pegasus living moon

Hello Hobbit.

I hope that one of my latests posts on the Cosmic-Token will make some sense here.
• View topic - The Flying Horse.....In disquise????

It really deserves its own thread I think. Much too important to ignor any longer.
Wizards, Hobbits, Blue Knights, and Cuddly Exterminators... and especially Lady of Light....Are we really ready?


If you think it merits its own thread here, then by all means, you have my permission to start one. :)

Are we ready? Well, I don't think anyone is ever truly "ready" for anything, but all we can do is be as prepared as we think we can be, but no matter how prepared we think we are, there will always be surprises that we didn't expect and/or could not be prepared for. :)
I think at the time I messaged that I was thinking of a new thread for the Cosmic Token I believe but the messages were crossing paths, so I can see the confusion.

Since we started with the LivingMoon site discussion (and in a wierd way the Matrix was such a force in the goings on over there.. My questioning of what that was all about was probably one of the things that upset Zorgon initially because I believe he felt his friend The Matrix and what he stood for were beyond reproach)........ I am content to leave things as they are here... unless you believe we should split away. I hope that the Zorgons might decide to join with us here in their observations if they can at all..... I think that we could learn alot from each other.

I am good with " sheltering in place" if thats alright with you Lady of Light <g> Thanks.... Linda
Thank you Lady of Light... about being ready for this big launch into this new bunch of information? I agree. How will we know that we are ready for this. All I have to go on is my exerience raising Yorkshire Terriers. When a pups eyse are closed his little legs generally are not strong enough to get him around either..... but as soon as those eyes open WHAM!!!!! Hes ready!!!! He might fall over and bump into things alot but its a one way street once those eyes open up. I think that we are alot like that. When those eyes open.... I just want us to be ready!

Thank you Lady of Light... about being ready for this big launch into this new bunch of information? I agree. How will we know that we are ready for this. All I have to go on is my exerience raising Yorkshire Terriers. When a pups eyse are closed his little legs generally are not strong enough to get him around either..... but as soon as those eyes open WHAM!!!!! Hes ready!!!! He might fall over and bump into things alot but its a one way street once those eyes open up. I think that we are alot like that. When those eyes open.... I just want us to be ready!


Oh, I'm sure we are. It's amazing what we can do when we are put in a situation that calls for us to do what we must do. It has to be done, and I'm ready to jump right in. :)
I sense that and I appreciate it

Oh, and if you want to see what one of those pups looks like... try this for a moment.

• View topic - All Creatures Great and Small........

I am closing my kennel because I can't really use my left arm too well any more.... and its tough trying to keep up with the kennel.... so the older and bigger pups are going to VERY good homes. If you think you can supply that I would appreciate hearing from you. I will deliver for expenses.... ( errr... maybe not Alaska!)

oops... you have to scroll down until you reach the little dog with the red background! Thanks Linda
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I have such a love for animals. :) I would LOVE to be able to take one of those. Such cuties. Unfortunately, can't really afford a dog at the moment :( AND we just (last week) took in a stray cat, who so far is good with the kids.

Just out of curiosity though, how much do you think it would cost to get one of those little guys to Windsor Ontario?
Gee, I have no idea. I am such a chicken flyer myself the the idea of putting one of my doggies in the baggage compartment ( I know, I know... its supposed to be safe, pressurized and all that) but I just can't do it. I have hand delivered some of my pups to the East Coast ( I live near Palm Springs California ) so that was a bit of a drive! but we had a wonderful time.... and one little one went to Denver.... its been a real joy to me to see what pleasure they bring their new families.... some of the first pups that I raised have already died of old age.... which is the only thing that makes it sad being a breeder. But they all lived well past the expected 15 years and they were well loved every single day.

But this next year I have decided with my arm problems and rewriting the Memoir with the traveling involved for research, I just can not do all of the chores that need to be done with a full kennel.... I probably will pick one small pup who has already volunteered to be my travel partner and we will go see what kind of mischief we can get into! Yorkies are real inspirations when it comes to that. No one can dampen their spirit!

