[Breaking news!] White House visitors list shows unsavory characters Obama denied knowing


Exposed--White House visitors list shows unsavory characters Obama denied knowing

Major news is breaking concerning the White House visitors list. The log shows that several unsavory characters, at least 2 of whom Obama denied knowing personally, have been regular visitors at the White House.

The most eyebrow-raising of these visitors is none other than domestic terrorist William Ayers, who, along with his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, established and ran the subversive Weather Underground in the 1960s and 70s, which bombed federal buildings.

Ayers and Dohrn were set free on a technicality--prosecutors suddenly dropped the charges against them due to errors by law enforcement after the two were charged with crimes in these attacks.

In the years since his days of advocating for the demolishing of the U.S. Government, Ayers has continued to espouse his Leftwing extremist views as a university professor...in Chicago, of course.

Ayers also stated in recent years that he was not sorry at all for the bombings of the federal buildings, and that he would do the same thing again under similar circumstances. He went further to state that he regretted not going further with the bombings.

Read entire article here......

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