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It seems the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ has left Arab world and traveled to some most unexpected places, such as, Israel, Spain, Greece and the UK. Israel-Firster, British prime minister David Cameron who is one the first western leaders to accuse leaders of Iran, Lebanon, Libya and Syria for using unnecessary force against ‘peaceful’ anti-government protests – has just deployed 15,000 armed policemen to control mass protests and riots in several British cities. So far police has arrested 334 protesters with two protesters dead and several dozen police officers injured.

The riots which started in London on Sunday after police shot and killed a Black protester Mark Duggan 29, father of four kids. The riots that wrecked shopping centers in many parts of London have now pread to three other cities. The protesters are calling for resignation of David Cameron who is accused of wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ money on unnecessary wars in Afghanistan and Libya – while ignoring high unemployment among the non-White Brits and his cuts in social services to reduce a large budget deficit. Under Cameron rule, the country’s economic growth is sluggish.

When a reporter from Britain’s ITV asked a protester: “Is rioting the correct way to express your discontent?” Like David Cameron, the reporter was shocked by the protester’s response. “Yes,” said the young man. “You wouldn’t be talking to me now if we didn’t riot, would you?” Meaning that the mainstream media usually reports pro-government propaganda news and not the real issues faced by the majority of British citizen.

Two million British Muslims should count their Ramadan (month of fasting) blessings for not being blamed for these riots by the pro-Israel and vehemently anti-Muslim British Defence League. According to the New York Times (August 5, 2011) the main winner of these protests and riots – is no other than the Jewish leader of the British Opposition, Ed Milliband.

“The uproar over The News of the World and its ramifications for Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, as well as for rival newspapers that have been implicated in the phone hacking and other abuses, have changed much in Britain. The scandal has also raised difficult, career-threatening questions for Prime Minister David Cameron and has led to a stunning reversal in fortunes for the 41-year-old Mr. Miliband, who as recently as last spring appeared to be sinking fast as Labour’s new helmsman,” wrote John F. Burns in NYT.

The anti-Islam crusaders such as Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, Mark Steyn, BBC and the Rupert Murdoch’s Hasbara Network, who spare no opportunity to remind the Whitefolks about the lethal danger that Muslims and multiculturalism poses to the West, haven’t said anything at all on London protests.

During similar social unrest in Paris in 2005 – all these Muslim-haters supported the French Crypto-Jew interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy’s brutal handling of protesters whom he called “racaille” – scum. Robert Spencer who is fundraising for the pro-Israel Norwegian Christian mass killer – wrote in the Frontpage magazine: “That French officials show no sign, on the eighth day of the Paris riots, of recognizing that this clash of values is the heart of the problem only guarantees that before they will be able to say that their difficulties with their Muslim population are behind them, many more cars will be torched, many more buildings burned, and many more lives destroyed”.

Mark Steyn wrote in Jewish World Review (November 7, 2005): “For half a decade, French Arabs have been carrying on a low-level intifada against synagogues, kosher butchers, Jewish schools, etc. The concern of the political class has been to prevent the spread of these attacks to targets of more, ah, general interest. They seem to have lost that battle. Unlike America’s Europhiles, France’s Arab street correctly identified Chirac’s opposition to the Iraq war for what it was: a sign of weakness”.

The radical Jew, Daniel Pipes, wrote in New York Sun (November 8, 2005): “The French insurrection is by no means the first instance of a semi-organized Muslim insurgency in Europe – it was preceded days earlier by one riot in Birmingham, England and was accompanied by another in Århus, Denmark. France itself has a history of Muslim violence going back to 1979. What is different in the current round is its duration, magnitude, planning, and ferocity”.

Israel daily YNet has reported that Israelis living in London claim unlike Israel’s 250,000-strong middle-class protests against Zionist regime, British riots are fueled by ‘deep hatred toward police’ for later’s racist treatment of Blacks, Muslims and Arabs.

“These people who rule over us, but should actually be public servants, will condemn violence in the inner cities and yet they are the most violent perpetrators of militarisms against countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya,” Mark Wadworth, a political activist in London, told Press TV.

Deputy head of Iran’s Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Hossein Ebrahimi sprayed a pinch of salt on David Cameron’s wounds on Tuesday by suggesting that Majlis should send a group of human rights rapporteurs to the UK to investigate human right violations. Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast also called on the British police to exercise restraint against protesters.