I am glad one kitty found a home with you though....we have a kennel kitty who is sitting on my desk as I type.... She hitched a ride with me when we stopped at Buckeye Lake, Ohio one year.... winter was coming I guess and she must have seen the California plates. People at the motel said that she was a stray and they couldn't catch her to get her to the pound. I opened my car door and she jumped in. I call her Spirit Cat. Thought you would appreciate that. She had me figured from the first!! Linda
See, I'm one of those people if I could afford to take in all the animals that needed a good home I would, lol. Well, if you're ever in the Detroit area, I'm just across the border. :) I REALLY wish I could take one.

Ya, this cat found our back yard a few weeks ago, and she looks JUST like another stray we took in about 6 years ago (we've since gotten rid of that cat when I had my daughter, couldn't trust that he'd be ok with a baby. gave him to a good home.) She came back about 2 weeks later on Halloween night. It was raining (lightly) and she came right to the door and wanted in. :) The kids called her Panthra, cuz she's pure black. I figured, why pay $150 plus to get one from the Humaine Society when there's one in need of a home right here right now. We were planning on getting a cat in the near future anyhow, so what the heck. She's well tempered and good with the kids (so far anyway), so we're happy to give her the shelter and the food she needs.
Well, I should say that we're assuming she's a she and not a neutered male, lol. I can't get near enough to check, lol. But this cat sure does act like a female. Hasn't gone into heat yet, so as of this point, we're just assuming. :)
We speak of kittie cats and then I get these responses on the Cosmic Token.... along a more scientific vein... from our Raymond Lavas.... but look how the discussion reached him and generated itself. More going on here than simple conversation.

And Zorgon. No word from you? Read what Raymond has to say about the French experiments... what do you have to offer? He mentions WinterHaven and when things started to go " black"... Exterminator.... how is the homework going?

• View topic - Light as Propulsion

Meanwhile Lady of Light... thank you for exploring this path with me. Linda
We speak of kittie cats and then I get these responses on the Cosmic Token.... along a more scientific vein... from our Raymond Lavas.... but look how the discussion reached him and generated itself. More going on here than simple conversation.

That's funny! :) But, this is the way it is. Daily I go through these kind of connections. :) I laugh and say "what are the chances of that?" every time. :) Everything is connected, and everything that happens needs to happen in order for something else to happen. :) I love it. :)

Meanwhile Lady of Light... thank you for exploring this path with me. Linda

Ah, it's nothin! :) Besides, I enjoy doing this and I REALLY enjoy helping people. :D Anyhow, it puts my abilities to good use. :)
Oh and I will be relying on your talents, trust me.

I agree with you. Nothing goes ahead until everything falls into place that is meant to fall into place. Very methodical..... Dad used the expression sometimes ( when I got my most impatient for incoming information " Just wait for it") and you are right . Its almost as if we are weaving some sort of magical cloth thread at a time.... and there can't be any holes... it has to be perfect....Like the loom on a tapestry. And sometime you just have to wait for the next golden thread to arrive before you can continue...

What comes next? I agree.... this is a heck of a lot of fun! Linda
Unfortunately, can't really afford a dog at the moment :(

Get a FERRET :D Mine escaped a week ago out the front door and we lost him for three days. ( neighbors kid had actually picked him up in our yard and took him home as they usually don't run far from home)

Well I posted a sign and an ad in craigslist and we got him back, and two other people asked if we wanted theirs, complete with free cage :chuncky: So we combined the cages. This is one of the new guys... Panda... seems they fed him too much :beguiled:


My dad says that the one who calls herself Linda thinks they are weasels but what does she know :watermelon:
Oh I am learning what ferrets look like. :untroubled:

I understand when you hold them firmly to the ground... that they suddenly become very submissive. Its an interesting trait for an animal. Horses do that too. Is my information on ferrets correct?

One who calls herself Linda:love_heart:
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I trust You and pa pa have ferretted around enough now to realise that Linda is Linda , and who She has always been???
I wouldn't like to think of anyone trying to weasel out of apologising.
Exterminator and Zorgon,

I restate my suggestion that we meet in Las Vegas some time in December. Exterminator..... by then I hope that you will be better informed about my Dads life and what we are all actually talking about here and maybe you will be able to see.... just as Hobbit has suggested. that I am who I am.... no one else.....

But the question that I have NOW for you and your Dad is this.

