Merry Christmass to my loyal true friend ImmortalGemini527: A present for you *<:-)

I have a cold. Bound to do some strange things.

Here is another message for your consideration.

"And no BobE... Pegasus is not the therapy horseback riding program ( thats a great program though)... this is the mighty Zorgon.... The Living Moon..... John Lear site.... and part of it is called "Pegasus Research Consortium"...

( but I think more quality thinking is being done here and on some other Forums almost by accident than they seem to be trying to do on purpose.)

Most recently here we had to listen to a rerun of " Prove that you are Townsend Browns daughter" rants from one of his " moderators". When I mentioned that I would be happy to meet Zorgon in Las Vegas, face to face.... with whatever paperwork he might need.... the argument went away and so did they.

Bottom up or top down.... stil looking for an answer BobE. Did you introduce that cube into the conversation intentionally? Linda
I have a cold. Bound to do some strange things.

Here is another message for your consideration.

"And no BobE... Pegasus is not the therapy horseback riding program ( thats a great program though)... this is the mighty Zorgon.... The Living Moon..... John Lear site.... and part of it is called "Pegasus Research Consortium"...

( but I think more quality thinking is being done here and on some other Forums almost by accident than they seem to be trying to do on purpose.)

Most recently here we had to listen to a rerun of " Prove that you are Townsend Browns daughter" rants from one of his " moderators". When I mentioned that I would be happy to meet Zorgon in Las Vegas, face to face.... with whatever paperwork he might need.... the argument went away and so did they.


John is probably just lonely and looking for affection and you scared him off evidently asking him to hook up in Vegas with ya. :highly_amused: I ditto the OP here> John Lear - Bat Shit Crazy
uh huh.

Just so we know where we stand. <g>

I wasn't speaking of John Lear but of the person who runs the website there and flys John Lear as his banner.... He calls himself " Zorgon".

Regarding John Lear. The only reason I contacted him was because his father and mine worked closely together in the sixties....

John and his Father were " estranged" which is a polite way to say that Bill Lear thought that his son was a flipping goof off mentally...

The Lear that people should be watching is William Lear Jr... who is the closest thing to an English spy novel that has been developed.... but Gee.... wonder why it is..... nobody ever mentions him.

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Its sad really reading that Link BobE.....I have for a long time felt that John was being " used" over there....last time he really spoke to me was when he told me that my Father was responsible for " opening a portal" for other entities to come into this world and that as far as our future was concerned " it was all over except for the whimpering" He meant OUR whimpering. At the time he was hovering over his gold mine somewhere in Nevada and trying to be a recluse. He advised me to just " pull the blanket over my head".

Well... thats not going to happen.

But I do sense that his name has been used to gather folks that would drive his Dad as batty as his son has become.

I've read up on Bill Jr. He was an interesting fellow for sure. A real go getter in the business world I must say. He gets credit for coming up with the first car radio installed on the final assembly line, that's in production vehicles, which always confused me. My father was a GM auto engineer and I know for a fact it was Motorola that should solely get the credit. A company that Bill Jr ran did come up with the 8 track, but not Bill Jr himself did not.

I would like to get the real history on him. Fascinating life I must say.

Regarding John. He simply sounds like a very mentally sick man.

I'm sure, Linda, you can easily recognize the same thing about the man?

Talking about gates of hell being opened and living out in the desert. I mean that's some sort of Charles Manson insanity going on there.
I need to make a correction BobE... I was referring to Johns brother... William Lear.... I guess he is the " third".... try looking him up if you want to read about an interesting and shadowy character. THATS the Bill Lear son that I would be watching. I wonder what HE has been doing while his brother has been flopping around like a wounded prairie chicken? Linda
And as far as " portals to other dimensions?" For centuries the desert around here has had stories of such things.... of entities coming and going at will.....I guess you have to be a confirmed " desert rat" to understand the history....

And as far as how " sane" John Lear is? It all depends on what his longterm agenda is. This could all be an act. I consider all of the possibilities. Linda
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I don't consider myself an expert on all of the developments that you mentioned but I was able to have lunch with Bill Lear and a man by the name of Alexander M. Pontiatoff...They had been friends for a long time........ Pontiatoff developed AMPEX which stood for ( Alexander M Pontiatoff Excellence) About my quota of trivia for today!

I need to make a correction BobE... I was referring to Johns brother... William Lear.... I guess he is the " third".... try looking him up if you want to read about an interesting and shadowy character. THATS the Bill Lear son that I would be watching. I wonder what HE has been doing while his brother has been flopping around like a wounded prairie chicken? Linda

I guess the old man is not a Jr., but the son is, I got that straight now. I am looking things up this afternoon instead of posting from vague memory.

So there is a son John who is known as not being really all that sane.

Then there is Bill Jr. who I thought you were referring to as the father who I think had an awesome life, but is actually another son like John.

So which one lives out in the Nevada desert on a gold claim, and talks about the gates of hell being opened? Seems like that is the one who "has been flopping around like a wounded prairie chicken." Love your description btw. That's really vivid. I can picture the stereotypical crazy old cook. Like in the Brady Bunch season opener where they all go to the Grand Canyon and get locked up in an old jail by a paranoid prospector. You know the name of the Charter of the prospector is Zaccariah T. Brown?

