[Confused!] Sleeping trance or Warning for a storm to come. (Rattlesnake bites)


New member
Sometimes when I am starting to drift off to sleep I go into a trance, I was laying here and I was staring at the floor, the more I let go of my mind and thoughts the closer the floor got in my minds eye. I finally dozed but the one thing I hate the most is a nightmare I cannot understand or interpret. I had a dream about rattlesnakes, they were everywhere like little gremlins. Everyone who came across them would hold still and the snake usually left them alone. I was in a bar, meeting someone I have never met before yet I knew exactly who they were. They didn't use the same name I knew them by so I never introduced myself. I had a seat next to them and my dog climbed up onto my lap as well. Then out of nowhere a rattlesnake appeared. I stopped moving and closed my eyes, but it bit me in the face and when it bit me my dog reacted and she got bit as well, I could feel the venom swelling up in my face and I knew it was only a matter of minutes before me and my dog would die. So I took a run for it and I got bit again and again. after that everything went dark and I don't remember anything else. Can someone please help me with interpreting this dream?
The first thing that came to mind instantly before i was finished reading the first sentence of the dream part is that the rattlesnakes somehow represent all the negativity around you and all the people who you feel are either against you, or that oppose you in your life. As I continue to read, and finally get to the end, the only thing that I can see from this is that it shows how you feel and felt about what you've been through in your past, and then you finally end up at the point you are now; in a state of "darkness". So, you are you, the snakes are all the "attacks" on you, and being bit would be the point of no return where the game completely changes. It's currently dark because you're stuck there, not seeing what's around, and not knowing if you can recover from what has happened. The dog, is your only defender, through this, so either that's a real dog (if you have that dog) or it represents someone who has always been there helping to shield you from the other people who are constantly at you, attacking you. You keep having the dream, because you are stuck at this point, unable to move forward. This dream in no way means your end, your demise, your death. It represents your situation up to the point of the main attack that set you in the place your in now, mentally, and physically. So, although dark things are happening in the dream, I wouldn't say this is necessarily a dark dream.
Well that certainly makes a lot of sense, and yes the dog is real. She is in most of my dreams, I thank you for helping me interpret this dream. I have been having a hard time sleeping because of it. I started wearing my dream catcher necklace to bed so that I may have a restful sleep. I do always feel like everyone is out to get me whether it is directly or indirectly. I feel like I have a good reason as to what is happening that I have been bitten to. The last couple of days have been a real eye opener to me. I just wish that I could figure these things out on my own instead of my subconscious screaming out at me in my sleep. My dad even asked me the other day, everything is alright isn't it? I had a dream you were getting evicted. I had to calm him down because he has more or less the same problem I do. But thank you again for your time, I know you are very busy!