
Truth feeder
V for Victory campaign a mark of defiance against Homeland Security’s takeover of society


Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet.com
Friday, January 21, 2011

“Resistance V’s appeared all over the country….The V campaign meant ordinary people could feel they were doing something, however symbolic, to protest against the Occupation.”

“The British radio has called on people to write V for victory everywhere, and they are all over the place, even on shop fronts. They are also written on blackboards, on tables – everywhere. Even better, there’s a new badge: a V made with two crossed pins and worn on the lapel. Yvette and I counted seventy-five in five minutes!…On the Rue d’Astorg, I scribbled a V on a German car. I heard the sound of boots behind me, and moved off quickly.”

The Resistance, by Matthew Cobb.

America is in peril, the United States is being occupied as Homeland Security launches a total takeover of society and attempts to indoctrinate an army of citizen spies as the country accelerates its slide into banana republic despotism. Americans who can see what is unfolding feel helpless, powerless and overawed by the clear evisceration of their freedoms. The time has come for a massive campaign of powerful, symbolic, peaceful resistance.

The Department of Homeland Security has released a trio of chilling PSA video clips in which ordinary everyday activities are characterized as signs of potential terrorism, with the public being indoctrinated to assume the role of domestic spies reporting on their friends and neighbors as America sinks deeper into a decaying police state.

DHS will no longer be limited to the airport in the form of the TSA, but will become a ubiquitous entity policing everyone through a network of citizen spies and infrastructure security technology. The agency will also assume the mantle of regulating Americans’ every behavior and activity.

In wartime France, the victims of the Nazi occupation could see who their oppressors were, in 21st century America we’re not yet being policed 24/7 by black boot wearing stormtroopers, but perhaps something even more insidious – each other. Homeland Security is training Americans to spy on their friends, neighbors and colleagues by making us obsessed with the fear of terror – using the very tactic of terrorists to chill the 1st Amendment, tear up the bill of rights, and intimidate Americans into accepting constant harassment, bag searches, body scans, interrogations, and suffocating security-theatre everywhere they go.

So why the V campaign? What is it and what will it achieve? It’s all about fighting back against the psychological warfare we are now being subjected to by our new would-be slavemasters. They like to remind us that they’re our bosses with their signs – report suspicious activity posters and video messages at Wal-Mart checkouts - terrorism tip line billboards – Homeland Security posters telling Americans where they can and can’t park their car – using symbols, slogans and messages to herd the sheep and elicit their obedience is obviously a very important component of any authoritarian regime – so why not fight back with our own symbols, slogans and messages?

The Obama Joker poster campaign attracted massive attention and was a huge success in creating an underground buzz of resistance. The V for Victory campaign is based on the same basic idea.

We need to tell them who we are and that we’re not their slaves. This in turn will encourage others to feel secure in the knowledge that there are Americans who are working to protect freedom of speech and the right to criticize government without being treated as a terrorist, and that Homeland Security’s constant hyped fearmongering about non-existent terror threats is nothing more than an act of psychological warfare to make Americans shut up, mute their dissent, and follow orders like good little children.


From VIPR teams that now patrol Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor and Los Angeles rail lines; ferries in Washington state; bus stations in Houston; and mass transit systems in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore, to invasive pat downs at bus and train terminals and on street corners across the country, to radiation-emitting naked body scanners that roam the highways scanning vehicles and homes, to
, Big Sis is engaged in a total takeover of society, turning America into a giant prison grid where everyone is guilty until proven innocent and treated as a potential terrorist.

Show me a case in history where the government recruiting the citizens to spy on each other led to a more secure, happy, free and prosperous society and I’ll show you a chicken with teeth. The best possible outcome, as in East Germany, was a despotic society in which free speech was silenced and political dissidents were imprisoned. The usual outcome, as in Stalinist Russia or Nazi Germany – was outright tyranny and death camps. Neither have any place in America.

Homeland Security is now trying to mimic the way of all oppressive regimes, by turning the American people against each other. Their agenda is public – DHS’ own documents clearly state that they consider libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, constitutionalists, gun owners and virtually any political activism as extremism and possible terrorism. As we have seen from a myriad of reports put out by the DHS and threat fusion centers across the country – the primary targets of Homeland Security in their campaign to have everyone treated with suspicion are people who know their rights and people who dare to exercise their freedoms.

This has nothing to do with any genuine terror threat. Americans are being coerced into living in constant fear of terror, when in reality they are more likely to die from peanut allergies, lightning strikes, or accident-causing deer than terrorist attacks.

We need to invoke the spirit of the French who were occupied by the Nazis in World War Two. The V for victory campaign in Paris and elsewhere helped the occupied to understand that the resistance against tyranny was legion. It gave the victims hope that they were not isolated and that their community was bonded in freedom, reducing fear that they would be reported to the authorities by collaborators as a subversive or terrorist for expressing dissent against their occupiers.

