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Last week, in another case of subservience to pro-Israel Jewish lobby groups – California state assembly passed a resolution which will shut-down freedom of speech at the state Campuses. The resolution, authored by Jewish Rep. Linda Halderman (R-Fresno) was co-signed by her 66 fellow congress members out of 80, as co-authors.

The resolution defines criticism of the Zionist regime in occupied Palestine – as an act of hatred toward Jewish people (anti-Semitism). A myth disputed by Jack Bernstein an American Jewish writer who lived and got married in Israel. He called his adopted country “a racist Marxist state”.

The resolution urged all the public universities in the state including University of California system to ban a wide range of anti-Israel demonstrations in an attempt to curb anti-Semitism in campuses. The most of the instances cited in the resolution happen to be concerned with Israel-Palestine debates on campus.

Some groups including Council on American Islamic Relations, the National Lawyers Guild and Jewish Voice for Peace have reportedly sent letters to lawmakers condemning the resolution, AP reports.

Last year, eleven Muslim students at University of California (Irvine) were arrested for protesting against the Israeli ambassador Michael Oren’s speech full of Israeli propaganda lies.

The University of California has rejected the pro-Israel resolution saying it violates First Amendment rights on the Campus.

Last year, Kent State University (KSU) history professor Julio Cesar Pino has irked the Jewish Lobby once again by shouting Death to Israel. The incident happened during KSU campus meeting addressed by a former Israeli diplomat Ishmael Khaldi at San Francisco Israeli consulate. Ishmael Khaldi dedicated his speech to the Muslim East politics and how Bedouin like him has a bright future in Israel.

California state bans criticism of Israel | Rehmat calling