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Egyptian-born Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi (born 1926), who was called “a leading progressive Muslim like the reformist Pope John XXIII” by London Mayor Ken Livingstone during his visit to the city in 2004 – returned from Qatar to Cairo on Friday, February 18, 2011. In his first Friday Khutba (sermon) since 1981 – at Tahrir Square which was attended by hundreds of thousands of protesters, he advised Egyptians to preserve national unity as they demand democratic progress.

“Don’t let anyone steal this revolution from you – those hypocrites who will put on a new face that suits them. The revolution isn’t over. It has just started to build Egypt. Guard your revolution”.

Qaradawi’s visit to London in 2004 turned into a political storm when MP Louise Ellman, a member of the Labour Friends of Israel group, urged then Home Secretary David Blunkett to deny the renowned scholar a visa. In 2008 – Sheikh was banned to enter Britain for medical-treatment by Gordon Brown government under pressure from ‘British Friends of Israel’ and other Jewish lobby groups.

Sheikh Qaradawi is one of the top Sunni Islamic scholars in the Muslim world. He has authored 42 books which are translated into many languages. The major problem with Sheikh Qaradawi is that not only he has criticized US for its blind support for the Zionist entity, he have also urged the Sunni world to defend the Islamic Iran if attacked by US-Israel, saying: “Iran is a Muslim country”.

Lee Smith, a senior editor at The Weekly Standard (founded by Israel-Firster Jew William Kristol) wrote before the departure of Hosni Mubarak that Qaradawi’s return to his home country would be dangerous for the US and Israel.

“While the parallels between Iran in 1979 and Egypt in 2011 can be overdrawn, it is foolish to pretend that they are not there. Cairo doesn’t have to literally become a Sunni version of Tehran to do terrible damage to U.S. interests and prestige in the Middle East—and to the hopes and dreams of its own people. And the Egyptians already have their own prospective Khomeini: Yussuf al-Qaradawi, the Qatar-based Muslim Brotherhood preacher who exiled himself from Egypt in 1961,” warned.

In the modern civilized West, it’s okey to be member of Jewish terrorist groups (Irgun, Lehi, Stern Gang, Haganah, JDL, etc.) or be a fanatic-racist Likudnic or be supporter of Israel’s fundo Shas Party or being a member of Israeli lobby groups (AIPAC, ADL, AJC and 40 more) – but being a sympathizer of an Muslim religious party like Muslim Brotherhood, is a No, No….

Qaradawi: ‘The Sunni Khomeini’ | Rehmat's World