To encourage more people to participate in this outreach, we are incorporating it into our, “The Answer to 1984 is 1776″ campaign, and offering $10,000 dollars for the winner who posts the best video on You Tube. Use the V for Victory flyers we have provided to let Big Sis know that we are not her slaves. Use them on banner hangs or as stand alone flyers, post them on message boards or any places where announcements are made in your local community. Anywhere that’s legal and lawful, we want to see the V for victory proudly displayed as a symbolic message of resistance and defiance.

Click here to download all the V for Victory posters in PDF format. Pick your favorite and print them off to use as flyers, or alternatively you are free to adapt the design to your own tastes.

Remember – you are the resistance!

“Never has France been engaged in a more noble or beautiful war than in the one that is fought in cellars where her free newspapers are printed, in the nocturnal terrains and secret rocky coves where she receives her free friends and from where her free children swarm out, in the torture chambers where despite the pliers, the needles reddened by fire and the broken bones, the French die as free men.”

Joseph Kessel, French Resistance Leader.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

V For Victory Was Psychological Warfare Campaign Against Nazis

DJ Pangburn
Death & Taxes
Saturday, January 22, 2011

After Homeland Security’s launch of the PSA campaign “See Something, Say Something,” activists are taking the ‘V’ symbol to the streets with the V for Victory campaign.

What is it about the letter ‘V,’ though, that inspires the human imagination in underground movements and subversive activities?

Well, in the Middle Ages it was the “archer’s salute,” which they held aloft and palm outward to identify friendlies. *It later became a symbolic hand gesture with palm inward to signal “f**k off” or “f**k you.”

‘V’ also shows up from time to time in photographs as the rabbit ears behind a friend or family member’s head, or to signal that one person is watching another.

So where did the current V for Victory Campaign acquire the symbol?

During World War II, Victor Auguste de Laveleye, former Belgian minister of Justice and director of the Belgian French-speaking broadcasts on the BBC, suggested that the Allies use the letter ‘V’ as a symbol in a psychological warfare campaign against the Nazis. *Laveleye said in the broadcast:

“[T]he occupier, by seeing this sign, always the same, infinitely repeated, [would] understand that he is surrounded, encircled by an immense crowd of citizens eagerly awaiting his first moment of weakness, watching for his first failure.”

The ‘V’ symbol starts popping up all over France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and was later adapted by Churchill in a campaign that involved using an audible ‘V’ with Morse Code, by using the first four notes of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. *It was used as the call sign by the BBC in their broadcasts across occupied Europe during the rest of WWII. *Recall that the first four notes of the 5th symphony were meant to represent fate knocking at one’s door. *Isn’t psychological warfare fantastic?

The idea that the symbol could be infinitely repeated is interesting, as is the idea that it suggests a permanent sense of being surrounded though the occupying force is technically in control.

And so the V symbol has been adapted yet again from its shining moment in the Nazi occupation. *It is being used by Infowars activists to protest the Department of Homeland Security’s new campaign “See Something, Say Something,” which encourages Americans to report suspicious behavior. *Infowars interprets the PSA campaign as a totalitarian move by a state that is already a mirror of Big Brother’s Oceania “1984.”

“Homeland Security is now trying to mimic the way of all oppressive regimes, by turning the American people against each other… We need to invoke the spirit of the French who were occupied by the Nazis in World War Two. The V for victory campaign in Paris and elsewhere helped the occupied to understand that the resistance against tyranny was legion. It gave the victims hope that they were not isolated and that their community was bonded in freedom, reducing fear that they would be reported to the authorities by collaborators as a subversive or terrorist for expressing dissent against their occupiers.”

Full story here.

RELATED: You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America


“Resistance V’s appeared all over the country….The V campaign meant ordinary people could feel they were doing something, however symbolic, to protest against the Occupation.”

“The British radio has called on people to write V for victory everywhere, and they are all over the place, even on shop fronts. They are also written on blackboards, on tables – everywhere. Even better, there’s a new badge: a V made with two crossed pins and worn on the lapel. Yvette and I counted seventy-five in five minutes!…On the Rue d’Astorg, I scribbled a V on a German car. I heard the sound of boots behind me, and moved off quickly.”

The Resistance, by Matthew Cobb.

Click here to download all the V for Victory posters in PDF format.

First Entries For V For Victory Campaign Rolling In

Prison Planet.com
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why the contest?

