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Last week, the leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizballah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, while addressing a youth event in Beirut had stressed that the so-called “powerful” Zionist entity is over, and forever, following the defeat it faced in the last offensive against Gaza. Israeli commentators called that an Arab dream.

However, Nasrallah’s statement is also confirmed by retired Indian Navy official Lt. Cdr. Atul Bhardwaj in a November 17, 2012 interview in which he called Israel’s army as a “third-rate military which only knows how to kill unarmed people“.

“Israel is not a nation state. It’s a pathological person. The impunity with which it has been bombing and maiming Palestinian children and other halpless citizens, only informs us that the Zionist remain in a perpetual state of fear. The kind of fear we associate with animals. Israeli military actions are synonymous with that of terrorists. It is a third-rate military that will not be able to sustain itself against a well-equiped armed force. It can only attack unarmed people in Palestine. Time has come for the world to control Israeli insanity. The world must demand an end to Israeli atrocities and lies that follow,” said Bhardwaj.

Atul Bhardwaj, is a former Research Fellow at India’s Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses. He served in Indian Navy between 1987-2004. He attended London’s King College (2004-2005). Bhardwaj has published several articles on defence matters and is presently working on ‘Globalisation and National Security’. He is also editor of online magazine Purple Beret, where he writes on diplomacy, military, defense and money matters.

In September 2012, Bhardwaj was interviewed by Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). During the interview, Bhardwaj had claimed that the United States was using International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to spy on Iranian nuclear installations before conducting a military operation against the country.

“This is the game similar to the one America played in Iraq,” said Bhardwaj.

To a question on the possible ways to resolve Iranian nuclear issue, Bhardwaj said: “The only solution is that any inspection of Iran by IAEA should be accompanied by similar inspections of Israel“.

Bhardwaj believes that Washington is not interested in resolving its differences with the Islamic Republic (thanks to powerful Israel Lobby).

“I don’t see any possitive elements flowing out from US-Iran talks, mainly because the US wants to create problem and not solve it. It’s for this reason that it keeps imposing sanctions on Iran,” said Bhardwaj.

Indian Navy Commander: Israeli military is ‘third-rated’ | Rehmat's World