pegasus living moon

I just took a quick peek and I can see the nature and the mindset of the people involved in this matter, lol. Unbelievable.

Again, I don't know the whole story, but from everything that I've read, it seems quite clear.

"Again, I don't know the whole story" True that... so you know nothing :triumphant: Only what a certain party wants you to think. Pity that... as you consider yourself a lightworker and seeker of truth.

But in reality you are no different that the others... any old story will do so long as it gets attention :dog2:

Well enjoy, and thanks for all the publicity sent our way both from here and the Cosmic Token... gotta love it when those who really seek the truth take the time to come ask
No wonder you never learn anything. Exterminator.

All I have to say.

I am finished throwing pearls of friendship and wisdom in the mud for your enjoyment.

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Oh, a point I needed to make here for the various newbies that don't know about the ongoing dispute that I have going with Mikado. Those who don't realize how serious this is might consider it " bickering " but it is far from that as I hope most of you will understand.

He runs the site that he calls the Quonset Hut.... some just refer to it as the HUT
The official name is the website.....
Please do not confuse it with the site that is in my Dads FULL name

Times are changing and certain forces are losing their grip on what they want us all to see as reality...Don't let these forces delay progress into the future.

Things have gotten so disagreeable at the HUT with Mikado and Kim in control over there that I have asked repeatedly to be removed from the membership there. They refuse to do that. Imagine how uncomfortable that would make you if you felt that the site in question was a constant insult to you and your family. Those are my feelings.

Just letting you know that I do not condone what is said on the site nor have anything to do with it.

I would remove my name from the place if Mikado would do it... and I question why it is so important for him to keep me registered against my will

. One short visit will give you the full flavor of the place and probably tell you all that you need to know about the place. This is a site that was presented to me as a vehicleto continue discussions about my Dads work. It hasn't exactly held true to that course but you decide for yourself. Linda

I was sent an email notifying of my name being mentioned here and I thought that I would present myself.

I am Mikado, the one that Linda is talking about.

It should be noted that what she has said in the above is not quite correct or more to the point, accurate.

And to you Lady of Light, thank you for allowing me to join, however, I do believe that if your name is indicative of the Inner Light and the belief structure that accompanies it then your statement:

Lady of Light said:
I just took a quick peek and I can see the nature and the mindset of the people involved in this matter, lol. Unbelievable.

Again, I don't know the whole story, but from everything that I've read, it seems quite clear. a bit premature. Truth is it's own light but then, the truth will survive through time.

I don't know what you have read or how much but the history of all this goes way back.

I will be offering the point of view of rebuttal to statements made in my direction.

I wish you the best Lady and I will abide by the Terms of Service.


I may not know what is going on in the situation that has transpired, however I don’t think I’m jumping the gun in making a determination based on how people are speaking to each other. I’m not basing my opinion on the argument(s) at hand, but rather how people are treating each other and how they respectfully or disrespectfully express themselves. I also have my general intuition. I can see with my own eyes and what has been written here. I don’t take sides in any matter that does not involve me, so please, do not accuse me of doing such. I stated my opinion on what I believe, and if you choose to read more into what I have said, then that is of your own doing and shows your bias.

I see on my own forum, here in this thread, accusations from all parties. I can also see the tone and the anger toward some of my members. I also have been reading all the antagonistic comments/remarks, and I KNOW that things are being said JUST to get a rise out of people, or “stir the pot” as one member stated.

I’m all for having an open discussion of matters, but to be OPEN, you cannot have egos getting in the way, and clearly, that is what is happening all over the place on all of the forums affected by this ‘battle’.

I expected you to be here and retort any claims against you. I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s only fair that one be able to defend one’s self in any situation whether the claims against him/her be true or false.


I will not give in to your antagonism. If you are expecting me to respond to you in a negative manner, you won’t find that happening. It is not in my nature to engage in such useless conversation. Unfortunately for a being in my status, language/words tend not to be our friends so sometimes things don’t come out quite the way they need to to be understood properly, but I do try my best to get my messages across.

