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"On January 22nd I had a major operation. They opened a 13 centimer section of my spinal cord and removed a tumour. The doctors say they have never, in thousands of operations, ever seen a tumour like it.

It looks like a salamander and has clearly defined eyes and a tail. I took a picture of it with my cell phone camera. "

Absolutely Bizarre 'Creature' In Benjamin Fulford's Spine

another article with skype interview with project camelot can be found on their website...with the offer from Dan Burisch to analyse the creature--- currently it is in the Japanese labs

Project Camelot | Welcome
I have been following Ben fullford for quite a while he comes from Ottawa were i was born, this discovery is very strange, he has some political power in Japan seeing that he is now a Japanese citizen because he has droped his Canadian citizenship they do not allow duel in Japan, my wife is Japanese but only a landed imigrant.He has some interesting topics on NWO and EM technology (HARP)and is being protected by Chinese secret society because not all secret societys have a full evil agenda.there is some here say that he is a puppet for the ELITES but i do not believe this, he has some pretty strong things to say to the USA about watching out in the future because the asian networks are tired of putting money into endless wars.China is fed up as well, we will see what plays out in the very near future because everything is moving so quickly. :confused:
Ive followed all his interviews and gleaned as much of his history as was made available online -- he is an interesting fellow with a remarkable life and future it seems. will be interesting to find out what the 'creature' was in his spine and hope that he will make the results from burischs investigation public.

here is the conversation with kerry cassidy from project camelot. His mysterious comments about the year of the bull seems to hold a positive note which lingers in the air ...

Kerry Cassidy (KC): Hi Ben, how are you feeling?
Benjamin Fulford (BF): Just fine
KC: We have lots of people asking about you... since your surgery.
BF: My best guess is that I had some sort of South East Asian parasite.
KC: Can I give them a statement?
BF: Sure
What happened is that I noticed my right leg was getting a bit numb and I could not run even though I could walk.
KC: Wow..
BF: They did an X-ray of my spine and it showed nothing wrong so they did an MRI that spotted an 8cm tumor.
To get it out they had to saw open my back-bone.
KC: Was that painful?
BF: The surgery went well and I can now walk about although of course I cannot bend my back.
KC: Will it take a while to heal?
BF: All I remember is falling asleep under the anesthetic and then waking up in my hospital room with the doctor showing me the tumor in a tray.
I was groggy but I managed to take a picture with my cell phone camera.
KC: Yes, we saw it on Rense.
BF: It will take a couple of months for my spine to fully heal.
KC: Bizarre
What about the year in the Amazon?
My instinct is to look for down to earth explanations before looking for more exotic ones.
KC: Could you have gotten it there?
BF: My best guess is that I got it from eating raw snake meat in Vietnam.
KC: Seriously?
BF: I remember reading after that that there is a parasite you can catch from eating uncooked reptile meat.
KC: Wow, surreal
But didn't you feel anything?
BF: I was at a fancy restaurant in Vietnam where they took the beating heart out of a live cobra and put it into a glass of liquor and made me wash it down.
It was still beating when I ate it.
KC: Oh my God
How long ago??
BF: I remember severe back pains for a while but then they went away.
That was 10 years ago.
KC: Do you think you will feel a lot different now?
BF: My leg feels better.
The nervous sensation is returning.
KC: You are a meditator too, though.
So you must have kundalini energy that can help heal you.
BF: My father died the day after my operation. He came to me and I knew before my family called.
KC: Oh my God.. I'm sorry !!
BF: He had leukemia
KC: Was it a shock?
BF: No, I went to Canada before and we had good closure. He was probably hanging on until he could hear if my operation went well.
KC: Interesting timing
This must be a whole transition in your life both things happening at once
BF: Yes, big things are about to happen.
KC: Do you want to talk about it on the record?
BF: I just need to let these Illuminati hang themselves on their own rope for a bit longer.
Sure, I do not mind if it is on Skype
KC: Ok, good... well what things do you see?
BF: I must play my cards close to my chest for the time being.
KC: Ok -- any clues?
BF: The year of the OX should really be called the year of the cattle. The bulls will charge forward to new pastures, brushing aside the petty predators as if they were mosquitoes. No violence will be necessary.
KC: Hmm, Ok good to hear that..
Who are the bulls?
BF: By the way [name deleted] went to [place deleted] to get his gold and suddenly dropped out of contact.
We know about the last time
We hadn't heard he went there finally
He must have decided there was no more time to lose
There has been a scramble to secure assets in the old system before the new system is announced.
KC: Yes absolutely... any idea when?
BF: It depends on what we decide over here.
KC: Really? Meaning China and Japan?
BF: I will let you know when the time is right
KC: Ok... well I'm glad you are recovering well...
BF: I have to go now but please feel free to set up a Skype interview
I will be in hospital for another week.
Bye for now
KC: Ok, thanks so much.. do you mind if we print this?
BF: Go ahead
KC: Be well
BF: You too.
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Sounds like some thing from Stargate. The goa'uld.

See, I knew there was more to that show! I knew it had to be accurate in so many ways, but this is just amazing how accurate it actually is!

It's creepy to think how many other people could have these things inside them right now and not know about it. Maybe this is what is controlling the illuminati / elite. Creatures inside them that are controlling them.

Good thing it didn't work on Benjamin Fulford. He seems like a decent fellow.