pegasus living moon

Exterminator wrote in red in an earlier message

To any seeker of real truth....

Here is my message to tack on to that...... BE THEN..... A SEEKER OF REAL TRUTH..... A real seeker (As is evidenced by the kind of outline listed above.) Zorgon was kind enough to reply on the Cosmic-Token that he hasn't in fact had the TIME to read either Pauls book about my Dad ( which took six years to reseach and write) nor my memoir ( The Good-Bye Man" which took Jan Lofton and me another year to complete.... and we have already agreed that it was too lightweight and needs to be pulled and rewritten with the new information that has come to us....

So both Zorgon and his daughter are approaching this situation from the very outmost edge of understanding the situation. I don't know whether to laugh or cry about that. Its so frustrating to have to deal with that reaction but you know I am coming to understand that this might just be sort of a normal human resistance to the change that is coming and somehow those who have worked so hard to get this information out there should just learn to accept that is the reaction that we are going to get.... until things start turning. Not sure when that will be...But its something we need to realize...

But it shouldn't matter when the truth of all of this is recognized.... at least we will have done our part properly.

And though it upsets me that someone would take such an uninformed position ( Townsend Brown had no children) and then try to pass it off from a position of some authority..... when they haven't even EARNED that authority at all. (Exterminator..... is that statement " badmouthing you?" Think about it a moment. Don't you deserve that?)

Another lesson for me to understand...which is a point that Exterminator herself pointed out.. any one can say anything here on the Internet. I just trust that the readers who are SERIOUS about looking for the truth will put the effort into it that is required. And hopefully lend some amount of respect to those who have worked so hard to get the amounts of information together that they have already.

Its only fair. Linda

There is so much work still to do!

Thank you Lady of Luck for your last visions shared with me. The vision of "papers on the floor///// all over the place had a distinct meaning to me. I will share that with you on the other thread.... thanks so much for that! Linda
I just took a quick peek and I can see the nature and the mindset of the people involved in this matter, lol. Unbelievable.

Again, I don't know the whole story, but from everything that I've read, it seems quite clear.
You have been such an enormous help Lady of Light. I can't even begin to express my gratitude.

I just a moment ago posted this on my Forum but I hope its alright to copy it here. I think it needs to be here word for word because there is an energy at work her that is pointing me in this direction... and the things that you have said recently reinforce that I think.....

by Linda Brown » Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:38 am

Its really odd and wonderfully strange that Lady of Light had that vision of papers all over the floor and I had to admit when I first read that I immediately thought of the way that John Nash used to operate. He would write little notes to himself and then attach them to each other... the entire room could be filled with pieces of paper all connected... and then he would wander around just looking at them from a distance. Precisely what "Logan" does so there must be something in common with that. Genius? Some tried to say of Nash.... madness.... but what else is new when you are in posession of knowledge so far advanced?

The thought stuck with me and tonight I just happened upon this message on the old Paul Schatzkin Forum....and ODDLY again.... this is the first thing that came up.

I recognize being led to information long stashed away when it happens!!!!
Notice the date...................Six years and counting!********************************************

Thankyou Paul for keeping this safely archived...... ... bff0ec3a18
"by Paul S. on Tue Jun 13, 2006 4:31 pm

I'll just put this here... and I think I'm going to change the title of this section of the forums. It's now "The Character of Townsend Brown" instead of "The Life of..." This entire website deals with the "life," we need a place where we can focus on "the character."

Since posting that last chapter (37) I have spent most of my waking hours really combing through all my notes. Enough with the holes already, I'm nibbling on the cheese. It has been a very concentrated effort to get all my notes organized and lined up in a way that, ultimately, I hope, will accelerate the writing of the rest of the book. Urgency lurks in every corner.

Among the notes I've encountered buried in my (mostly digital) files is an exchange I had with Linda Brown back in November of 2003, well after our relationship had taken root -- and Linda had gotten the ability to send me great tracts of her innermost thoughts via e-mail.

