White Rabbit

New member
I acquired this from a guy named Nod-Roj, declaring to be a time traveler... I'm not taking it this seriously, but interesting nonetheless!

Confessions of a 2012 Time Traveler - What a Glorious Year!

Thank goodness 2011 is in the can.... now we can get on to the good stuff! - Hold on to your hats!

2012 is going to fly by so keep your eyes and ears open, you're not going to want to miss one second.

With the acceleration of time in 2012 I can't help but to be reminded of Terence McKenna's 'timewave zero,' boy was he right, bam, bam, bam, one thing after another, talk about information overload.

All accumulated karma will be be 'paid in full' so if you have been a good little boy or girl, expect lot's of goodies under your pillow... if you've been naughty, well, all I can say is; "paybacks can be hell."

Speaking of paybacks, boy was I surprised, in March, to find out that Obama was working for the white hats all along, yep, he gave the cabal just enough rope so they could hang themselves without them ever being the wiser, then when the trap was set, whamo, off to the FEMA camps they went.... remember the NDAA bill that was passed, the dumbasses in congress were completely unaware that they were signing their own fate, TALK ABOUT INSTANT KARMA, LOL.

Clif High's webBots predictions have been surprisingly accurate, especially the one about the dogmatic religions around the world crumbling under their own weight of lies... wow, in early April, it was great to see all those oppressed women of the middle east burn their burkahs, kinda reminded me of the late 60's when the women in the U.S. burned their bras, talk about releasing the chains that bind you, what a beautiful sight.... and seeing all those pedophile preists waiting their turn at the guillotine really warmed the cockles of my heart. :)

Speaking of heart warming, the 'occupy' revolution really took a stand against the banksters and made a name for themselves in the summer of 2012, who says his-story doesn't repeat itself..?... can you say 'tarred and feathered?' What a hoot... ahhhh the memories.

Autum of 2012 is when the 'magic' kicked into high gear, I now realize what that pipe smoking alien crop circle was trying to say, LOL, what a 'trip'... yea, talk about cosmic fireworks, you didn't think it was just 'happenstance' that China picked 2012 as 'the year of the dragon' did ya...

The 'watchers' who have been monitoring this little experiment we call 3D reality, finally made themselves known in December... (and did we have a big laugh) of course this disclosure happened right when our sun went 'red giant.' Three days before the massive 'carrington event,' the sun went completely dark, hmmmm, looks like the Mayan's were right about that three days of darkness thing too....

Well, as you can see the whole house of cards has finally completely collapsed for TPTW (were), the slate has been wiped clean. All the hidden history of mankinds roots have been revealed... the patents for over 5,000 free (& almost free) energy devises have been made public, the cures for all diseases also have been made public, and NESARA was implemented across the globe (dare I say ,"the packies have been delivered"). What a mind-blowing year 2012 was...humanity is now free, now it's time to start creating your new reality...

Blessings from the year 2013.. don't forget your sunglasses!

