[Update!] My friends conniving dr. and her immediate health


New member
Well first of all if i've said anything to offend I do try not to do that anybody out there please accept my apologies, as I feel like I've may have lost some rapport out there. Maybe I'm just upset over the situation here. I'm trying to see how this happened again for a reason. So far no light bulb is going off. :frown:

My friend received a call from the pharmacy yesterday and started the ball rolling again. She called and talked to the physcians assistant and tried to make her understand the situation. Anyway assist said they would send the scrips over electronically and i hey didn't receive them they'd have to call twice. pharmacist has done this twice. My friend has called twice the reply "we'll try to get it out today" Meantime while they're yanking her chain. She's getting shorter of breath (happens roo when we have high humidity and doesn't have much of an appetite. But then she's been without her whole meds for two weeks for awhile she did have half of them. This biotch of a dr. :dejection: well, as soon as the first normally 3rd but that's on a Sunday (she has to wait for her Social Security to come in we're going to try the drs to the house thing. Whatever she's not going back to a dr who's willing to lie and tells her office staff to lie too. You can't trust someone like that.:frown: But let me ask anybody out there if you can't go 4 and half blocks to see the dr. how can you go $20.00 round trip worth out to the lab and get blood work done? Why won't they belief this is a real situation and we're trying to rectify it?
Is there any chance of getting some home health people involved? Or Adult Protective Services? You're in a prcarious position, it sounds like. I aageee that it's time for a different doctor.

Thank you for the input. She went through this 2 years ago with a different dr, and her car had broken down she wasn't using a wheel chair even on a temporary basis that time, that experience nearly killed then.

We had home health after she got out of rehab center, unfortunately they only got paid what Medicare chose to pay, so we don't have the service anymore, because Dr. had perscribed it. Now the last two nights she's picked and barely ate her meals, though she's had some cereal and a sandwich at lunch. She says she's not hungry.

Thursday we are going to try something it's a coalation for assisted living they try to keep the older people from going into a nursing home by sending a dr out.. She gets her Social usually on the 3rd because the 3rd is on a Sunday she'll get it Friday. Just hope it's not too expensive, she hasn't met her Medicare deductible yet this year, either. I told her tonight I said if she's not getting better tomorrow I'll call the dr leave it on the voicemail because I won't know for sure until supper, and tell her now she's barely eating and I'm holding Dr.responsible for it. My friend is stubborn sometimes I have to push it this way. But if she doesn't eat enpugh she'll get weak and have another fall she said flat out no to 911 suggestion otherwise I don't know what to do, state had the nerve to tell her she didn't qualify for Medicaid that she made too much money on her gross from Social Security, who lives on their gross income, she can't afford an Assissted living facility I looked at a few on the internet they cost too much, and she's too stubborn to go, her own family what's left, knows she's having a hard time they don't offer to help, (one of her cousins has a 5 room house too.) She had asked for a loan and they said her great aunt was having some repairs done around the house. her cousin handles the aunts expenses, as well as their own. I have nothing or no one else to lean on, or she would get it from me. But she is not going back to that dr. She lies now how could we trust her with what else she says and she has no compassion or understanding for someone in a unique predicament.

Will keep you updated.