Somehow, we got into a discussion of John Forbes Nash, the central character in Sylvia Nassar's book (and the Ron Howard/Russell Crowe movie) "A Beautiful Mind." Reflecting on Nash, Linda shared with me these insights about her father, which I am posting here, now, because we have been talking about "the character" of Townsend Brown, i.e. "what was he really like?" and I think this excerpt from my correspondence with Linda speaks directly to that question:

On November 19, 2003, in a message entitled "Love and Oneness," Linda wrote to me:

"Dads character was so different than what I have so far read of [John] Nash.

"Primarily, he would NEVER have done anything to make another human being uncomfortable. No matter what he thought of him personally. It was so rare for him to get angry at someone or something that I could count the instances on one hand. He was raised to be a gentleman and he always was -- a true gentle man.

"And, though I think that Dad felt he was somehow gifted with a special intellect ... he never felt that put him above anyone else. He valued each person and told me many times that no matter what I chose to do in life, as long as I followed my guiding passion, my life would be purposeful and a joy. He didn't just talk about those thoughts, he acted on them. I am particularly reminded of that conversation he and I had after that trip to the U of Penn when he turned off the car and said, "what do you want to do?" I wonder if he had been John Nash what advice would I have gotten? I wonder if he would have even talked to me!

"He only ever spoke of Nash once and his words were a puzzlement to me then. He likened "inspiration" to a "charge" on a human mental battery. "Some of us can take it" he said "and some of us can't and simply explode." To me that was a chilling description.

- - - - - -

A chillng description, indeed. I can relate. Thank you, head, for putting yourself back together after each spontaneous combustion... ***************************************************************************************************************
University of Pa again coming to the surface. I just got a call from there today.... out of the blue....its all rolling in our direction folks and TIME doesn't seem to have any hold on the material. Linda
Linda Brown

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Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:08 pm
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When Paul referenced the University of Pa above.... he was responding to a story that I had told about going on my Senior " College Tour" with Dad . He knew that I could be accepted there so he volunteered to walk me through the electronics division. I wasn't sure why but suddenly out of no-where a professor came gushing up to us saying things like " Oh!!! Dr. Brown!!!!! If I knew that you were going to be visiting I would have so much to show you.!.... What an HONOR it is to have you here SIR!" Dad explained what our purpose was and this gentleman turn to me and said.... " So YOU ARE TOWNSEND BROWNS DAUGHTER!!!! He said it with such rapt enthusiasm and expectation!

On the way home I started to cry. Dad pulled the green cadillac to the side of the road and turned off the engine to ask what was wrong. I blubbered that I would NEVER be able to fulfill all of the expectation that I saw in that mans face. NEVER! and I broke into tears again. Dad stared off and then gently said.... "so, Sweetie.... What do YOU want to do?" I blabbered something about wanting to train horses professionally and I wanted to go where I could get my certification to be a riding instructor. He simply said....." Then we will have to find a very good school.... with a fine stable. Case closed."

That next year I enrolled in Southern Seminary Jr. College in Buena Vista Virginia. A major in " Equitation" and for nearly two years there I was as happy as a clam thanks to Dad. Exterminator can look me up if she wants! <g>

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I have no problem with it being copied to here. :) Thanks for sharing this!

As for my help, your happiness is all the reward I need. The fact that I am in fact helping is my reward. :) I KNOW that you are grateful, and I am grateful for you letting me help! :) :)
How odd all of the things coming together today.... pieces of paper, thoughts of John Nash, remembrance of Dads decision to let me follow my hearts desire ( when I KNOW that he really would have loved to have me " follow in his footsteps" .... He gave me my own path. I see so much pain in the world where parents don't see the value of that and I was blessed that he was the Father he was.... ( whether I exist or not!!! :glee:) Linda
How odd all of the things coming together today.... pieces of paper, thoughts of John Nash, remembrance of Dads decision to let me follow my hearts desire ( when I KNOW that he really would have loved to have me " follow in his footsteps" .... He gave me my own path. I see so much pain in the world where parents don't see the value of that and I was blessed that he was the Father he was.... ( whether I exist or not!!! :glee:) Linda

That's the way things tend to work. Out of the blue, so it seems, all of a sudden, things come together. I love those days. :)
I somehow missed reading one of the posts in there, the one about the college and the horses. It's funny, that's been MY dream for my entire life. I only finally got to be around horses a couple years ago as a volunteer with disabled children. It was only for a few months, but I loved every minute of it. Perhaps we have a deeper connection than I thought. :)
A connection I believe has been there for our entire existance and is now just being recognized.