Big Brother telescreens at more than 9,000 locations. Naked body porno radiation scanners. PSA propaganda cranked out by the DHS spreading paranoia and the insidious proliferation of a high-tech Stasi state. Militarized police teams armed to the teeth patrolling subway platforms and bus stations as goons in latex gloves rummage through backpacks and briefcases without probable cause and in total disregard for the Fourth Amendment and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It’s all about fighting back against the psychological warfare we are now being subjected to by our new would-be slavemasters. Use the V for Victory flyers we have provided to let Big Sis know that we are not her slaves. Use them on banner hangs or as stand alone flyers, post them on message boards or any places where announcements are made in your local community. Anywhere that’s legal and lawful, we want to see the V for victory proudly displayed as a symbolic message of resistance and defiance.

RELATED: You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America


“Resistance V’s appeared all over the country….The V campaign meant ordinary people could feel they were doing something, however symbolic, to protest against the Occupation.”

“The British radio has called on people to write V for victory everywhere, and they are all over the place, even on shop fronts. They are also written on blackboards, on tables – everywhere. Even better, there’s a new badge: a V made with two crossed pins and worn on the lapel. Yvette and I counted seventy-five in five minutes!…On the Rue d’Astorg, I scribbled a V on a German car. I heard the sound of boots behind me, and moved off quickly.”

The Resistance, by Matthew Cobb.

Click here to download all the V for Victory posters in PDF format.

Alex Jones: V for Victory Resistance Campaign Launched

Prison Planet.com
Saturday, January 22, 2011

RELATED: You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America


“Resistance V’s appeared all over the country….The V campaign meant ordinary people could feel they were doing something, however symbolic, to protest against the Occupation.”

“The British radio has called on people to write V for victory everywhere, and they are all over the place, even on shop fronts. They are also written on blackboards, on tables – everywhere. Even better, there’s a new badge: a V made with two crossed pins and worn on the lapel. Yvette and I counted seventy-five in five minutes!…On the Rue d’Astorg, I scribbled a V on a German car. I heard the sound of boots behind me, and moved off quickly.”

The Resistance, by Matthew Cobb.

Click here to download all the V for Victory posters in PDF format.

V For Victory: Pyramid Turned Upside Down

Prison Planet.com
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Via Email……

‘V’ For Victory. You couldn’t have come up with a better symbol if you tried. You have subconsciously suggested, ironically, an upturned Illuminati, New world order pyramid symbol? You’ve created an anti Illuminati logo?

The time is upon us, and the time is now. We need to stop debating with each other. Stop stalling ourselves. I know everyone is scared, but we all have to now ship our thinking over to fighting. It’s not about words anymore. These people have hundreds of years head start on us. But we can ‘take’ them.

They are strong, but they are stupid. They are over confident. They don’t have our capacity to understand love and unity. And are therefore limited in their scope of thinking. It’s taken us a handful of years to catch up with their centuries of planning thanks to Alex Jones and a small handful of brave, brave men.

RELATED: You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America


“Resistance V’s appeared all over the country….The V campaign meant ordinary people could feel they were doing something, however symbolic, to protest against the Occupation.”

“The British radio has called on people to write V for victory everywhere, and they are all over the place, even on shop fronts. They are also written on blackboards, on tables – everywhere. Even better, there’s a new badge: a V made with two crossed pins and worn on the lapel. Yvette and I counted seventy-five in five minutes!…On the Rue d’Astorg, I scribbled a V on a German car. I heard the sound of boots behind me, and moved off quickly.”

The Resistance, by Matthew Cobb.

Click here to download all the V for Victory posters in PDF format.

The Meaning Of V

Infowars campaign firmly rooted in spirit of resistance movements that have stood up to tyranny throughout history


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, January 24, 2011

The historical foundation of the V for Victory symbol is firmly rooted in the stirring spirit of ordinary French people who risked deportation, concentration camps and death in merely expressing their symbolic resistance to being occupied by the Nazis during World War Two.

After the Nazi occupation of France, Victor Auguste de Laveleye, former Belgian minister of Justice and director of the Belgian French-speaking broadcasts on the BBC, picked up on the V’s that were already being scrawled all over Paris by frustrated French citizens demonstrating their opposition to their new slave masters, and devised a massive allied propaganda campaign that would use the V symbol against the Nazis as an act of psychological warfare.

During a radio broadcast, Laveleye explained the power behind the symbol.

“[T]he occupier, by seeing this sign, always the same, infinitely repeated, [would] understand that he is surrounded, encircled by an immense crowd of citizens eagerly awaiting his first moment of weakness, watching for his first failure.”

The V symbol was then adapted by Churchill in his familiar hand salutes, and subsequently broadcast in the form of morse code to French listeners of Radio Londres, a station broadcast by the Free French forces into occupied France. The audible V was made up of the first four notes of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, which were meant to represent fate knocking at one’s door – another act of psychological warfare against the Nazis given the fact that Beethoven was German.

