
Why some people never sick
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good health starts with a good condition. Very complicated is it not, and you do not sit in a sports club. A half-hour moderate to reasonable effort is enough. So as you near your work lives, go cycling instead of car. Or take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Author: Ton Bakker.

No headache, cold or flu, and always fit and cheerful. What is the secret of these super healthy people?

You know them well: friends, colleagues or acquaintances who never spend a day sick. Of those people in the middle of winter glow of health, while all the sniffing and coughing is. In order to be jealous .... But do not think this all goes without saying, they usually do something for. Six life lessons of super healthy people:

Do not sit still

Good health starts with a good condition. Very complicated is it not, and you do not sit in a sports club. A half-hour moderate to reasonable effort is enough. So as you near your work lives, go cycling instead of car. Or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Movement is especially good against high blood pressure and obesity. It helps if you occasionally also intensive sport. That is good for your circulation, and you create extra white blood cells, which protect you against infections.

Consular More healthy building blocks

Fit people look good in what they eat and how much. Some foods contain many relatively healthy building blocks: think of vegetables and fruit. Get antioxidants and fiber in it. Be moderate with fat, salt and sugar. A real highlight is the golden apple: it contains a powerful antioxidant, Quercetin as. That dust is good for your immune system. Even broccoli can not be praised enough. This vegetable contains more salvestrolen, bioactive substances that make you sound against against bacteria and viruses.

Stop worry

If you piekert much about your health, you are saying sick, so know the super sent among us. Because many worry that ensures the level of cortisol increases. This stresshormoon is essential for your body, but too much of it undermines your immune system. Stress, especially long-term stress, is already bad for your health: stress takes your heart again, you are breathing faster and your muscles are stretched. If that happens often and long, your body gets exhausted. Your resistance decreases and you are more susceptible to diseases. Also stress can lead to chronic headaches and back pain.

Make sure you sleep

Good sleep is perhaps the best way to stay healthy. A good night's sleep increases include your melatonin levels, and that is good for your resistance. This will keep your stomach viruses and flu viruses. In addition, poor sleepers tend to their daytime refuge searching for snacks. And that in turn leads to obesity, with all consequences. And little or poor sleep increases the risk of gloom and depression.

Invest in your social network

A lively social network is important for you to feel happy and healthy. People who are part of several social groups are less cold quickly when exposed to a virus, according to research from Carnegie Mellon University. It also helps people in your immediate environment that happy, because happiness is contagious, found scientists from Harvard Medical School. An individual's happiness set in motion a chain reaction which not only direct friends benefit, but also their friends of friends.

Wash your hands regularly

Regularly washing your hands is a success formula to stay healthy. Many pathogens are transmitted via door handles, stair handrails, mobile phones and keyboards. Also to give someone a hand over your risk. Because how are you sure that person has his or her hands washed after an earlier visit toilet? Especially men "forget" this often, so it seems.

Wash your hands often will help with hot water and soap to be exact. Do that at least 20 seconds at a time, then most pathogens from your hands washed. Do not forget the backs of your hands, your nails and your wrists take.

Source: aquariusage


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