
Prelude to Invocation:

From July 13th to July 30th, we enter into Night 4 of the Universal Underworld with a focus on the Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness, accelerated through the Full Moon on July 15th.

This beautiful golden flame is the energy that will embrace Mother Earth and all her Life from 2012 from a ray perspective, and over the next eighteen days in particular, we have the opportunity to truly experience the essence of our God Selves, our I Am Presence, as we integrate and transcend the dualities within ourselves and lift the vibration of all Life on this Earth plane into Christ Consciousness while bringing together the perfect balance of our own Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes of Light.

When we talk about "Christ Consciousness" we are referring to the state of Divine Perfection, illuminating intelligence, wisdom, Love, peace, empowerment, abundance, creativity and harmony that is inherently the birthright of every Soul in Creation; and in this Now, providing us with a window of opportunity to embrace our shadow aspects, and that of the world through healing, Love and Unity Consciousness as we continue to anchor the new etheric recodings of the 12 Strand DNA further amplified through the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque in Mexico.

As we work through the Unity Grid of Light and the holographic crystalline matrix of Light, we continue to anchor the 11:11:11 Planetary Crystalline Vibration of Divine Love, the Crystalline144 Unity Grid, to be activated on November 11th, 2011; at that moment, the Crystalline Cities of Light will amplify the energy of the sacred sites, vortices, and portals of Light through the rays, and the Atlantean Master Crystals and crystal skulls, and we will collectively activate the new etheric recodings of the 12 Strand DNA as we merge at a deeper level with our I Am Presence, while the Solar Grid of Light is further activated within and around the Unity Grid of Light.

Through Night 4, we further enter into Lord Melchizedek's Golden Chamber Ascension Seat within the middle Earth, Overlighted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light to receive the streams of consciousness of merging timelines taking us into the remembrance of the teachings of Light from On High, primarily Atlantis and ancient Egypt, and the understanding too of our immortal nature.

On a planetary level, we are invited to work with Nature Intelligence, the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Pan, the Overlighting Deva of Mother Earth as well as the entire Company of Heaven, as we assist in the healing of Mother Earth's energy body created through human miscreations in preparation for Heaven on Earth.

Invocation to Night 4 of The Universal Underworld

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge as I now merge with my I Am Presence, expanding my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light in this alignment to my Highest Light.

I call upon the Archangels and Angels, the Mighty Elohim, the Ascended Masters, Melchior, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and the Brotherhood of the Light, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians, and all the Beings of Light from On High assisting through the Crystalline Cities of Light, Shamballa and multidimensionally in the creation of Unity Consciousness for the new Earth.

I now call in the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Pan, the Overlighting Deva of Mother Earth and all other Nature Intelligence and Nature Spirit Intelligence that wish to assist in the healing and recalibration of Mother Earth's energy body.

I now ask to be taken in an external Merkaba vehicle of Light into the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque so I may experience the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness.

I now enter into this City of Light, greeted by three High Priests and find myself within a sacred golden Flower of Life sphere of Light.

I now call forth to all the Beings of Light from On High, to actualize the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness, in a beautiful golden flame within and around my body,

so I may experience union with the Divine, so I may find the perfect balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine within my Self, so I may transmute my dualities and experience Oneness with all Life,

so I may assist as a Christ Conscious Being of Light in lifting the vibration of all Life into that of Unity Consciousness.

I now find myself in Lord Melchizedek's Golden Chamber Ascension Seat, Overlighted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light.

 I now experience the merging timelines of Atlantis and ancient Egypt in particular, bringing through the remembrance of my Self Mastery as an initiate of Light through the teachings of Light from On High.

I now experience the activation of my immortal chromosomes as the sub-atomic particles within my body spin in increased light. I now experience my physical body as a body of Light, as my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.

I now find my Self on the Unity Grid of Light assisting the Company of Heaven, Light workers, Starseeded Ones, and Nature Intelligence in wrapping this Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness within and around this Earth plane,

I now assist in the healing of Mother Earth's energy body, experiencing, sensing and merging into Oneness.

I now assist in taking this Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness into the hearts of all humanity, so they too may choose these keycodes of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

I now assist in anchoring the new etheric recodings of the 12 Strand DNA through the Christ Consciousness Grid of Light, so that all Life may experience their multidimensionality as Master Beings of Divine Love through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I Am a Christ Conscious Being of Light,

I Am Wisdom, devotion, and illuminating intelligence,

I Am Love, power, harmony and peace,

I Am equilibrium, creativity and inspiration,

I Am magnetism and enlightenment,

I Am One with all Life

I Am All That I Am.

And so it is...

(Repeat invocation three times for maximum effect)

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I found this wonderful invocation for you here:

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek
Co-created by Adi'El
Music by Etna "Voices of Space"