If you don't really CARE about Townsend Browns life and development then why has it been so important to put so much energy in this strange little dance that we have done for the last couple of weeks? Why the rude responses to me ( I don't really care what you choose to say in defense of your actions.... deciding without any clear information that someones own identity is fake.... just because you feel like saying that.... is .....rude..... or agenda driven. thats my personal opinion. You are entitled to yours. Was it simply that you felt like bickering for the fun of it.... or was this something that someone encouraged you to do.... Can you share that with us? Which was it with you?

And if you and your Dad had an agenda to make me look bad and to encourage people to question my very existence then I think that I have the right to wonder publically ..... WHY?.... Don't I?

I am willing to show up in Vegas with anything that you feel that you might need to see to prove who I am. What are you willing to do to get to the truth of what has been going on around both of us?

Your opinion of me changed the minute that you had any dealings with Mikado and I have to wonder if you were not " playing to his fiddle" from that moment on.

No one else seems to have the invested energy to care about doing that kind of thing except Mikado.... and then suddenly you Zorgon. You .... who told me that he could handle threats from those like Mikado..... and suddenly YOU turn on me?..... questioning my own authority in this matter?....... which.............. to some........... would be questionable behavior. Am I right?

I have said that many of the things that you both have said here sort of wreaks of the Mikado "essence"

Sort of like the ferrets that you like so much.( Can't blame you, cute!) Everyone should know that they are ferrets. Even washed up they still have that whiff of ferret about them. Surely you got a strong enough dose of the Mikado scent to know what he was..... and yet.... for some reason.... you let him influence you so strongly that you actually guestioned whether Townsend Brown was my father..... and Exterminator.... were you the one who started this first or were you just backing up your Dad?

I just would like to hear from you what was going on in your mind. Can you share some of that with us?

Lady of Light has seen the Mikado web..... and the flashing from light to dark. Have you?

Oh, a point I needed to make here for the various newbies that don't know about the ongoing dispute that I have going with Mikado. Those who don't realize how serious this is might consider it " bickering " but it is far from that as I hope most of you will understand.

He runs the site that he calls the Quonset Hut.... some just refer to it as the HUT
The official name is the website.....
Please do not confuse it with the site that is in my Dads FULL name

Times are changing and certain forces are losing their grip on what they want us all to see as reality...Don't let these forces delay progress into the future.

Things have gotten so disagreeable at the HUT with Mikado and Kim in control over there that I have asked repeatedly to be removed from the membership there. They refuse to do that. Imagine how uncomfortable that would make you if you felt that the site in question was a constant insult to you and your family. Those are my feelings.

Just letting you know that I do not condone what is said on the site nor have anything to do with it.

I would remove my name from the place if Mikado would do it... and I question why it is so important for him to keep me registered against my will

. One short visit will give you the full flavor of the place and probably tell you all that you need to know about the place. This is a site that was presented to me as a vehicleto continue discussions about my Dads work. It hasn't exactly held true to that course but you decide for yourself. Linda
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Hi Exterminator. Yes. I guess that I will have to do your work for you after all.

Get Paul Schatzkins book " Defying Gravity. The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown." Its easy to order and download and I think its less that five bucks..... Check page 356 in Chapter 62...." Meet the Browns of Ka-Lae-Hae"
You will see a picture of My grandmother, Dad, myself Mother and my brother... properly identified on Decembe 11th 1946......

So let me get this straight. I have to buy a book to see a single picture that you claim is you, but you have no family pictures yourself?

uh huh... curious that

Of course I should think that it was obvious and easy to do..... but... the question remains....why can't you do something that simple if this means so much to you?

Its very simple really... the whole point is having YO prove that you are who you claim to be. Pointing us to buy a book written by someone else is no proof that YOU are Linda Brown, true daughter of TT Brown. You just don't get it do you? Or you hope people will just fall for it. The more you try to shuffle like this, the more people reading this will begin to see the truth of it. And real person would have no problem instantly being able to provide proof. Pointing us to a book... wow REALLY?

Do you need the link to Paul Schatzkin? Or can you find it yourself? Linda

No I do not need a link to Paul Schatzkin... I just seek proof you are who you claim to be. Anyone can point to some book and say? "See? That is me in the picture" Would have dropped it but your continued avoidance is making it very interesting. I think Dad had an offer from a member to hire a detective to get to the bottom of this one way or the other :GB_bonesrock: