

    Secret Societies

    The Secret Societies have been present in the history of man for a very long time. It all started thousands of years ago with the "Brotherhood of the Snake", a secret society that goes back all the way to the time of Garden of Eden. The Illuminati consider Lucifer being their God and the Old...

    Knowing Death and Other 'Secrets'

    Let's put aside for the moment the Devil's ability to manipulate what comes from beyond the grave -- a big problem, but not the crucial one. Let's also put aside the vast array of phonies who con people out of mucho money -- they are not the issue. The issue is why one would want to go to a...

    Spirit Beings

    As mentioned before , you are not on earth without help from the spirit side. There is a spirit guide on your side, and a guardian angel, and there are other spirit beings that are helping you during various parts of your life and aid you in specific tasks. Your spirit guide is a being that...

    UFOs And Extraterrestrials

    These days people talk more and more about UFOs and extraterrestrials. As there are some misunderstandings and lack of information, I want to devote this chapter to this topic. UFOs and extraterrestrials have been in contact with mankind for a long time. Already in the previous age there has...


    Gerrit Jahn, born 1965, has been a practicing medium since 1989. He channels spirits from high levels who work as teachers, as well as some archangels, predominantly archangel Michael. The first group sessions were held in the early 1990, now he is working full-time as medium, healer and light...

    What is channeling?

    Channeling (UK spelling: channelling, also called psychic reading or channeled reading) is the reception of thought from the spirit world for the purpose of communicating with spirits (non-corporal entities, spirits of the deceased, or nature spirits) and angels. The person receiving and...
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    Will Obama confirm that there are aliens?

    Will Obama confirm that there are aliens? Monday, May 25, 2009 Group of experts on CNN requires disclosure aliens before May 31 In some articles, the last month has raised the expectation of the former American astronaut Edgar Mitchell (some times by mistake 'George', for which I apologize...
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    What is clairvoyance?

    What is clairvoyance? Monday, May 11, 2009 Other names: paranormal vision, clear vision, psychic Clairvoyance is usually referred to as the ability to predict the future or seeing auras or ghosts. With only these options to view helderzeindheid very tight, because there are enormous...
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    11:11 - see why millions of people around the world see over 'elves'?

    11:11 - see why millions of people around the world see over 'elves'? Sunday, May 10, 2009 The destruction of the largest 11 'ever built, on 9/11/01, was accompanied by a large number of bizarre facts, all running around the number'11'. In recent months,'11 ','111' and'11: 11 're in...
  10. Aragorn

    Vallee: Fatima Event Was UFO

    What Really Happened in Fatima, Portugal October 13, 1917 ? One of the most recognized Religious events happened that day and some people think it was more than just the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing to three children. Many believe this was the biggest UFO sighting of all time. Excerpted from...
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    Supporting principles for parents of highly sensitive children

    Supporting principles for parents of highly sensitive children Monday, April 20, 2009 By Sylvia from Zoeren The biggest task for parents is to protect their child. Most do it also to honor and conscience. They provide the best school, the best food, good housing, quality time and love and...
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    Children of the New Dream - Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek

    Children of the New Dream - Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek Thursday, April 16, 2009 By Diane Cooper Diane: So Drunvalo ... who are these "Children of the New * Dream *" that you are so excited about? Drunvalo: Well there are 3 different kinds of children emerging in the world...
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    The Heart Connection,A love affair with Yourself

    The Heart connection a love affair with Yourself Friday, April 10, 2009 You are the most important person in your life. How many people will agree? No, this is not selfish it's just yourself in the first place. The group says that the difference between those two is that if you're selfish...
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    Decimate (thinning or strong reduction in numbers)

    Decimate Saturday, April 4, 2009 (thinning or strong reduction in numbers) While channelized messages from Archangel Michael humanity calls on the air to watch, we continue with the other eye to 'ordinary' newspaper articles look with eyes that can see ... We bring you just the above...
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    Source of life, the Great Central Sun, and the Grand Central Magnet

    Source of life, the Great Central Sun, and the Grand Central Magnet Friday, March 27, 2009 The light and energy are synonyms of life, not destroy. Everything radiates a living emanation of white light. White light is in the rainbow colors divide all the different vibration levels. The color...
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    Sacred Geometry is the key to your divine potential

    Sacred Geometry is the key to your divine potential Sunday, March 22, 2009 Janosh shows that miracles exist, but if you believe in your own strength. It is itself the epitome of the life of your own passion. Not long ago he worked as a graphic designer in the advertising world. But now the...
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    What is a Human Angel?

    What is a Human Angel? Last updated: Tuesday, March 17 to 22:08, 7 times Groningen, Tuesday, March 17, 2009 The term Human Angel is in the literature already used thousands of years. The Group expresses only since 1999 on the development of Human Angels. In a live channeling in Veldhoven...
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    Oregon girl sent to Mexico falls through the cracks

    Oregon girl sent to Mexico falls through the cracks Oregon officials place foster child Adrianna Romero Cram, 4, with relatives in Mexico, where child welfare agencies in two countries fail to protect her Adrianna Romero Cram smiles in a photograph taken in Mexico before she was murdered...
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    "Millions of Christians had UFO Experience ' Monday, March 16, 2009

    "Millions of Christians had UFO Experience ' Monday, March 16, 2009 Worldwide there are an estimated five million Christians an "experience" have had a UFO or aliens. The church let the people in the lurch, though pastoral counseling badly need. "The church does not know what they must...