In the "Papers" that Dad kept in that plain stationary box..( called now The Rain on the Windows Papers).. the instructions mentioned that I would be " drawn to centers where the vibrational level would be more conducive to my work.... that people would come together in groups... " self organizing" to help me. I took that to mean that it was important for this " organization" to be something from within each person.... not generated from an outside force. And something of major importance then would happen " Where the four points meet."

For years I tried to figure out what that meant .... ( Four corners here in the United States????).... the papers were very specific that " IT", whatever this enormous breakthrough was.... would happen in this country..... again.... where the Four Points Meet. For a few years I actually tried to put myself in the right place.... was willing to move that I could help all of this happen. I didn't realize at that moment that I was actually trying to MAKE it happen. In my zeal and enthusiasm I missed the part about " self organization".... and the fact that there was something ELSE at work here which had its own time frame.

I am a tad older, maybe just a little wiser ... and now willing to let whatever is going to happen show me exactly where I have to be.... I just have to .... Wait for it.

When you showed across my path you were the answer to a big block of missing information. The Science of all of this is one thing but the spiritual connections between dimensions is entirely another. I had enjoyed the experience of meeting a woman who I called " Anne" during the early part of the book writing experience with Paul. I never questioned her abilities. She said that she was in direct contact with Dad and there were things that she saw and spoke of that could not be known by any other way..... But she went on to other callings....and I have desperately missed her quiet advice....

I think that perhaps we have been "introduced" to further this quest. I hope that this is true because I don't think that some of the information that we need from " the other side" is available any other way. I know that you recognize how much I appreciate your help and how honored I am to have it. I also realize that this is somehow all meant....

And Horses! One of the greatest loves of my life!......I have trained and ridden my entire life..( one of my first " visions" was that of my first horse! I was just twelve.... but I had been begging for a horse for YEARS! And I saw her and the event ( which didn't happen for another 24 hours... VERY specifically!)

..The beaten hat that I am wearing in my Avatar picture on the cosmic-token could tell some wonderful stories!!!!!

And I agree with you... putting disadvantaged kids ( mentally, socially, physically) up on a horse evens the playing field for them and makes them whole and its one of the best things anyone can do to help all of us...............

Nice to meet another horse crazy girl!!! Linda
I agree with you Exterminator. When you and your father step forward and prove who you actually are.... then I will have more respect for you. After the apology though that Zorgon has promised when he has been proven wrong.

You say...
"...when he has been proven wrong"

When that day comes he will be true to his word and apologize. But that day has not yet come. You keep talking but have not shown any family pictures or any other documentions to prove that YOU are actually the daughter of TT Brown.

Oddly enough, while you attack researchers for not being able to find any record... well maybe that is because there IS no record beyond what you have created in prose.

It is no insult to ask for credentials when someone claims to be someone important. In fact it is standard procedure in most circles. You can rant all you like, in the end it is meaningless without proof. John Lear was once accused of lying about his aviation certificates. He produced copies of them and posted them withing 5 minutes of the challenge.

I find it very suspicious that rather than post proof you would continue just blustering in the hopes that any one actually paying attention might be hornswaggled.

Who am I? No one special and neither is my dad... He is just a guy who created a website looking for answers and found and met some interesting people along the way. We don't claim to be related to anyone famous :D

But it is interesting to note that this question has stirred the pot. Seems we really touched a nerve.

No it is not just good enough to take your word for it... not any longer. The jig is up :fox:
Hi Exterminator. Yes. I guess that I will have to do your work for you after all.

Get Paul Schatzkins book " Defying Gravity. The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown." Its easy to order and download and I think its less that five bucks..... Check page 356 in Chapter 62...." Meet the Browns of Ka-Lae-Hae"
You will see a picture of My grandmother, Dad, myself Mother and my brother... properly identified on Decembe 11th 1946......

Of course I should think that it was obvious and easy to do..... but... the question remains....why can't you do something that simple if this means so much to you?

Do you need the link to Paul Schatzkin? Or can you find it yourself? Linda
The jig is up? Is that the best you can say? It certainly is.