The radio station’s purpose was to counter the propaganda of the Vichy collaborators and the Nazis, while at the same time passing on messages to the French Resistance and encouraging the spirit of resistance amongst the general population as a whole.

The launch of the Infowars V For victory campaign is partly a tribute to resistance movements throughout the ages who against all odds have stood up against tyranny. It is also about sending a message to Homeland Security and the new world order in general that we will not meekly accept the destruction of America and its replacement with a decaying banana republic in which people are told to inform on each other and a country in which anyone who exercises their constitutional rights or criticizes the state is labeled a terrorist, which is exactly the case in the DHS’ own internal documents.

This is about re-asserting the fact that our lives are led by the pursuit of freedom, prosperity and happiness – the American dream – and not by fear, division and intimidation. This is about sending a message to the American people that we should stand united against the abuses of big government, not become tattle-tales for the state.



Criticisms are inevitable with any campaign we launch and indeed the Infowars team had already discussed several of the points that subsequently emerged before we even began the campaign.

- The guy that shot up the school board painted a big V on the wall before threatening people with a gun.

The gunman, 56-year-old Clay Duke, spray-painted a V within a circle, and was clearly influenced to do so by the 2004 movie V For Vendetta. Indeed, Duke’s own Facebook page confirmed he was a fan of the movie. As we have repeatedly stated, our campaign has nothing to do with this movie, it is influenced by the spirit of the French Resistance in their struggle against Nazi occupation during the early 1940′s. This is not V for Vendetta – our inspiration is the V for Victory campaign which was adopted by the allies as a psychological warfare tactic against the Nazis, having been started by members of the frustrated occupied French who wanted to express their symbolic resistance against the Nazis.

Any establishment media mouthpiece that attempts to link our campaign with Clay Duke is insulting the legacy of thousands of French fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, who were sent to Nazi death camps, had their heads chopped off with axes, or were massacred by German troops for standing up against occupation.

- Why are you siding with the French Resistance? They were all communists.

This charge has been leveled by people who spent five minutes doing a cursory google search and clicking on a couple of Wikipedia links. Anyone who reads a proper history book concerning the period, such as the acclaimed The Resistance by Matthew Cobb, will discover that the French Resistance comprised of people from numerous political persuasions, from leftists, to right-wingers, from union workers to business owners, to ordinary citizens. Indeed, the man who later became the ideological figurehead of the French Resistance, General Charles de Gaulle, was an extremely conservative individual.

In modern-day political parlance, the Gaullist label is often attributed to a leading political party or movement in France that is said to “transcend the left/right rift” and is characterized as populist.


- The V is an occult symbol and Infowars/Prison Planet/Alex Jones is part of the illuminati conspiracy.

As a poster on our Facebook page commented, at some stage in history every symbol has been hijacked by one occult or evil group for their own purposes. The inverted Nazi swastika began as far back as 4,000 BC and was later used by numerous Asian religions and traditions before being hijacked by the 3rd Reich. The meaning of the symbol draws on the motivation behind the message. We have also likened the V symbol to a pyramid turned upside down – this doesn’t mean we are working for the illuminati. We are reclaiming the V for Victory symbol and using it in the spirit of the French Resistance of the 1940′s – it has no other connotation for our purposes.

As one of our readers commented, “V For Victory. You couldn’t have come up with a better symbol if you tried. You have subconsciously suggested, ironically, an upturned Illuminati, New world order pyramid symbol? You’ve created an anti Illuminati logo.”

- What’s the point in posting V flyers everywhere? it won’t achieve anything.

Why did the occupied French write V’s everywhere in Paris and other areas of France? Why did the successful allies devise a huge psychological warfare campaign to use the V symbol against the Nazis? This is not just about waking up the general public, it’s about connecting with the people inside the system who do the legwork for the new world order agenda. We are already getting emails (1,2) from people within Homeland Security and the Federal Reserve who are rebelling against their bosses because of our work and others like us.

In addition, if posting messages is completely pointless, why does Homeland Security spend millions placing video messages at Wal-Mart checkouts telling Americans to spy on each other? If it had no effect, why would they bother? The modern day equivalent of the Vichy traitors (the Obama administration) is indoctrinating the sheeple to police each other, they’re coercing obedience to the state. Our campaign uses the exact same tactic but with the opposite message – we are coercing freedom and liberty.

Now that we have expanded on the motivations behind the V For Victory campaign, we look forward to a flood of people participating in this new outreach by printing off the V For Victory flyers or using one of the dozens of excellent alternatives created by fans, and posting them throughout their local community.

Remember – You Are The Resistance!


