time.... I guess in December of 1945 I had to do!!! <g>)
My brothers name was Joseph Townsend Brown.... he was proud of his name and his legacy too though he chose to go into sports instead of science. ....

No actually I was NOT kidding. In fact your sudden appearance here at this forum just after that was posted AND your registration at Zorgon's temporary forum is proof we touched a nerve.

Even wikipedia, usually a great source of info, has no record of TT Brown having any kids. There are no photos showing he had any kids and none of the ancestry site show any record.

Brown was born in Zanesville, Ohio; his parents were Lewis K. and Mary Townsend Brown. We can trace all his ancestors from there but nothing about any children.

It is easy for someone on the internet to claim to be anyone at all. But lets see some proof... Where are the baby photos? Where are the birth records? Inviting people to your forum to tell them who you are is not good enough

We also found that you were registered as Elizabeth Helen Drake on the Pegasus Yahoo energy group almost since the beginning. At the time we did not know that Elizabeth Helen Drake was aka Linda Brown... That account has been terminated as well... not that it matters as that site has been moved to the now main forum. But interesting that you were lurking on that group as well and now you and hobbit trying to rejoin the site.

It is interesting that this was about the same time that Dr Hal Puthoff stopped by the Pegasus yahoo energy group. He is the one who says TT Brown told him his research was a dead end and not to waste any time on it ( and THAT is recorded for anyone to look up) Make one wonder if Elizabeth Drake is just another alias for Dr. Elizabeth A. Rauscher :pirate2:

I seem to recall you mentioning connections to her on Zorgon's site... It begins to become clear now :D

If you hate us so much. why do you keep bothering with us? We had completely forgotten about you two until Fruitbat asked us to let you back in... then we were sent this thread. And Hobbit attacking John and Dr Pari Spolter at GLP? Seriously? You people have some serious issues.

Well When Pari was introduced at Pegasus before she even had a chance to post and state her views, our dear Hobbit rudely attacked her ideas and spammed the thread with his nonsense. Way to go guys... you did have the effect of having her not wish to post in open public areas... I guess you can pat yourselves on the back for that eh?

To any seeker of real truth....

You might find it a good idea to not just take ANYONE'S word for it on who they claim to be... A simple check of credentials is always a wise move...

To Linda;

Pics or it ain't so :stupid:

To Hobbit:

Zorgon wants to know if you have any old swords in that antique shop of yours. He is always looking for more. We have a member living close to you that has offered to pick them up if you do :victorious:
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The man with the flashing light is Raymond Lavas. He is a noted mathematician working on the fields of Thomas Townsend Brown and also the man who has translated the French experiments on my Dads work in 1956. His name and his face and his credentials are out there for anyone to see.

And I agree with you wholeheartedly Exterminator

"You might find it a good idea to not just take ANYONE'S word for it on who they claim to be... A simple check of credentials is always a wise move...

A check on who they are..... and why they hold certain agendas is certainly important. Of course I understand being cautious but to rabidly insist that my Dad had NO CHILDREN is not only ludicrous it borders on revealing a dangerous agenda of misinformation and divisiveness.... plus.... just being plain RUDE.

People with the name of Zorgon and Exterminator are asking me to prove my authenticity? and stating that my brother and I did not exist according to their research? I pity the people that they do research for then.... Unless of course that has nothing to do with it and the only reason to present such irritating rubble is to cause dissention and waste our time.

I agree with you Exterminator. When you and your father step forward and prove who you actually are.... then I will have more respect for you. After the apology though that Zorgon has promised when he has been proven wrong. You really should be more careful gathering your research because it reflects badly on his name and I WOULD THINK if you are actually his daughter.... that you would worry about that.

And a note about the character of Elizabeth Helen Drake. When Paul Schatzkin started writing my Dads biography in 2003 he and I decided that I should present myself as EHD in most of our research correspondence. I used it as my pen name because both of us felt that we would get a more relaxed reaction from people he was interviewing if they thought that I was just his research assistant and not Townsend Browns daughter. I wanted them to feel free to say anything about Dad.... even if it turned out to be negative. I never had that experience luckily but had to bite my tongue a few times when so called " experts" spouted off about things that I knew were patently false....