I will post more if you can't find your way to that.

But it might be good practice for you. You sure need it.

You said

When that day comes he will be true to his word and apologize. But that day has not yet come. You keep talking but have not shown any family pictures or any other documentions to prove that YOU are actually the daughter of TT Brown.

Oh but wait........ why do I have to prove that I am the daughter of someone you and your Dad have said DID NOT HAVE ANY CHILDREN. START THERE. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THAT PICTURE.

And if you are serious.... why not ask the man who spent 6 years researching this story. Ask HIM if Townsend Brown Had any children. Are you going to call him a liar?

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And Exterminator.... when you say stuff like this

I find it very suspicious that rather than post proof you would continue just blustering in the hopes that any one actually paying attention might be hornswaggled.

Who am I? No one special and neither is my dad... He is just a guy who created a website looking for answers and found and met some interesting people along the way. We don't claim to be related to anyone famous

It reveals alot about you and not much of it complimentary. Do your homework. Stop insulting people as you go and maybe. just maybe you might get somewhere. Your insecurities are showing here and I am beginning to see why your Dad is having such a hard time being taken seriously. Do your work and then come back and we will talk again... OK?
Exterminator.... maybe I should give you another lead

Once you get into Pauls book..... take a look at page 393.... Chapter 64,,,, " Flying Saucer Pipe Dreams"
The copy I am working from was what Paul called his " Authors First Draft" but he never did any editing before he published with LULU so it should be the same number but with changes in formats you might have to just search for the Chapter and go from there because the page number might be different.

Anyone who has Pauls book will see a picture of my Dad standing by a fireplace mantle. Mother is seated and I am standing next to her..... a seven year old , looking silly.

Now the reason that this is important is that photo was taken by a local paper and it was printed with an accompanying story...and if you were honestly the inquiring researcher that you SHOULD be to help your Dad out.... then this gives you a secondary thread of proof because you can go to the Zanesville Ohio Tribune Archives for February 8, 1953 and pull the article about Dad returning to Zanesville. Paul did that. Why can't you if you are so interested?

Part of the writeup was " Townsend Brown, pictured with his wife, the former Josephine Beale, and seven year old daughter Linda Ann, is the grandson of the contractor who built the Schultz Opera house, the Court House, The Clerendon, the county Infirmary and may more local the end of the article the writer adds..... The Browns have a son, Joseph, who has just entered Ohio Universityh at Athens............ Linda is a pupil in the second grade at Duncan Falls school.

Now.... I want to see that apology from your Dad and actually from you too..... because he was going on information that you erroneously supplied to him. Linda
I][/I]Who am I? No one special and neither is my dad... He is just a guy who created a website looking for answers and found and met some interesting people along the way. We don't claim to be related to anyone famous."Seems to me that you are trying to BLAME me for saying that I am Townsend Browns daughter and that somehow and for some reason upsets you. I don't understand that or your reasoning. I don't understand what you say above either.

You really think that you are " no one special?" I am sorry if you really believe that because ITS NOT TRUE!

EVERYONE is special.....

Your Dad has put his heart and soul into that website and looking for answers that are being with held from him. This means alot to him...."He is NOT "JUST A GUY THAT CREATED A WEBSITE....... He is a special person that has been given a mission to search and for the life of me I don't know why you are aiding another force to knock the knees out from under him. You both are special, one and the same.....and you need to stop considering that everything you see or touch is phoney. Its not. And you are NOT powerless......You have the power of the Universe with you if you could just see it.

You have found a good Forum here Exterminator. Why don't you look around a little bit. I think that you were meant to find this place.

I agree with Linda, EVERYONE is special no matter what, and no one is any more special than anyone else. We all have a purpose in life and in this world. The only problem is that most people don't see that. Famous or not famous is completely irrelevant. :)

You have in the past reacted to information supplied to You, and then acted in defense of Your father.
You and Linda have much in common.

We are not the enemy You have ASSUMED, and are being moved about a chess board by very skillfull operators.
I hope and trust You and Your father will learn much from the JOUSTING We have all engaged in????
You are as My dowsing told Me...a cuddly exterminator.