I am a light being born into a physical human body for the purpose of helping lightworkers to help humanity at this time of transition that is upon this world and the people in it. To take human form and be in the body as it grows helps to learn the ways of the world and the people in it and to better be able to understand and to communicate with them. Of course, there can never be any proof of this, so you can go ahead and do what you do best and ignore and try to disprove all you want my claims, this does not bother me in the least. One of the things about proving something is that one side may not be able to prove it is true, but the other side cannot prove that it is false either. I know who I am, and you know who YOU are and only each individual can know who he/she is, but no one can possibly know who anyone else is, even when they are close to them and THINK they know them.

It has become apparent that you come here to antagonize and I don’t know what your fascination is with disproving who Linda Brown claims she is, but none of that really matters on the grand scale.

To everyone – but maybe especially Exterminator based on prior posts,

Why does it matter that ANYONE have proof on who they are? What importance does it serve? Is information more true or reliable if it comes from a source that is famous or related to someone famous? Is information more true or reliable if it comes from someone educated through the education systems that have been put in place for enforcing so called facts on those who pay for it? I can tell you that no degrees, or amount of education has any bearing when it comes to the truth. Just because someone is famous does NOT mean they have any or all the answers to ANYTHING. Those who seek proof are close-minded. You must open your mind in order to even begin to search for the truth.

What I DO know is that when it comes to helping this world, and to finding truths and opening the eyes of others to what is going on around them, no amount of ego held beliefs are helping anyone. In order to get to the actual TRUTH, you can’t stand behind your ego and allow your ego to control what you believe.
Believe nothing and question everything. Don’t let your ego hold you to beliefs, no matter how many people believe those things to be truthful and factual; even when there is ‘evidence’ to ‘prove’ who or what or even THAT something or someone IS.

The bottom line is, I refuse to get involved in the argument which stands between you folks and I am NOT taking sides. It is NOT my argument. All I can do is stand back and make sure things don’t get out of hand.

And Linda,

You know where I stand with you, so I don’t really need to state any of this, but I will anyway.

We have our dealings about issues that concern my abilities to help you with what answers you seek. I don’t see how any of this other stuff matters in that respect and I will continue to help you with what you need where I can. We have a deep connection, which has been proven with the visions that I have had. I see what I see; it doesn’t always make sense to me, but it’s not given FOR me so I don’t have to make sense of any of it.

To all of you, again,

I could go on and on with this, but if you can’t tell where I stand from this point, you will never understand and to continue would be like beating a dead horse, it would get me nowhere. If you have such a closed mind that you cannot see the forest for the trees, then it is YOU that has the problem, not me. I, see the forest for the energy which it is made of; the ‘fact’ that it has trees is irrelevant.

I wish you all well in your endeavors and I know that there is a reason for everything and that means there is a reason for all this silliness. So, good luck to you all and let’s start helping each other instead of hurting each other.

Again, there are no proper words for things to be said with absolute clarity; if telepathy was prevalent, then communication would be much simpler, but at least I have tried, once again. :)

I may not know what is going on in the situation that has transpired, however I don’t think I’m jumping the gun in making a determination based on how people are speaking to each other. I’m not basing my opinion on the argument(s) at hand, but rather how people are treating each other and how they respectfully or disrespectfully express themselves. I also have my general intuition. I can see with my own eyes and what has been written here. I don’t take sides in any matter that does not involve me, so please, do not accuse me of doing such. I stated my opinion on what I believe, and if you choose to read more into what I have said, then that is of your own doing and shows your bias.

I see on my own forum, here in this thread, accusations from all parties. I can also see the tone and the anger toward some of my members. I also have been reading all the antagonistic comments/remarks, and I KNOW that things are being said JUST to get a rise out of people, or “stir the pot” as one member stated.

I’m all for having an open discussion of matters, but to be OPEN, you cannot have egos getting in the way, and clearly, that is what is happening all over the place on all of the forums affected by this ‘battle’.

I expected you to be here and retort any claims against you. I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s only fair that one be able to defend one’s self in any situation whether the claims against him/her be true or false.

Thank You for your candor. As I have stated, I will not instigate, at least willfully or with intent to do so. I will rebut statements made that are not accurate and will endeavour to provide some form of proof or direction in order to substantiate such rebuttals.

As to "egos", they are a nuisance...<g>. None of this would be going on if individuals would live up to their words but that is another story and I will leave that for another time.

