UFOs Fleet Over Japan After Earthquake/Tsunami - New Video!

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
It began with a report three weeks ago of a UFO fleet being seen by witnesses as it moved over Japan's Mount Fuji before the individual craft fanned out across the area. This event was reported in all seriousness by no less than China's main government news agency, Xinhua (see their article here and our article here). Western Media steadfastly refused to report the event. The US based "UFO industry" also chose to completely ignore or suppress any information regarding this event, seemingly regarding it as unimportant: This publication was the sole English language news outlet that ran a story on this occurrence.

Shortly after, we covered further sightings in Japan. There was no doubt about it, UFO activity in Japan was unprecedented and something was happening in the area. For two weeks now our website's front page headline has stated "Asia awash with UFO and alien events". In a subsequent article we asked: "The question now on the minds of many Japanese citizens is, if indeed these craft are of extraterrestrial origin, what do they want from Japan?"
Numerous UFO sightings in Japan continue to be made, right up to this moment, and are still being ignored by the West. We just received a second witness's footage of the UFO fleet seen a week ago (see first video below) and close-up footage of what appears to be one of the craft originally seen above Mt Fuji.

UFOs have now been spotted in the aftermath of the Earthquake, even during media broadcasts.

UFO Fleet Prior the Earthquake & Tsunami:

The connection between UFOs and earthquakes has been made by hundreds of researchers. Academics such as professor Michael Persinger of Ontario's Laurentian University have written about the topic extensively. I myself received dozens of emails from UFO enthusiasts telling me that all of this activity alludes to an upcoming earthquake. Can this really be coincidence? As I write, reports are filtering through announcing that one of Indonesia's major volcanoes has erupted and is spewing lava, forcing locals to evacuate. Indonesia's first crop circle was reported only weeks ago.

The question now being asked by many is: If indeed these UFOs are under benevolent alien control and these beings were aware of the coming disaster why didn't they warn us?
Perhaps they did, but we weren't listening. It is time the connection between UFOs and earthquakes is taken seriously. If it is being taken seriously, the public deserves to know.
