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    Khamenei: ‘Iran refuses to be blackmailed’

    On Thursday, during a meeting with an Iranian army delegation, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei commented on the latest US proposal on direct talks between Washington and Tehran, saying: “Any such negotiations accompanied with threats, pressure, and bad intentions, are meaningless”...
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    Israel: ‘Hizballah behind Bulgarian bus bombing’

    On Tuesday, Zionist prime minister Netanyahu called on European Union (EU) to declare Lebanese Islamic Resistance and partner in Lebanon’s Unity government a “terrorist organization”. Why? Because some pro-Israel Jewish Bulgarian official jumped in front of gun and announced that Hizballah was...
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    From Nazi salute to understanding Holocaust

    Israeli-born US Jewish author of travelog, ‘‘I Sleep in Hitler’s Room: An American Jews visit Germany’, got into hotwater in Germany last week for raising his arm in Nazi salute to make fun of an anti-Israel White nationalist group. He is being investigated by German police as Nazi salute in...
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    FBI detains Malcolm X grandson en route to Iran

    Here is a latest proof how United States have become an Israeli colony. Malcolm Shabazz, an Afro-American Muslim activist and grandson of world-renowned Muslim scholar and American human rights leader, Malcolm X was reportedly arrested by FBI agents before boarding a plane to attend an...
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    Israel outraged at Iran-Argentina joint ‘Truth Commission’

    Israel’s foreign ministry has lodged a protest with Argentinian ambassador in Tel Aviv, showing country’s outrage over Argentina’s Jewish foreign minister Hector Timerman for agreeing with Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi to establish a joint “truth commission” to examine the 1994...
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    Why South Africans hate Israel?

    Last year, Jewish author and editor, Peter Alexander Beinart, was chased by pro-Israel goons for his book, ‘The Crisis of Zionism‘. On January 29, 2013, Beinart penned an article at Jewish propaganda organ, The Daily Beast, in which he claims that politicians in both United States and South...
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    Biden: US wants direct talks with Iran

    Last week, a frustrated Obama administration announced that it’s ready to have direct talks with Iranian leaders – only if they’re sincere to reciprocate. In other words, Israel-Firster Joe Biden, US vice-president in his self-denial believes that like Washington, Tehran is also affraid to...
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    Lobby: ‘Jews are not safe in Hungary’

    On February 3, 2013, the Jewish daily Forward reported that antisemitism in Hungary is causing an influx of Jewish immigrants to neighboring Austria. This latest hoax reminded me the statement issued by the Jewish advocacy group, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on December 20, 2012 in which its...
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    Muhammad Ali: ‘A courageous conscientious objector’

    On January 31, 2013 – veteran Israeli journalist and author, Gideon Levy, wrote at daily Ha’aretz: “When (Israel’s new rising politician) Yair Lapid says he admires Muhammad Ali, he should remember why Ali became a role model. The boxer was a courageous conscientious objector, exactly the kind...
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    Hamas says NO to “two-state” solution

    Two days ago, several Israeli newspapers (Ha’aretz, YNet, Israel National News, etc.) reported that Hamas political leader Khaled Meshaal told King Abdullah II of Jordan that he accepts the so-called “two-state” solution to the occupied Palestine – Israel and Palestinian Territories. However...
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    Ex-Mossad Head: Jewish radicalization will destroy Israel

    London-born Gen. Efraim Halevy 78, has served as head of Israeli Mossad under three Zionist prime ministers and negotiated peace treaty with late King Hussein of Jordan in 1994. He also served as Israel’s national security advisor and ambassador to European Union in the late 1990s. Since 2011...
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    Jordanian King disappoints US Jewish delegate

    On Sunday, a 16-member delegate from Israel advocacy group, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), paid a visit to King Abdullah II of Jordan and his foreign minister Nasser Judeh in Amman. The delegate was headed by AJC president Robert Elman. Elman also met with ambassadors from Washington and...
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    British cartoon depicts Netanyahu a “bloodthirsty Jew”

    On the eve of the Holocaust Memorial Day, the British weekly, The Sunday Times, irked the Jewish groups for posting a cartoon depicting large-nozed Benjamin Netanyahu hunched over a wall building with blood and limbs of writhing Palestinians in pain (See the cartoon on top left). The caption...
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    British MP in hotwater for criticizing Israel

    British MP David Ward 59, the Liberal Democratic member for Bradford East (a junior partner in David Cameron’s government) committed a great sin ahead of this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27) by blaming the Zionist regime for committing similar crimes against Palestinian Muslims and...
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    Jewish groups apologize for Israeli attack on USS Liberty!

    Leaders of several major American Jewish organizations met Barack Obama and members of his national security team on January 23, 2013 offering abject apologies for the Israeli covert attack on USS Liberty. According to Karl Reich, BNN senior producer, the Jewish groups included ADL, AIPAC and...
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    French FM: ‘Assad’s fall is not imminent’

    French Zionist foreign minister Laurent Fabius (his both parents were Jewish) has now second thoughts about the US-Israel desired regime change in Damascus. On Tuesday, he told reporters that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s fall is not imminent. France was among the first western nation to...
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    Hebrew Playboy to improve Israel’s world image!

    Daniel Pomerantz, a US-Israel dual citizen has announced to launch the Hebrew version of famous men’s sexy magazine Palayboy. Like a typical Israel-Firster, Pomerantz too believe that his Israeli porn-filled magazine will help to improve Israel’s international image which has nose-dipped since...
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    Bibi loses election but Israeli fascism stays

    Benjamin Netanyahu is set to form the next Zionist regime even though his warmongering coalition lost 11 seats. However, the election results show that the new regime would lack the necessary muscles to screw US president Barack Obama on the US foreign policy. Netanyahu called for early...
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    Dr. King Jr: Jews, Zionism and Israel

    January 21, 2013 is going to be remembered for three historical events. Barack Obama’s taking oath on Rev. Martin Luther King’s copy of the Bible, federal celebration of King’s birthday – and a new Jewish prayer in honor of Dr. King. The prayer was distributed nationwide to synagogues...
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    South Sudan repays Israel with oil contracts

    The Zionist regime and US Jewish lobby groups played a major role in the break-up of Sudan, Africa’s largest Muslim state. The Zionist regimes have been working on this plan since 1967 but it intensified after the Islamist took over Khartoum in 1989. Since then the Islamist-backed Gen. Omar...