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    Syrian chemical weapons: Israeli false flag operation

    On Thursday, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell during an interview with Current TV’s Cenk Uygur, claimed that the rumor that Syrian forces had used chemical weapons against western-sponsored rebels, could be a “Israeli false flag operation”...
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    The ‘Iron Dome’ and Israeli lies behind it

    During the 8-day Israeli aerial attack over Gaza Strip last November, the Zionist regime had claimed that its anti-missile Iron Dome was able to intercept 90% of the so-called “deadly rockets” fired by Iran-supported Palestinian resistance groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The Israeli claim was...
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    Lord Ahmed suspended for blaming Jewish Lobby

    British opposition Labour Party has suspended its Muslim peer, Pakistani-born Lord Nazir Ahmed on the charges that he named Jewish group for conspiring behind the imprisonment he received in 2007 over a fatal motorway crash. Lord Nazir Ahmed, in a recent interview with a Pakistan TV channel...
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    EU refuses to declare Hizballah a ‘terrorist organization’

    The Zionist regime is furious over European Union (EU) for refusing once again to bow to Zionist pressure and declare Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizballah a “terrorist organization”. Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was sure that after a pro-Israel Bulgarian official blamed Hizballah...
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    Lobby: Hamas weighs to recognize Israel

    When it comes to Israeli Hasbara (propaganda), even Nazi propaganda minister, Dr. Joseph Geobbels, could have learned a few tips. The latest Hasbara crap was published by the Zionist Al-Monitor Palestine Pulse. It claimed on February 8, 2013that though the Gaza-ruling Palestinian Islamic...
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    Anti-Hollywood conference offends Jewish lobby

    Tehran’s 2-day Third International Hollywoodism Conference concluded on February 6, 2013. The event has been held since 2011 on the sideline of Iran’s annual Fajr Film Festival. It was attended by more than 50 authors, scholars, political figures and film-makers from around the world to expose...
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    Khamenei: ‘Iran refuses to be blackmailed’

    On Thursday, during a meeting with an Iranian army delegation, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei commented on the latest US proposal on direct talks between Washington and Tehran, saying: “Any such negotiations accompanied with threats, pressure, and bad intentions, are meaningless”...
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    Hamas says NO to “two-state” solution

    Two days ago, several Israeli newspapers (Ha’aretz, YNet, Israel National News, etc.) reported that Hamas political leader Khaled Meshaal told King Abdullah II of Jordan that he accepts the so-called “two-state” solution to the occupied Palestine – Israel and Palestinian Territories. However...
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    An open letter to Israeli Knesset

    It’s reported that the incumbent prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to forge an alliance with second-runner Yair Lapid. Both have agreed on some ministerial portfolios which really bother me. For example, the selection of John Forbes Kerry as foreign minister, Chuck Hagel for minister of...
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    President Morsi: From “brother” to “antisemite”

    Zionist Jews are never known for their loyalty since they collaborated with Nazis. They’re neither loyal to Jews nor their goyim supporters – but only loyal to their own kind. The latest example of Zionists’ loyalty is Egyptian president Dr. Mohammed Morsi. In November 2012, when Israel needed...
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    Israel and the “Iranian Threat”

    Yesterday, Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of visiting US Senators that if relected his first priority would be to stop Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb by all means (Israel has between 240-400 nuclear bombs of its own). He thanked the group for their blind support for the...
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    Israel fails to stop US-Iran direct nuclear talks

    The European Union foreign policy chief, British Baroness Cathrine Ashton has announced that her P5+1 group will hold talks with Iranian delegate on country’s nuclear program “very soon”. Saeed Jalili, Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator said on January 4 that Tehran would continue to determinedly...
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    The (Jewish) Gatekeepers: An Israeli confession

    Dror Moreh, Israel-born cinematograper, producer of 2008 movie ‘Sharon’ – has released its 2012 movie ‘The Gatekeepers’. The movie is based on interviews with six former heads of Israel’s demestic terrorist organization known Shin Bet. They proudly talk about Shin Bet’s intelligence and terror...
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    Israel: Gazan are punished for their ties with Iran

    Evelyn Gordon, a US-Israel journalist and fellow at the New York-based Israeli advocacy group, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), published an article on December 12, 2012 admitting that Israel’s recent Operation Pillar of Defense was meant to test its Arab neighbors’ and...
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    Israel’s enemy: Netanyahu or Hamas?

    Since last week, lot of exiting news are coming from the occupied Palestine. On Saturday, former Zionist prime minister Ehud Olmert said that Netanyahu’s government was taking Israel into unprecedented isolation with its policy on Jewish settlements. “Bibi Netanyahu, is isolating Israel from...
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    Jordanian King visits West Bank

    On Thursday, Israelis allowed King Abdullah II to enter the West Bank via a helicopter. The western media termed King’s visit as an obvious support for the PA president Mahmoud Abbas, a US-Israeli double agent, victory at the United Nations. Mahmoud Abbas mandate as elected president of...
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    Turkish anti-Resistance propaganda for Israel

    Forget Israeli propaganda that Turkish Muslims support Hamas because they too hate Jews. Just watch ‘Building Bridges’ – an interfaith dialogue show on Turkish television A9TV. Two of its hosts, Ece Koc and Gulsah Gucyetmez Resimler, tell their audience that Palestinian military resistance...
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    Jewish Lobby slams Australian PM

    Australian prime minister Julia Gillard, who is well-known for her love for the Zionist entity – has irked country’s Jewish groups and Israeli ambassador after being forced by her cabinet to support an abstention in the UN ahead of Thursday’s on Mahmoud Abbas’s bid for non-member observer...
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    Gazans say ‘Thank You Iran’

    Israeli daily Jerusalem Post reported on November 27 that “billboards on three major junction roads in Gaza, featuring depiction of Fajr 5 missiles fired at Israel, express gratitude to Iran“. The billboards show ‘Thank You Iran’ written in English, Hebrew, Arabic and Persian languages. The...
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    Hamas: ‘Resistance committed to rearming itself’

    The Hamas-Israel cease-fire brokered by Morsi-Hillary puts Egypt as ‘the policeman’ to control smuggling of Iranian medium-range Fajr-5 rockets and deadly anti-tank Kornet missiles to Hamas resistance ally Islamic Jihad via Hizballah and Sudan. The resistance groups used both Fajr-5 and Kornet...