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“Based on the Cabinet’s responsibility to preserve Leba*non’s sovereignty, its independence, unity and the safety of its land, the government underscores Lebanon’s right through its people, army and resistance to liberate or regain authority of Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba hills and the occupied part of Ghajar village and defend the country against any aggression,” Statement issued by Saad Hariri’s cabinet in November 2009.

Last Friday, however, after being kicked-out of his post, constitutionally, by Hizbullah-led Opposition, pro-USrael Saad told a large gathering of his supporters in Beirut that Hizbullah should disarm itself as matter of principle. He asserted that only Lebanon’s Armed Forces has the responsiblity to defend the country against foreign aggression. He was suggesting to trust the same army which did not fire a single shot during the 34-day invasion by the Jewish Army in Summer 2006.

Saad has proved himself to be an opportunist while his father, former premier Rafik al-Hariri, supported and endorsed Hezbollah before his assassination in 2005, living up to his reputation as an ardent Arab nationalist. Hariri-owned Future TV had celebrated the May 2000 Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon as result of Hizbullah’s 18-year-long military resistance.

Sami Moubayed wrote in an article entitled Hizbullah unruffled by show of force (Asia Times, March 15, 2011): ”The only difference between father and son is that Rafik worked with Hezbollah out of conviction, whereas Saad did it out of need. One week before his assassination, Rafik told Hezbollah secretary general Hassan Nasrallah, “I believe in this resistance. And I am telling you that if I become prime minister again I will not implement the disarmament article of UN Resolution 1559. I swear to you that the resistance and its weapons will remain until the day a comprehensive regional settlement is reached, not just until the Israeli withdrawal from the Shebaa Farms.”

Hariri added, “On that day, when that agreement is reached, I will sit with you and say: ‘Sir, there is no further need for the resistance and its weapons.’ If we agree, that’s what will be. If we disagree, I swear to you and before God [he also swore by his deceased son Hussam] that I will not fight the resistance. I will resign and leave the country before that happens.” Rafik after all had started out as a young man in the Arab nationalist movement of the 1960s, taking part in student demonstrations in favor of Gamal Abdul Nasser who spoke a language very similar to that of Nasrallah in the 1990s.”

Brenda Heard, founder-editor of Friends of Lebanon, wrote in her article entitled ‘ The Arms of the Lebanese Resistance’: “If both the acting Army General and the President, a former Army General, embrace the contributions of the Resistance, then the state of Lebanon is already well in control of its defence”.

Lately, Norman Finkelstein and former US ambassador to Israel and currently a fellow at the one of the most powerful Jewish think tanks, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Dan Kurtzer, who stand at polar ends of the Mideast spectrum, agree that another Israeli invasion of Lebanon will be bad for Lebanon, bad for Israel and bad for the United States of America. Is that enough to convince Obama and the Israel-First lawmakers to come to their senses?

Hizbullah: ‘The defender of Lebanon’ | Rehmat's World