Sexual education better than vaccine Saturday, February 21, 2009


Sexual education better than vaccine
Saturday, February 21, 2009

The mothers of the 380,000 girls who these days to get an invitation to be vaccinated against cervical cancer should also tell that a monogamous sexual life even more help, says the Dutch Patients Association.

It is busier than usual these days at the hour of the Department of Individual interests of the Dutch Patients Association (NPT). The reason is that since February 10 more than 380,000 girls of thirteen and sixteen years, through their parents received mail from the National Institute for Health and Environment (RIVM). In the envelope is in a personal invitation for the girls to be vaccinated against human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus later in life (usually between thirty and fifty years) cause cervical cancer.

Maybe it was for you as a parent of a daughter that age, however, when you scare the tone and content of campaign materials to let you call. The existing practice of changing sexual contact from an early age, is taken as criticism. The wording is quite direct and nuance - in an appropriate subject as sexuality - is missed. This will not help you in the responsibility you have in the sexual education of your daughter. And on actual land through?

Real cause
Once the fear obtain, you as a parent is probably what you and your daughter to decide when it comes to whether or not to vaccinate. Even if you have no fundamental objections against vaccination in general and the principles of the campaign are disregarded, there are at this critical vaccination marks. The campaign gives the impression that the HPV vaccination is the health of your daughter will benefit. But is that true?

The campaign is silent about the real cause of the spread of HPV in large scale, namely the changing of sexual contacts. It is true that eighty percent of all Dutch virus rises. Of those with a monogamous relationship that only ten percent. For those not sexually active were even less (but not zero percent). The practice of a monogamous lifestyle is many times better for health than vaccination ever can be. The vaccination gives a false security. The real problem - the changing sexual contact - is not done, while the protection after vaccination is not absolute.

The variants of HPV vaccination are targeting, are responsible for seventy percent of cases of cervical cancer. This vaccination is a false security that could result in that vaccinated girls will in future report to the population to cervical cancer (the smear). It is still insufficiently known what the long-term effects of vaccination, both in terms of duration and degree, if the possibility of side effects. So in that respect it is whether the vaccination of your daughter's health benefits.

Of the women who, despite a monogamous lifestyle is an infection with the HPV virus increase, a small percentage of the infection does not automatically lose. From this group only a small percentage develop cervical cancer. With the current population to this group of early cervical cancer is to detect and treat. The number of deaths from cervical cancer may in practice be very small. A large-scale vaccination of all girls of twelve and sixteen years is therefore not medically based and is therefore disproportionate.

As often is also seen that a lifestyle consistent with God's good offered highly protective environment for the health. It is important also to stress that the risk of cervical cancer also in a Biblical lifestyle continues, though still small. More important than whether your daughter whether or not consent to vaccination, the question is what message you give your daughter your choice. If we ever seen what Paul can give us in Ephesians 4: 20 (note the context!) On the new life it now: "But you totally different, you have to know Christ."

Astrid Bokhorst is senior policy advisor to the NPT.

Note editor.
Inform yourself well or you or your child to the dangers of vaccinations to expose. The ways in which such vaccination has been investigated and is presented to give you enough questions to give to research and not rubber-stamping what they believe you want to be fooled. This is for the health of your child and you do not subject your daughter?

Info addresses:

Dutch Association of Critical piercing
Kids Feeling!
Compulsory vaccination

Source: nd