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Daniel Pomerantz, a US-Israel dual citizen has announced to launch the Hebrew version of famous men’s sexy magazine Palayboy. Like a typical Israel-Firster, Pomerantz too believe that his Israeli porn-filled magazine will help to improve Israel’s international image which has nose-dipped since Israel’s 2006 defeat at the hands of Hizballah guerilla fighters. “For me this is an opportunity to show the world the nice side of Israel, the culture here,” he says.

Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported on January 14, 2013 that Pomerantz and some other Jewish businessmen have bought the rights from Hefner state to distribute an Israeli version of the magazine which is expected to hit the stalls within next few months.

“We went to hefner’s state with Israeli team to learn from the Playboy experts,” Pomerantz told TheMarker. “Hefner was very excited that there was a word (shfanfana) for bunny in Hebrew – it proved that there is cultural link between the Playboy brand and Israeli culture“.

Pomerantz, living in Israel, should know the “Playboy-Israel links” better than others. Israel is home to world’s largest porn industry, prostitution and sex-slavery – based on country’s tiny population. Tel Aviv has 280 Jewish brothels and is known as the Pink City.

Hugh Marston Hefner (born 1926) launched the Platboy magazine in 1953. The religious background of Hefner is disputed (Jewish or WASP). However, Steven Watts’s biograpy, ‘Mr. Playboy’, says- “It was a team of Jewish editors (Nat Lehrman, Alexander Portnoy and Alvy Singer), who made the magazine one of the liveliest, sexiest and most progressive reads around“.

The Playboy magazine which is famous for its photo spreads of nude women – has been losing its circulation lately. It was never published in Hebrew before though its competitor, Penthouse, appeared in Israel during 1989-1993.

Israel’s leading men’s magazine is Blazer, which is usually laced with nude pictures of young Jewish women. “The magazine will be very sexy, but it’s not about sex. It will be inspiring and broadcast quality and beauty,” said Pomerantz.

Neta Jakobovitz-Keidar, the editor-in-chief for Hebrew Playboy says that all the writers and nude models will be Israeli Jews.

The de-legitimization of the Zionist entity has picked-up speed during the last decade – which has scared the hell out of the Zionist crowd around the world. The West had created the entity in the middle of Arab world in 1948 to get rid most of its unwated Jewish population. The Zionist entity has become a threat to world-peace thanks to the blind financial, military and moral support it receieves from the powerful diaspora Jewish communities in the West. However, the wind has started blowing in the opposite direction lately. For the younger Jewish generation in diaspora the non-stop Zionists’ atrocities in the region and Jewish occupation has become unbearable and they have begun to distant themselves from the Zionist entity.

Daniel Gordis in Jewish magazine Tablet (August 20, 2012) admitted this new trend by saying: “Young Jews today, discouraged by Israeli policies they cannot abide, either explicitly or tacitly join those who condem the Jewish (?) state. But they do not recognize that the de-legitimization of Israel will effect them, too, that they, too, have a personal stake in Israel, no matter how discomfited they may be by some of its policies. What happens to Israel will not effect only Jews in Beersheva or Tel Aviv but Jews in New York, Boston, London and Buenos Aires“. However, Gordis was at loss to explain why the Jews in diaspora would be effected by the fall of the Zionist entity - when, historically, the Jewish communities in the mentioned cities had wielded great power even before the creation of state of Israel and most of them refused to make aliya to the Holy Land. There are more Jews still living in diaspora than Jews in Israel.

Russian-born American Jewish lecturer, writer and marketing expert, Gary Wexler, wrote at the Jewish Journal on January 11, 2007: “It has become clear that the world doesn’t care about Israel’s wines, its Bauhaus architecture, its fashion, its alluring women, its sexy gay men, its beaches, its ballet or its hummus. The world, its media and its university campuses are riveted upon Israel’s relationship with the Palestinians as well as the state of its democracy“.

The Zionist regime and its lobby groups in the West spend millions of dollar each year to sell Zionists’ narratives on Islam, Muslims, Arabs and Holocaust using porn, gay parades, think tanks, faked videos and media stories and fully-paid trips to Israel for students, Evangelist leaders and politicians.

In 2007, Israeli embassy used former Miss Israel Gal Gadot to pose half-naked in men magazine Maxim as part of Tel Aviv’s quasi-porn propaganda to improve Israel’s image among the American youth.

Hebrew Playboy to improve Israel’s world image! | Rehmat's World