I'll try and read up on William Lear Jr. I think I may know absolutely nothing about him at this point. I always like reading about interesting people who do interesting things.
And as far as " portals to other dimensions?" For centuries the desert around here has had stories of such things.... of entities coming and going at will.....I guess you have to be a confirmed " desert rat" to understand the history....

And as far as how " sane" John Lear is? It all depends on what his longterm agenda is. This could all be an act. I consider all of the possibilities. Linda

I'm thinking of the Indian legends of the whole region. Spirits coming out of rocks wall faces and taking on animal form and all that then disappearing back into the rock faces.

And I agree some people act crazy to deceive, and John could be one of those people for whatever his motive being a mystery. Could be he thinks he is adding intrigue to his personae by acting out as a "desert rat." Maybe that's how he is selling himself these days. He could think he is adding to the family mysterious legacy. That it adds value to it all.
I don't consider myself an expert on all of the developments that you mentioned but I was able to have lunch with Bill Lear and a man by the name of Alexander M. Pontiatoff...They had been friends for a long time........ Pontiatoff developed AMPEX which stood for ( Alexander M Pontiatoff Excellence) About my quota of trivia for today!


That's interesting, Linda. I like that sort of trivia. :)
Some interesting reading relative to geometries.....even a certain biefeld brown effect is mentioned.
Thanks hobbit,as always,you point me in the right direction for some reason.i always thought it was natural with the...little circle slight invisble things that i have coveted every since young.I didnt know it came in all shapes,never ever would of known.The cube thing freaked me out...Never again.But than again,maybe in 3 to 5 years ill try the triangle one out,and the other one,but right now,im retiring for good.Thanks for every thing.img527
Its just a big step Gemini.... and scarey.... and I understand the fact that its troubling.

But I think that the " nudge" that BobE gave you was with all the best intention. He might not even have realized what it would mean to you or how you would react.... but it was important and it was TIME..... and he was there to hand you that information and felt somehow that it would be useful to you ( and he was right!)

You can take that information and put it in cold storage if you want.... but you can never go back to not knowing about it. You have crossed that threshold. When you are more comfortable you will do more.

BobE... Since you enjoy trivia you might be amused that I first ran into that expression " flopping around like a prairie chicken" when it was used by my Dad to describe what his actions were going to be for the next five years.

It was the early fifties... Dad had just had an important and very high level demonstration for personages ( no less in rank than the Admirals in Charge of the Pacific Fleet.... and possibly even much higher... but we can get into that later.) The demonstration it was discovered was " compromised" ( meaning that there was a soviet mole who had gained access to some of the information."

My Dad gave Mother a choice. He told her that she could divorce him and stay in Hawaii.... or she could spend the next five years " going through hell... his exact words.... while I go through my " wounded prairie chicken routine."

She chose to stick with Dad. And he was right. The next five years were awful for us as a family.

Long story really short.... when I used that expression regarding John Lear it had some history already with me.

Bob, have you ever read The Haunted Mesa by Louis L'Amour? I hadn't thought of that book in years, until you mentioned the Indian legends. Although I wouldn't call them legends. Just my point of view.

BobE... Since you enjoy trivia you might be amused that I first ran into that expression " flopping around like a prairie chicken" when it was used by my Dad to describe what his actions were going to be for the next five years.

It was the early fifties... Dad had just had an important and very high level demonstration for personages ( no less in rank than the Admirals in Charge of the Pacific Fleet.... and possibly even much higher... but we can get into that later.) The demonstration it was discovered was " compromised" ( meaning that there was a soviet mole who had gained access to some of the information."

My Dad gave Mother a choice. He told her that she could divorce him and stay in Hawaii.... or she could spend the next five years " going through hell... his exact words.... while I go through my " wounded prairie chicken routine."

She chose to stick with Dad. And he was right. The next five years were awful for us as a family.

Long story really short.... when I used that expression regarding John Lear it had some history already with me.


You father must have been a riot. I like those old fashion sounding characterizations. Especially if they are one of a kind and not something that was merely a popular saying at the time; composed spontaneously.
Bob, have you ever read The Haunted Mesa by Louis L'Amour? I hadn't thought of that book in years, until you mentioned the Indian legends. Although I wouldn't call them legends. Just my point of view.


I haven't read that book, not heard of it either. I'll have to go look it up and check it out.

What I was referring to are doorways that are supposedly located on rocks walls where spirits come out of them, turn into animals or people and wonder around unnoticed.

I tried to look something up on what I heard years ago about the belief. My search engine is Google and they have turned into real crap in recent years, so I couldn't find squat on it.

I think it was a Navajo legend if I'm not mistaken.
There is an ancient story about a Persian Princess who was chased across the desert by Arabs... she had ridden her horse to death and was just barely ahead of her pursuers. I believe that they had already killed her Father and sisters.... she ran to a large outcropping in the desert and cried out/// " Save me oh GREAT ONE!!!! The rock opened and she stepped inside and it closed behind her just as the other riders came on the scene!. Legend has it that her scarf was captured in the rock and is still there..... but she was saved. Now that site is a very holy area and I understand that if you ride up to it you have to dismount and walk as soon as it is in sight... as a sign of respect. The people in that area entirely believed that such a thing happened....

I have forgotten the details... but if I run across a historical link I will edit it in.... Linda