David Cameron faces his ‘Arab Spring’ | Rehmat's World
HOW FUCKING WRONG YOU ARE. This was not an arab Spring you eejit

FACTS. 1 There's NO evidence to suggest Mark Duggan was Muslim. 2 the police fired 1st and killed him, and it looks like they tried to cover this up rather stupidly. 3 Over a 20 year period there has been over 300 Black Youth killings by the police and not ONE investigation has been done. Stop and searches on black youths are still going on (moreso on black youths in london than on muslim/indian youths). After the Family of Mark Duggan had been waiting for 5 hours on Saturday evening and got no answer, some youths started burning police cars and bins. This was then taken over by GANGS who made allegiances with rival gangs to block off their areas and send the police a message.

This was then highjacked by teenage kids over the following nights who then looted many towns and cities shops and stores. now a very small pocket of ethnic on ethnic violence did happen turkish kurds v black youths and indians v black youths but this was in retalliation of their properties being attack and looting. not racially motivated!!!!!

now 3 young muslim men lost their lives on tuesday night, this was because a car rammed into them wihle they were trying to protect their property and place of worship. word on the street says the car was full of 'whites' and this was a plain racially motivated attack and one man (so far) has been arrested. The muslim community HAS NOT RETALLIATED. So whoever is giving you your info certainly is spreading lies and propaganda BULLSHIT, for whatever reason (probably to further his own warped agenda who knows), but your info is FALSE.

This is no ARAB SPRING. you yourself know the so-called arab spring is a US/NATO/UN ploy to remove leaders they've fallen out with and bring their own YES men to control these countries with fear,wether these be milita groups, terrorist organisations etc.

so before copying and pasting what someonre else has given you-which is FALSE, do some REAL research yourself. you seem a smart person, but it seems to me your beleiving any ol' crap someone else has been giving you without investigating yourself.

Unfortunatly this time your wrong. so please stop throwing up nonsense-more than likely given to you by someone else who has their OWN twisted agenda-trying to make this out to be a muslim uprising when in reality it has NOTHING to do with islam at all.
P.S I've seen the ITN/BBC/SKY news reports on all this, and to be honest some of the ppl interviewed are 'plants' by the government to try and stoke up support for more police action and government trying to bring in some type of FEMA stlye response unit in the future. Why I know this. A few of these 'plants' have been re-appearing in rival news broadcasts with different clothes in the same area and spouting off the usual nonsense...

Now the police cells are full, so were are they going to put these youths (well mostly kids)? not in prisons cause they're all full, so were to next/ That right FEMA style camps. This is no arab Spring this is like cameron's Katrina-a test in what to do if REAL public disorder hapens in the future. These riots weren't real riots. Not in the same way the riots against the POLL TAX were 20 years ago. the number of deaths was quite low, all the burned buildings are fully covered by emergency insurance set up by the government (which will lead to delibarate buring of buildings just to claim). It started off as a warning to police, then got hijacked by mostly kids because there is NOTHING for kids to do in inner city areas and poor areas (cut-backs started by the tories since the 1980's), and a lack of disicpline in the home (yup even slapping your child can land you in prison over here).

The Tories DO NOT want to deal with the underlying issues at hand. They DO NOT want to deal with the issue of police brutallity against maginalising black youths, kilkling black youths with no independent investigation. Reminds me of what the RUC done during the troubles in Northern Ireland. They do not want to sove the problem of extreme poverty in these areas, no youth clubs, or facilities for kids and young people to go. They want them to be at home 24/7 365. you cannot do that, trying to keep people in cages only makes them want to break out.

this is just the begining. The riots were in no way like the riots seen in France over the last 20 odd years now and again. They were not well planned out and ran out of steam from the 1st night, after they were taken over by looters. tho it does send out a warning sign for the Government that there are people out there, MANY people in fact from all backgrounds that have had enough and will rise up, WHEN the time is right. It is no arab spring as it is not just one group of people or religious affiliation making waves. It can be seen as a very small step to a revolution IF the people rose up and waged war against the central banking system and then the goverment. This I cannot see happening. why? because most of the youth and people in their 20's are just interested in gadgets and not interested in change the same way people in their 30's and upward are. BUT it could see the government adopting meassures only seen in the US and in some parts of Canada recently. In effect, keep your eye on cameron. He's more dangerous than we think!
there are many different WAYS to get news in the UK, via alternative news channels that don't adhere to muilnationalism, but then you don't know that do you?