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

V For Victory Appears at White House, Mexico & Beyond

Prison Planet.com
Monday, January 24, 2011

With the V for Victory campaign just barely underway, posters and flyers are popping up in some unexpected places, including in front of the White House and in Juarez City, Mexico. Join the resistance campaign, keep your entries coming, check out the other submissions and never stop fighting for victory.

In front of the White House, Washington DC

Infowars activists around the world are taking action, and spreading the word of our resistance against Big Sis’ attempted takeover.

V for Victory in Juarez City Chihuahua, Mexico

More from Juarez City Chihuahua, Mexico – Click images for higher resolution.

In another type of response to the contest, a listener has supported a clever DHS parody, turning their mind-numbing propaganda around to stop thought itself.

Revolution Not: DHS PSA- Stop think. Connect.

Infowars V Poster Campaign

Jan 26, 2011

Infowars’ V for Victory campaign marks the defiance against Homeland Security’s takeover of society. Take action and poster V everywhere that’s public and lawful. Then show us your work by submitting it to contest@infowars.com

• Contest ends: Monday, February 28. Which means you have to have your completed video uploaded to the web and have the link to that video submitted to us by that date. Late and/or incomplete entries will not be accepted.

• The video must address the police state and the disappearance of our liberties.

• “INFOWARS.COM” must be included in the titles/credits of each submission.

• All contest entries must be posted on YouTube or another public video hosting site and the URL sent to contest@infowars.com

DEADLINE IS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2011. Winners will be determined by Alex Jones and announced on Monday, March 7, 2011. Prizes: 1st Prize = $7,000 2nd Prize = $2000 3rd Prize = $1000

Download posters here (or make your own):*http://www.scribd.com/doc/47345093/V-…

Give “V” A Chance

Jan 27, 2011

“This night is worth a world; it is the night of truth,” wrote French-Algerian writer Albert Camus on August 25, 1944, the day of the liberation of Paris from Nazi occupation during World War Two. The French Resistance is serving as an inspiration for the fighters of freedom in our time, who are joined in a transnational and peaceful struggle against the global totalitarian, traitorous, and tyrannical forces behind the global War on Terror, and the New World Order. As with the French Resistance, the symbol of “V” is being used as the expression of a free, united, and brave populace against the unlawful rule of an authoritarian government in the United States. It is also a marking point to let the hidden enemies of freedom know that their covert plans to enslave America and other Western nations, binding all of us under the permanent rule of a global oligarchy and a transnational police state, will fail.Alex Jones and Infowars.com started the present-day “V” for Victory campaign last week, introducing it through a
by Alex and an article co-written by Alex and Paul Joseph Watson called “You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America.” Since its launch, posters marked with “V” as well as “The Answer to 1984 is 1776″ have been plastered by citizens across America and the world as an act of defiance against government lawlessness and government tyranny. Paul Joseph Watson explained the meaning of the symbol, and the rationale behind the use of it in the 21st century’s struggle for freedom in his article “The Meaning of V”:</p>
The launch of the Infowars V For victory campaign is partly a tribute to resistance movements throughout the ages who against all odds have stood up against tyranny. It is also about sending a message to Homeland Security and the new world order in general that we will not meekly accept the destruction of America and its replacement with a decaying banana republic in which people are told to inform on each other and a country in which anyone who exercises their constitutional rights or criticizes the state is labeled a terrorist, which is exactly the case in the DHS’ own internal documents.

This is about re-asserting the fact that our lives are led by the pursuit of freedom, prosperity and happiness – the American dream – and not by fear, division and intimidation. This is about sending a message to the American people that we should stand united against the abuses of big government, not become tattle-tales for the state.

Time will tell how far and wide the symbol of “V” will spread. If it spreads like a virus for liberty, sparking the inner conscience of individuals and arousing their curiosity about the campaign to abolish the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank, the lie about 9/11, and other revelations, then it will do real good. I doubt another symbol will come to replace “V” in the near future because it has deep historical roots, and it transcends borders as it is easily recognizable and identifiable as the universal sign of peace. Scottish writer and historian Thomas Carlyle wrote that “of man’s whole terrestrial possessions and attainments, unspeakably the noblest are his Symbols, divine or divine-seeming ; under which he marches and fights, with victorious assurance,” (Thomas Carlyle: The French Revolution: A History; pg 8).

Such a symbol as “V” properly and powerfully expresses the sacred struggle for freedom, and if we use it correctly and lawfully, then it will be an integral part of the campaign to save our democratic institutions, dethrone the security states that have risen unlawfully and unnecessarily in our nations, and restore the rule of law. We will know complete victory when America’s constitutional republic finally lives up to its ideal as the beacon of the world, and the dream of world peace, shared by both John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., will become a reality in this century.

