Israel Lobby goes to Russia


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Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-California), a well-known AIPAC lapdog, lead a bi-partisan congressional delegate to Russia to discuss the so-called ‘Islamic terrorism’ with government and counter-terrorism officials - a common ground for Russia, the US and Israel. The delegation included Israel-Firsters and Islamophobes like Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Steve King (R-Iowa), Paul Cook (R-California), Stephen Cohen (D-Tennessee) and Democrat William Keating.

British Jewish daily Mail Online reported on June 2 that the meeting was brokered by Hollywood Jewish producer-actor Steven Seagal (his grandparents were Russian Jews), who also paid for the trip to Russia. Seagal met Russian president Putin in March and last month paid a visit to Ramzan Kadyrov, the Russian-installed president of Chechnya. Ramzan is building a grand mosque in Israel, and is schedule to visit the Zionist entity in October 2013.

In 2010, Steven Frederic Seagal’s sex scandal with his 23-year-old assistant Keydan Nguyen hit the show-business world.

Rohrabacher is one of the leading Israeli propagandist at the Capitol Hill. On several occasions, he has urged Obama administration to attack Iran before the “mullahs” acquire nuclear bomb and use it against Israel. He strongly believes that Palestine was promised to Jews by God.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is the most pwerful lobby group in the world. It has annual running budget of over $70 million and a staff of 300 people. AIPAC controls the white House, Congress and the Senate. No American politician in his/her right mind can challenge AIPAC orders – that Israel’s interests have priority over American interests especially in the Middle East.

In 1992, AIPAC president David Sterner was caught on tape bragging to Haim Katz, a potential Jewish donor about his organization’s ‘extreme, undue influence over the American political system. Read the transcript of the tape here.

Israel Lobby goes to Russia | Rehmat's World