As someone who lives in canada, hiding behind a keyboard as he bows down to his posters of hitler and Stalin, who thinks he has vast knowledge of UK events-which in fact you have no CLUE about, and THINK, that Muslim's started the riots in London and in other cities- - then you really are CLUELESS, and know NOTHING.

Maybe investigate ALL aspects of a story before you copy and print someone elses story and claim it to be your own!!!!!

The EDL have no say in politics in the UK. They're only about 300 strong and their activities are now illegal due to incitment to racial hatred. Just in the same way far right Islamic groups are banned. They can make ties with all the far right groups in the world, but still won't make a dent in the UK.

It could be seen as a worry, but I'm not losing sleep over them. Just like the dissident republican movement, in Northern ireland, no one cares for them.
The AIPAC has no saying in politics. The're bunch of racist Jews working for funds from Washington - Dr. Noam Chomsky

Now do you believe that self-denying Crypto-Zionist idiot? I certainly not - neither with your stupid lie.

Chomsky is a respected individual, you i'm afraid ARE NOT.

Plus what DO YOU KNOW about British politics? As I thought NOTHING!!!
Chomsky is a Jewish conman - and I'm neither Jewish nor a conman.

“It’s hard to imagine a Richard Falk, a Noam Chomsky, a Jacqueline Rose or others of their ilk feeling love for the Jewish people or losing any sleep over the people’s fate. What they’re enamored by is their image of themselves as Jews who have the moral courage to attack a Jewish state and the moral impunity to do so, which their Jewishness gives them. (“What, me anti-Jewish? I’m a Jew myself!”) Far from being self-hating Jews, they are self-loving Jews of the I’m-not-one-of-you variety. If you can think of a catchier way to put that, let me know,” Philologos in Jewish daily FORWARD, August 7, 2011.

9/11 – Chomsky and Rabbi Shira | Rehmat's World

For a second there I thought you actually were making a proper response, till I got to the end, and found out it was YET ANOTHER QUOTE. do you have your own brain, or are you forced to print what other people write?

your looking more stupid with each post, keep em coming. Or even better, use your OWN words and not words of others. But then you ARE part of a religion which means 'TO SUBMIT', so I'm not suprised you cannot use your own brain.
Pot calling the kettle black.

Coming from someone who's quick to judge other people by quoting from books you've never read, I find your last post hiliairous. And YES I am making a point. Your religion is based on SUBMITION, not by beleiving, or following but by being FORCED TO SUBMIT, to your saviour. Some religion, forcing people to beleive instead of a religion of 'choice'. nothings changed then since the Turks thought they could rule the world all those years ago. But then islam is no different from ANY OTHER RELIGION. your all the same, all con-men trying to force through your doctrine either by stelath or by force. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Catholics, Hindu's all religions which have a history of blood war and death flowing through their veins. Why would or SHOULD I listen (or anyone else) or read what you write? It's all just propaganda bullshit. how many people can you covert the most? Like one big race to see in the end who the winner is. Well wake up, in man made religion THERE IS NO WINNER. Now go back in your cave and leave everyone here alone, with your vile and bullshit sentiment.

Nyeth - Bible testifies that you Jews were turned into rats, snakes and pigs by God for their evil deeds.

Then we're (you included), must be the smartest, rats snakes and pigs ever as we can read, write and talk.

I think the bible testifies that your an absolute wanker-as your quoting books you have no knowledge off,and I see you have your SS nazi cap on today (time you took it off for a wash).

Was it community relations your parents were involved in?

I'm sure they're proud of their racist son, raised to hate everyone that isn't 'pure' and to call everyone who doesn't believe Jews. Are you blond haired and blue eyed or dark hired and brown eyed? don't forget to say seig heil in your prayers to Hitler tonight....
Tell me idiot - how can I be included with you Jewish rat or pigs - since I don't believe in Jewish bible. :triumphant:
you are a human, thus you are a rat/pig/goat/sheep, piece of shit just like the rest of us. Shit doesn't discriminate, and your full of it.
When was the last time you read your shitty Talmud, rat?

Whosoever, disobey rabbis will burn in hell-fire forever.

around the same time when I had anal sex with your mom while wiping my arse with the quran. since you can NEVER have an answer to your stupid posts and original threads, your now going to get really offensive posts from me until you grow up, and learn how to debate proper.
Are you saying you're the Jewish White House intern Monica Lewinski who became famous by having oral sex with former US president Bill Clinton? You must be having it a lot in 270 Tel Aviv's Jewish brothels - because you look horrible inyour Avatar.