I became the hostess of Pauls ttbrown Forum and was there for years while he compiled the book. Some of the really astute forum members figured out who I was pretty quickly. Even my initials were meant as a big clue ( EHD Electrohydrodynamics.... my Dads chosen field.) When Paul was finished with the book I then announced myself but most of the folks on the forum said basically.... "yeah, with winks and smiles.. "we knew it was you all the time!"

I fail to see where I should be made to feel ashamed of that now. Especially by a person who calls herself the " Exterminator" and someone who obviously does not know the first thing about being her Dads proper "research assistant". To hand him faulty information the way she has is really a very bad reflection on BOTH of them but primarily on her personally. Thats just my studied opinion.

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I just thought that those who really enjoy real biographical research might enjoy seeing this outline, done for us by a friend living out of the country. Some of the information needs to be updated but you will see that he covers many bases ..... Including the birth of Dads children! Take a look and note how exhaustive the study is....

Exterminator if you are really interested in helping your Dad THIS would be the kind of work required of you.


I don't think that I have enough posts yet to be able to post the link....I will come back to this if I can and perhaps I can post a small section just to give you an idea of how detailed the outline was ( backed up of course by proper paperwork. It makes me tired just thinking of the work that was involved in putting it together.... but thats the kind of thing that has to be done......

I note that Pegasus has also drawn from the section about my Dad there are several serious mistakes. Wouldn't you want to correct your work Exterminator or is that not the thrust of your interest>

