jesus christ

  1. R

    Egyptian President says “Jews” control US media!

    The latest Israel Hasbara (propaganda lie) against Egyptian president Dr. Mohamed Morsi is hillarious. According to the Jewish Telegraph Agency (January 23, 2013), Morsi told US congressional delgate last week that “he gets bad US press because “certain forces” control the media“. The Jewish...
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    Study: ‘European Jews are not Semite’

    The result of a new genetic study published in the British journal Genome Biology and Evolution claims that European Jews (Ashkenazi) don’t belong to the 12 (Semite) tribes of Israel. They’re a mix of genetic ancestries, far more of which than previously thought originating in tribes from the...
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    Canadian Bishop: “Jews are enemies of the Church”!

    On January 8, American Jewish lobby group ADL blasted Bishop Bernard Fellay, head of the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), as an “unrepentant antisemite” in response to Bishop’s remarks that “Jewiah people are enemies of the church”. “Bishop Fellay has shown his true colors as an...
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    Rabbi: ‘Islamization of Europe is good for Jews’

    We all know how paranoid anti-Islam Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, pro-Israel English Defense League (EDL), David Horowitz and his American Islamophobe are due to Europe’s rising Muslim population. However, Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a teacher at Yishva community school in the West Bank, says Jews...
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    Turkey asks for the remains of Santa Clause

    Dr. Nevzat Çevik, archaeology professor at Akdeniz University, Antalya (Turkey) in a recent interview has called on Vatican to return to Turkey the remains of St. Nicholas aka Santa Clause, which were taken out of his original burial place in 1087 CE by force. “The bones of Saint Nicholas were...
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    Jews take Jesus out of Christmas

    The American Atheist group headed by Zionist Jew, David Silverman, is running anti-Jesus billboard campaign this Christmas season as it did in 2010 and 2011. This year, the group have put up a billboard in New York City’s Time Square that reads, “Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth!“ On the...
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    Pastor: ‘Jesus is not returning to earth’

    Yesterday, I found an article written by a retired US Baptist minister Rev. Howard Bess, who lives in Palmer (Alska). In the article Bess challenges Christianity’s belief in the ’Advent‘ or the second-coming of Christ as a ‘Savior’. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which...
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    Jews against Christians

    Zionist Mafia never misses a chance to fabricate or blow-out Muslim hatred toward Christians or Jews living in Muslim societies. However, they will never mention the ethnic-cleansing of Christian communities in Russia, Ukraine and several other Europen countries in the past plus currently in...
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    Indonesian President: ‘Christmas for all’

    Gen. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, president of world’s largest Muslim nation (220 million), Indonesia, has urged all Indonesians (88% Muslims, 11% Christians and 1% Hindus) to celebrate 2012 Christmas together. “The President said the Christmas celebration this year should be inclusive and enjoyed...
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    Antisemitism vs Anti-Semitism

    What’s the difference between ‘Antisemitism’ and ‘Anti-Semitism’? The Berlin-born Jewish professor Shmuel Almog (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), has claimed that the term with hyphen and without it has different meanings. The term ‘Antisemitism’ was coined by Wilhelm Marr in the 1870s. It was...
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    German Jew comedian makes fun of Holocaust!

    Oliver Polak is not ashamed to tell his audience on stage that he doesn’t believe in Zionist narrative of the Holocaust; ‘Six Million Died’. Polaks, known as ”the only German Jew comedian“ has been criticized by Israel lobby group for making fun of the new Jewish religion. Polaks response has...
  12. Lady of Light

    [Video] Welcome to America by MicP (Michael Phillips)

    This video was sent to me just over a month ago. Unfortunately, I hadn't got to looking at it until now. I am posting this on behalf of the person who emailed this to me, the artist's Mother. :) Thank you Mrs. Phillips for sharing this with me! :) I am including the write-up for the video as...
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    Barack Obama: ‘Holocaust is a religion’!

    Last month, during his speech at the UN General Assembly, while commenting, indirectly, on the Israel-Jewish anti-Islam movie ‘Innocence of Muslims‘, Barack Obama said: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must...
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    Church leaders blast US for Israel Aid

    On Monday, the leaders of the Lutheran, Methodist, UCC Churches, and the National Council of Churches sent a letter to Congress members, calling for an investigation into Israel’s continue violation of the US Foreign Assistance Act and the US Arms Export Control Act, which makes the Zionist...
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    ‘Piss Christ’ photograph is back

    “The Talmud, which consists of rabbinical interpretations of the law, treats Christ and Christians with contempt. Unlike the Qur’an, which regards Christ as a great prophet, the Talmud contains very offensive precepts and statements directed specifically against Christianity. For example, in...
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    US Filmmaker: ‘Iranians are beautiful people’

    Merlin Miller, an American filmmaker and American Third Position Party presidential candidate visited Tehran to attend ‘New Horizon - The 1st. International Independent Filmmakers Festival’ held in Tehran from September 2-7, 2012. Over 120 movies from diffrent countries competed in the festival...
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    Jews: ‘Jesus is a monkey’

    On Monday, Christian worshippers, once again, found another proof of Jewish hatred toward Jesus, Mary and Christians. They found anti-Christ slogan “Jesus is a monkey” written at the Catholic monastery at Latrun and the front door set on fire. The Israel police has blamed the extremist Jewish...
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    San Francisco’s MTA ad: ‘Support Israel. Defeat jihad’

    San Francisco’s Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) has a policy against political ads on its buses, but not on this recent one put by Pamela Geller’s pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative group. The ad reads: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the...
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    Iranian Judge: ‘Hang the crook bankers!’

    The Islamic Republic of Iran has been blamed for many so-called ‘anti-Semitic’ activities by the Zionist-controlled media – but somehow, this latest one missed the mainstream media. Maybe, because this involved bankers, the criminalization of which is considered unholy in the ‘civilized’ West...
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    Obama, Romney and the Jewish Lobby

    The veteran British journalist and author, Rupert Cornwell, has angered the pro-Israel Jewish groups once again. In his recent Op-Ed in UK daily The Independent (July 22, 2012), entitled Today, Jerusalem. Tomorrow, Washington?, he has repeated the ‘forbidden truth’ – that’s the two percent...