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Last November, former Citigroup CEO, Sanford Weill, a Zionist Jew sold his 6,744 sq.ft. apartment at 15 Central Park West for $88 million asking price to Russian Jewish billionaire Dmitriy Rybolovlev’s daughter Ekaterina.

The Time Magazine has listed Sanford Weill who retired shortly before the 2008 crash, among the “25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis”. The New York Times carried the headline: “Laughing All the Way From the Bank“.

Now, Sonoma State University (SSU) in Northern California has announced to award Sanford Weill and his wife Joan an honorary doctorate on May 12. Ironically, a coalition of SSU faculty, students and local Occupy activists are planning a public demonstration against the award – and even giving the event an anti-Semitic label: Day of Shame. Since 1992, the President of SSU is Cuba-born Dr. Ruben Arminana (born 1947), a political scientist.

Sanford Weill was the driving force in shattering the Glass-Steagall Act, which had prohibited Wall Street investment firms from gambling with their depositors’ money for decades. Weill enabled the merger that created Citigroup, which was a major player in criminal banking practices that were unleashed afterward.

Weill retired incredibly wealthy, despite Citigroup requiring $45 billion in government investment and a $300 billion guarantee of its bad assets to avoid bankruptcy. Now the SSU is awarding him with a degree in Humane Letters for his $12 million donation toward the completion of the Green Music Center, with money he made that helped collapse the economy to the state that it is in today.

Another Wall Street famous crook, Zionist Jew billionaire Bernard Madoff, who was able to suck more than $60 billion from Americans. He transferred most of his loot into Israeli banks.

In December 2010, Washington-based Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy had protested against Barack Obama’s intention to honor Jewish scientist Dr. Zalman Shapiro , who as president of the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) helped Israelis to steal 741 pounds of highly enriched uranium suitable for weapons production. Both the CIA and FBI have refused to release all unredacted NUMEC case files. NUMEC is now undergoing a $170 million taxpayer funded toxic cleanup. According to the recently declassified GAO report “Nuclear Diversion in the US? Thirteen Years of Contradiction and Confusion” responsible US agencies failed to properly investigate the NUMEC diversion as required by the Atomic Energy Act.

I know, Abraham Foxman, labels peopkle ‘anti-Semites’, who believes that the US economy is controlled by Jewish elites – but Joseph Aaron claims in the Jewish World Review that it’s true.

US: ‘How we honor thee crooks’ | Rehmat's World

You know what is more interesting? Peopkle. It is vacuously true that Foxman labels peopkle anti-Semites, and peopkle do not exist. Also, the U.S. economy ios controlled by Chinese exporters, but the Chinese economy is controlled by U.S. importers, so it's all good.