Undoubtedly, there will always be cynics who trample the ambitions of other men – they have already begun to criticize the “V” symbol as not reflective of a grassroots campaign for liberty, but we should not pay attention to them, and neither to the opponents of democracy who can’t stand the sight of proactive and peaceful citizens taking their future into their own hands. We must keep our eyes on the ultimate goal – restoring freedom and the rule of law in America, and the West.

Our struggle for freedom is different than the struggle waged by French Resistance. We face the prospects of a disorganized global chaos, or an organized transnational tyranny. The French people suffered under a different enemy – a foreign tyranny for four years, most of which were spent with the fear that they could die any day at the hands of their occupiers and those who helped them, like the Milice, a French paramilitary force that was installed by the Vichy Regime on January 30, 1943. They had a very visceral experience of government occupation. They knew who they were up against, and took comfort in the idea that a sustained and uncompromising resistance would eventually lead to the collapse of the Nazi regime. But their freedom came with a price, and “that price was heavy,” Camus said, “it had all the weight of blood and the dreadful heaviness of prisons.” The threat to freedom that we all face is inborn. At the G-20 summit in Toronto last summer a Canadian officer told a protester that “This ain’t Canada right now”, while standing on Canadian soil. The officer confused “preserving the peace and order” with “invade citizens’ rights and discourage them from protesting.” And he’s not the only one.

The cop’s indifference towards the law of liberty, and democracy itself, reminds us that there is nothing more threatening to human liberty and human life than centralized and unaccountable political power. Recent history is full of examples of murder by governments. In 1948, Camus wrote that the “evil is the State, whether a police state or a bureaucratic state. Its proliferation in all countries under cover of the most varied ideological pretexts, the revolting security granted it by mechanical and psychological means of repression make of the State a mortal danger for everything that is best in each of us. From this point of view, contemporary political society, in any form, is despicable,” (Albert Camus: Resistance, Rebellion, and Death; pg. 78).

The State lives on fear. Today, it is the fear of “terrorists,” which is a manufactured threat, meant to scare us into handing over our rights and dignity to the tricksters in authority. “Our twentieth century is the century of fear,” wrote Camus in his article “The Century of Fear” for the newspaper “Combat,” which supported the French Resistance to Nazi occupation during World War Two. Camus said that fear could be regarded as a developed science, and that “its perfected technology threatens the entire world with destruction.” The truth of that statement came to fruition in the last century, but it has taken on new meaning since the attacks on September 11, 2001, especially when we consider the fact that they were engineered and orchestrated by individuals at the highest levels of the United States government who are interested in making the 21st century just as fearful and warlike as the last.

9-11 was obviously no ordinary event. It created a state of suggestibility in the American people, which “is one of the means of indoctrinating ordinary people both religiously and politically,” according to British psychiatrist and author William Sargant, most noted for his his book “Battle For The Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brain-Washing.” In the immediate wake of the attacks, which were highly explosive and unexpected, security experts and government officials jumped on the narrative that Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were behind the events, and the entire world uncritically accepted this explanation simply because of the fact that it came from the mouths of authority figures. These leaders took advantage of the American people’s fear and lack of knowledge. “Critical faculties,” wrote Sargant, “may become inhibited in these states of anxiety hysteria,” (Sargant: Battle For The Mind; pg. 50). Drawing from events in World War Two, Sargant gave several examples of “states of anxiety hysteria,” writing:

The anxiety engendered by the Fall of France, the Battle of Britain, and the Blitz created a state in which large groups of persons were temporarily able to accept new and sometimes strange beliefs without criticism.” (Sargant: Battle For The Mind; pg. 49).

The strange and nonsensical beliefs that came to be accepted by a significant majority of the American people after 9-11 include, “tall steel buildings can fall onto their own footprint without the use of explosives,” and that “Saddam had ties to Al-Qaeda, and was involved in the 9-11 attacks.” Neither of these beliefs are true but many people still believe them, especially the first one. Anybody who diverts from the official story is called a “conspiracy theorist.” The greatest good the “V” for Victory campaign can do is help make the truth popular, destigmatize the “conspiracy theorist” label, and educate the people about the real facts of 9-11, and the fraudulent war on terror.

People need to learn that the tyrants of our age, using their knowledge of how to instill fear and spread hysteria in whole societies, coupled with their control of powerful mass media corporations that are owned by a few oligarchs, have been able to start new wars without just cause, and remain determined to totally reshape our Western democratic societies along the lines of Eastern totalitarian states like China, and the old Soviet Union. Aldous Huxley alerted us to the dictatorial schemes by Western elites, which had already taken fruit in the middle of the 20th century, in his book “Brave New World Revisited.” He wrote:

In their propaganda, today’s dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression, and rationalization–the repetition of catchwords which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be ignored, the arousal and rationalization of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or the State.” (Huxley: Brave New World Revisited; pg. 56).

