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december 21. 2012 is the end of the mayan calendari know that the mayans were into astrology but dont know much about their astrology. since mayan astrology is tied into the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar then maybe we can look at it to determine what this really means.the 2012 date is not signify doomsday but merely a reset of the clock (end of one cycle) where we enter a new "age" so to speak. is this the age of aquarius? what about paradigms and shifts ?a few theories exist about the age of aquarius:# The Age of Aquarius is a time of New Beginnings.# The Age of Aquarius is associated with the End Times such as Armageddon or Judgment Day.# The millennium is a time of transition to the new age of Aquarius.# The celestial alignments occurring at this time in history are significant: * The solstitial points now align with the Galactic Equator due to the precession of the equinoxes and solstices. * The equinoctial points are at right angles to the Galactic Equator due to the precession of the equinoxes.# Some think that the beginning of the Aquarian Age is also the end of the Cenozoic geologic era. * The end of the Cenozoic era depends upon widespread geological changes that are not yet evident. * The end of the Quaternary period would depend on widespread changes such as mass extinction. * The end of the Recent Epoch would be marked by the changes in the development of modern man. * The end of the 2nd millennium may mark a transition for humanity from life during the last 10,000 years. * Some believe that the earth will erupt with new volcanoes and terrible earthquakes or that meteors will fall.i've been thinking with things like UFO sightings, the disclosure project, project blue beam, age of aquarius, armageddon/world end date this is all tied in. if you research into ancient civilizations like the mayans, they have evidence in their artwork, architecture, and culture that we were visited by aliens. many claim we are nearing "visitation", but we have already been visited and there are "aliens" living among us...some as humanoids. we could be in for a false visitation that is staged by them. the mayans were into blood sacrifices, which are also common in hollywood today. thoughts? i am in search of knowledge and enlightenment. perhaps us spiritual healers here on earth hold the keys?here is a good website on the age of aquarius what is your Mayan sign and does it fit you? is why i hate this section now. too many trolls that answer my questions with nothing to contribute. go away. of course the world isnt going to end.some more stuff i found:"In Tarot the death card in a reading does not always signify death of the querant. It could simply mean the death of a habit; smoking, drinking etcIn Astrology the same holds true. A transit of ones 8th house does not signify death. Most likely just transformation.If we look back at the big picture of the Great 24,000 year cycles we can see that every 2000 years there is a death or transformation of one type of civilization to make way for another civilization.The Age of Aquarius will definitely be the death of many of the structures, institutions, and controlling factors of the Age of Pisces."