1905-1921 Zanesville, Ohio Early childhood
1921-1923 Zanesville, Ohio Doane Academy
Radio experiments
Met Lee DeForest
1923-1924 Pasadena, Calfornia California Institute of Technology
First ideas about gravitational radiation
Rejected by Robert Millikan
Home lab
1924-1926 Zanesville, Ohio Denison Uiversity
Met Paul Biefeld
1926-1928 Zanesville, Ohio TTB courts Josephine Beale
September 8, 1928 Zanesville, Ohio TTB and Josephine marry
November 15, 1928 Cellular gravitator patent
1929-1930 Zanesville, Ohio Early married life
Experiments with L. K. Brown
Stock Market crash
Eldridge Johnson endowment to University of Pennsylvania for medical research
August 1929 "How I Control Gravitation"
Science and Invention magazine
October 29, 1929 stock market crash
December 4, 1929 TTB writes to Navy
June 24-25, 1930 TTB demonstration for General Motors
August 1930 affidavit from Paul Biefeld about rotating Biefeld-Brown effect and sidereal fluctuations
1930-1933 TTB in the Navy - active duty
September 3, 1930 TTB enlists in Navy at Cleveland, Ohio, basic training at Great Lakes Training Station
November 22, 1930 TTB is Honor Recruit, candidate for San Diego Navy Radio Training School
TTB is given orders to Naval Research Laboratory
February 26, 1931 TTB donates equipment to NRL
3 March 1931 TTB is assistant to officer in charge of radio school
March 16, 1931 TTB reports to NRL Anacostia, DC
January 1932 TTB is offered position on S-48 Vening Meinesz Navy-Princeton Gravity Expedition to West Indies, or Admiral Byrd's International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska. Chooses S-48. "Superior skills as a lab man". Rank: Seaman First Class.
February 3, 1932 Earthquake in Santiago, Cuba. TTB rescues Vening Meinesz from rubble Other person helping in the rescue was a companion Harry Hess. future name in sonar development and Undersea explorations. 7 February - 17 March 1932 - S-48 gravity cruise, Cuba-Miami. Future admiral Hyman Rickover on board.
Spring 1932 TTB assigned to Physical Optics Division, recommended for higher pay scale
June-August 1932 Letter exchange, infighting over TTB's science posting. NRL personnel want him with them, Senators write on his behalf, Bureau of Navigation wants him to serve sea time, TTB proposes "mechanical reaction on fluids" study, Chief of Bureau of Engineering overrules Navigation
January 23 - early March 1933 Johnson-Smithsonian Deep Sea Expedition on Eldridge Johnson's yacht Caroline. TTB is radar/sonar operator. First called 'Dr Brown'. Docks at Nassau, William Stephenson believed to have met TTB. Meets Florence Douglass. Expedition terminated due to financial panic over FDR's 'Bank Holidays'.
February 20, 1933 Orville Brown, 72, falls or jumps out a window - Brown family fortune almost all gone
April 18,1933 TTB promoted to Lieutenant (junior grade)
April/May 1933 TTB dismissed from active duty status owing to Navy budget cutbacks. Senator Robinson appeals on his behalf but is not successful.
1933-1938 TTB inactive from Navy "pending establishment of Gravity Section of Hydrographic Office, special projects in relief work, harbour protection on Lake Erie"
1934 (via Morgan) TTB demonstrates something at Nassau for Alfred Loomis and British Admiralty Loomis later continues development of instruments
13 March 1934 son Joseph Brown born
1 March 1936 TTB recruits for covert-sounding Dutch East Indies "scientific" expedition. Sidereal investigations continue - Fleming, Gish, Miller, Maris
Spring 1936 - May 1937 TTB and Josephine develop Hawthorne farm into Hawthorne Pool
24 December 1936 TTB finger amputation reported after "accident at Wise Foundry"
3 December 1937 TTB and Josephine divorce
January 1938 Townsend Brown Foundation set up
22 March 1938 TTB requests housing for instruments at Denison, Denison trustees decline
1938-1942 TTB active in Navy again
April 1938 TTB applies for full Lieutenant
20 June - 30 September 1938 TTB on USS Nashville shakedown cruise and "goodwill tour" - Carribbean, Philadelphia, France, Germany, Sweden, England. Loads $50 million of gold bullion in Portsmouth, for Chase Manhattan bank in New York.
10 June 1939 TTB reports he has built a sidereal radiation detector for University of Pennsylvania
1 September 1939 WW2 starts
1938 - 1940 Josephine serves at Bethesda Hospital as a nurse, then works as a courier in Washington DC for William Stephenson via Evelyn McBarnet
10 June 1940 TTB reports job as materials and processing engineer for Glenn Martin in Baltimore, flying boats
19 September 1940 TTB and Josephine remarry. Josephine is District Supervisor of WPA houskeeping aid project
1 October 1940 31 March 1941 - TTB reports occupation as acoustic and magnetic mine sweeping and design
7 December 1941 USA enters WW2
early 1942 TTB is Radio Officer, Ship's Service Officer and Educational Officer at Atlantic Fleet Radar School Norfolk, Virginia.
28 July 1942 TTB ordered to ship equipment to Radar School
30 September 1942 TTB resigns from Navy
1943-1945 Vega
November 1942 TTB moves into Wonderland Drive, Los Angeles and starts work at Vega (Lockheed). Working with Bradford Shank
1 December 1942 Vega notebook - UHF antenna and 'Structure of Space'
1945 Germany
12 April 1945 FDR dies, TTB immediately called into occupied Germany to retrieve technology for Caroline/Nassau, Halifax bomber NA337, Accompanied by Twigsnapper/O'Riley/Boston as bodyguard (associated with John Godfrey's 30th Assault Unit?), Suggestion that the rumours of underground Nazi research facilities in Bavaria were true, Crosses path with Howard Campaigne's US Army TICOM unit, and Robert Sarbacher's unit working for British Director of Naval Intelligence, Shot in the lung during botched scientist retrieval. Unnamed German scientist is dead. Convalesces at a classified US Army hospital in the UK near Farm Hill, Sarbacher and O'Riley rescue Richard Miethe from Soviet internment camp with Hans Von Luck's assistance.
1945- 1947 Laguna Beach, Los Angeles Sometime here Bradford Shank produces very early anti-nuclear documentary "Where Will You Hide?"
June 1945 Josephine moves to Laguna Beach
August 1945 TTB returns to Laguna Beach and continues recovering, "The Rain on the Window papers" written sometime around here? (Those pages were dated 1944)
11 December 1945 daughter Linda Ann Brown born

Its alot of work and there is still more to be done. This was just an outline and I stopped at my birthday. THATS the kind of work that you have to do Exterminator... and thats just scratching the surface. Each note there represents alot of paperwork which backs it up. For example.... My Mom and Dads divorce ( I never knew about it until this flow of information came in our direction.) and I have been told that I probably have another years work just to uncover the events that are just barely touched here or not even mentioned at all.