There is a real battle for the public mind going on right now. The forces of social education and freedom are facing off against Big Government and Big Business, the forces of state propaganda and slavery. “Freedom is menaced,” said Huxley, “and education for freedom is urgently needed.”

I believe the “V” campaign can contribute, beyond all our dreams, to the cause of social education, and freedom. Not everybody has to be on board. A vigilant and active few can accomplish great things. The German philosopher Karl Jaspers wrote, “Minorities make history,” (Jaspers: Man in The Modern Age; pg. 191). In the same vein, English writer and pacifist said that “the inertia of the many has been responsible for the death of more societies than the misapplied vigour of the few.” It is worth remembering that a minority of neoconservatives and warhawks made history by giving the world the Iraq war, and other atrocities. If those rascals can make history, then why can’t the supporters of freedom and peace? It comes down to daring to win, and the will to believe.

The Founding Fathers of America dared to win their freedom. Freedom has never been won in any other way. Patrice Lumumba, the leader of the Republic of the Congo who was assassinated 50 years ago by the CIA and the government of Belgium, also dared to win freedom for his country, and he was victorious for a short time. He made history, and because of that he remains an example for a prosperous and independent Africa. In his last letter, written to his wife in December 1960, Lumumba wrote:

“No brutality, mistreatment, or torture has ever forced me to ask for grace, for I prefer to die with my head high, my faith steadfast, and my confidence profound in the destiny of my country, rather than to live in submission and scorn of sacred principles. History will one day have its say, but it will not be the history that Brussels, Paris, Washington or the United Nations will teach, but that which they will teach in the countries emancipated from colonialism and its puppets. Africa will write its own history, and it will be, to the north and to the south of the Sahara, a history of glory and dignity.”

Along with the French Resistance to tyranny, the “V” for Victory campaign should look to Lumumba, and the African Resistance to tyranny, for inspiration. With the “V” campaign going worldwide, the global political awakening can become the global political liberation.

Protesters in Egypt Flash ‘V For Victory’ Sign As Dictatorial Regime Nears End

Prison Planet.com
Friday, January 28, 2011


The V for Victory sign has become symbolic of the anti-government protests in Egypt, where Egyptians are demonstrating for the end of the 30-year dictatorial Mubarak regime and the institution of political representation, freedom of speech and the right to dissent without being tortured by secret police. Egyptians have also seen their quality of life eviscerated by soaring food inflation as a result of acts of financial terrorism launched by the global banking elite.

RELATED: Brzezinski’s Feared “Global Awakening” Has Arrived

RELATED: Obama Administration Expresses Support For Mubarak As Protester Shot Dead In Egypt

RELATED: Egypt’s Internet Kill Switch: Coming To America


An Egyptian woman flashes the V-sign for victory as she demonstrates outside the Lawyers’ Sydicate in Cairo


Egyptian protestors flash V sign as anti-riot policemen surround a protest in Suez, Egypt.


An Egyptian protester flashes the V-sign as riot police use water canon against protesters in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011.

“The occupier, by seeing this sign, always the same, infinitely repeated, [would] understand that he is surrounded, encircled by an immense crowd of citizens eagerly awaiting his first moment of weakness, watching for his first failure.”

Victor Auguste de Laveleye, former Belgian minister of Justice.

“Resistance V’s appeared all over the country….The V campaign meant ordinary people could feel they were doing something, however symbolic, to protest against the Occupation.”

Matthew Cobb, The Resistance.


Latest Entries In V For Victory Campaign

V Sign Appears Near Florida Capitol Building, Tallahassee

V For Victory Appears at White House, Mexico & Beyond

Infowars V Poster Campaign


The Meaning Of V

Americans Are Just As Likely to Get Struck By Lightning Than Killed By Terrorists

V For Victory Was Psychological Warfare Campaign Against Nazis

Give “V” A Chance

YOU ARE the RESISTANCE – Resources for Victory

Alex Jones: V for Victory Resistance Campaign Launched

V For Victory: Pyramid Turned Upside Down

The answer to 1984 is 1776 … V for Victory

Feb 1, 2011

The posters have been created. Now go out and put them on every legal surface. Make the public ask questions. Go for a Victory walk. Spread the V!

Alex Jones invites you to produce videos defending our natural rights against the onslaughts of the New World Order.

Video must be uploaded to You Tube and the URL sent to contest@infowars.com by February 28th 2011.
Video must address the Police State and the disappearance of our liberties.
“INFOWARS.COM” must be included in the title/credits of each submission.

The Winners will be picked by Alex Jones and announced on Monday, March 7, 2011
Go to*http://www.infowars.com/the-answer-to… to view all the details.

Why the contest?

Big Brother telescreens at more than 9,000 locations. Naked body porno radiation scanners. PSA propaganda cranked out by the DHS spreading paranoia and the insidious proliferation of a high-tech Stasi state. Militarized police teams armed to the teeth patrolling subway platforms and bus stations as goons in latex gloves rummage through backpacks and briefcases without probable cause and in total disregard for the Fourth Amendment and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It’s all about fighting back against the psychological warfare we are now being subjected to by our new would-be slavemasters. Use the V for Victory flyers we have provided to let Big Sis know that we are not her slaves. Use them on banner hangs or as stand alone flyers, post them on message boards or any places where announcements are made in your local community. Anywhere that’s legal and lawful, we want to see the V for victory proudly displayed as a symbolic message of resistance and defiance.

V For Superbowl Victory

Prison Planet.com
Feb 2, 2011

Activists take the V For Victory campaign to Arlington Texas and the Super Bowl, getting right back in Big Sis’ face after Homeland Security announced that they would be bringing airport-style security harassment and See Something, Say Something snitch programs to sporting arenas.

The fantastic new poster below are also a great tool to get the word out.


DC News Station Covers “V For Victory” Campaign

Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Notice that the reporter chooses misleading soundbites to characterize the V For Victory campaign as alarmist and lacking credibility, while portraying See Something, Say Something as rational and reasonable. When we launched the campaign, we specifically made reference to academic studies such as the one conducted by Robert Gellately of Florida State University, which documented how similar citizen spy programs in Nazi Germany resulted in people becoming informants only to settle personal scores, make money or simply create problems for people they didn’t like.

History tells us that citizen spy programs do nothing to increase “security,” they only increase the power of the state to identify and persecute political dissidents, while creating a black hole slush fund for government and partnering corporations.

Homeland Security campaign questioned

Dave Cassidy
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

WASHIINGTON, DC – Congress is questioning a new Homeland Security campaign called “If you see something, say something.”

Critics are likening it to “Big Brother is watching.”

Opponents of the campaign started a V for Victory effort, saying America is in danger of becoming a police state.

Full story here.

Making “V”ictory a Reality: Answer to 1984 Contest Entry

Prison Planet.com
Thursday, March 3, 2011

This video is an awesome example of peaceful activism. This contest entry not only handed out DVDs and flyers, but created full-sized posters to put up at bus stops, in shopping malls and beyond. Don’t miss the water tank warning either: Danger: Sodium Fluoride, Known Chemical in Rat Poison.

Congratulations to edganchez for another great entry. The Answer to 1984 is 1776 contest is officially over, and Alex and co. will be working hard to sort through all the entries, make sure everyone has been included and narrow down the best entries to find a winner. Please do not continue to send in entries or repeated messages about your entry; we are doing our best to go through them now, but are no longer accepting entries.

The Answer to 1984 is 1776 Contest: Top Three Winners

Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am pleased to announce the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners to “The Answer to 1984 is 1776” video contest. The response to this contest and the sheer volume of entries has been nothing short of overwhelming and inspiring. We have received, watched and re-watched well over 1,500 total videos, and while the task of deciding on the finalists has been a difficult one, I am confident that the three winners chosen best exemplify the spirit of the movement: raising awareness of and combating the totalitarian nightmare that is 1984.

However, continuing the fight against the growing police state doesn’t end with a contest deadline; there is far more work to be done. We must all continue to do our part in waking the masses and defending our liberties from the tyranny that is the New World Order.

To all of you who contributed and took part in this contest: you are the real winners, and I am honored to be with you in the fight for liberty. Make no mistake: this is a war against our freedoms, our lives and our dignity. But we will be victorious. Congratulations to you all, and thank you.

Your fellow patriot,

Alex Jones

First Place Prize ($7,000):

Top 10 Contest Finalists Announced
Incredible Videos: Top 20 Contest Contenders

“Final Batch of Contest Videos!”
Victory is Within Our Reach! A Few More Excellent Video Entries
The Resistance Continues: More “The Answer to 1984″ Video Contest Entries
We’re on the March: More Answer to 1984 Video Contest Entries
The Answer to 1984 is 1776 Video COntest: Final Entries
Last Minute Contest Entries: The Answer to 1984 is 1776
Closing in on Final Contest Entries: The Answer to 1984 is 1776
Resistance is Victory: Check Out the Last Contest Entries
New Videos that Expose Evil

Video: Resistance to 1984 society spreading in cyberspace

The Answer to 1984 is 1776 Video Contest Entries

V for Victory Continues to Draw Strong Submissions

Victory: The Truth Will Out
Resurrect Truth: The Latest V for Victory contest entries

V for Victory Campaign a Huge Success

The answer to 1984 is 1776
Resist the New World Order: V for Victory Campaign Entries
V for Victory: Latest Entries
Latest Entries In V For Victory Campaign