And as one last statement:

Linda Brown is WHO SHE STATES SHE IS. I have seen her driver's license ( when she supplied proof at a Motel sign in) and I have seen family pictures. I have researched and spoken to individuals that went to school with her at Great Valley High School in Malvern, PA. and have seen her photo in the High School yearbook in the library of said school. I have known the mechanic who worked on her Father's Cadillac. I have spoken to other individuals that knew her Father and they substantiated the fact that he had a daughter named Linda. However, some of them did not know he had a son named Joseph.

But in light of it all, I am no one and my word wouldn't purchase a cup of coffee at the local HoJo's.

Oh my goodness mikado! People are going to get the wrong idea!!! <g>

Linda Brown is WHO SHE STATES SHE IS. I have seen her driver's license ( when she supplied proof at a Motel sign in)

Maybe we ought to clarify that??? <g>

Otherwise...... thank you <g> Linda


I have never had any reason to believe otherwise. :) Besides, like I have stated a few times now, it doesn't matter to ME. To me, she is FRIEND, no matter what her name is. :) The whole argument is just silly in my opinion.

Oh my goodness mikado! People are going to get the wrong idea!!! <g>

Linda Brown is WHO SHE STATES SHE IS. I have seen her driver's license ( when she supplied proof at a Motel sign in)

Maybe we ought to clarify that??? <g>

Otherwise...... thank you <g> Linda

Lol. My mind didn't even go anywhere near THAT thought, LOL! But now that you say that I can see how people who don't know may think that, lol.
I have never had any reason to believe otherwise. :) Besides, like I have stated a few times now, it doesn't matter to ME. To me, she is FRIEND, no matter what her name is. :) The whole argument is just silly in my opinion.

Lol. My mind didn't even go anywhere near THAT thought, LOL! But now that you say that I can see how people who don't know may think that, lol.

I must have been brought up different to thee???
I had them as Mr and Mrs Smith in a split second.
Lovers tiff?
"Again, I don't know the whole story" True that... so you know nothing :triumphant: Only what a certain party wants you to think. Pity that... as you consider yourself a lightworker and seeker of truth.

But in reality you are no different that the others... any old story will do so long as it gets attention :dog2:

Well enjoy, and thanks for all the publicity sent our way both from here and the Cosmic Token... gotta love it when those who really seek the truth take the time to come ask

Well Exterminator, you stated above - "gotta love it when those who really seek the truth take the time to come ask". Is that what you did to me on the Pegasus back in July? One of the "things" you did was to accuse me of being an RVer for the CIA only because of my Avatar. In fact, it was more stated as a fact, remember? I told you that if you would have asked before coming to a wrongful conclusion you would have been told what it was.

So, do you really wish to seek truth? Truth can only be had when one asks a question to the universe and you ...sweetheart...from past experience, are quick to be judgemental.

My opinion only

I had quite an exchange with Mikado a couple of years ago, regarding the x-rated motels on Federal Blvd. in Denver. It was quite amusing. I offered to bring my electric skillet along so he could cook breakfast for me.

Mikado.... why in the world would Exterminator ever reach this conclusion? Have you ever figured it out?

One of the "things" you did was to accuse me of being an RVer for the CIA only because of my Avatar. In fact, it was more stated as a fact, remember? "

Regarding the message above..... BOY.... I sure have missed alot! <g>

Mikado.... why in the world would Exterminator ever reach this conclusion? Have you ever figured it out?

One of the "things" you did was to accuse me of being an RVer for the CIA only because of my Avatar. In fact, it was more stated as a fact, remember? "

Regarding the message above..... BOY.... I sure have missed alot! <g>


Yes, I figured it out at the time. The avatar she was referencing is the symbol I derived for a Gravitor in the way it interacts with the aether. You may or may not recall it. However, it has a triangle that is sideways with a line extending from the apex of the triangle. She said that it is a martini glass on it's side which was a symbol used by RVers in reference to RVing and drinking martinis. At that point, she accused me of having a hidden agenda as an RVer on the Pegasus forum.

All she had to do was ask what the avatar meant and not come to a conclusion, a wrong one at that. If she would have taken the time to research on the Hut she would have had her answer. She was just throwing everything at the wall to see what would stick.


Yes, you did miss alot for you were too busy talking.

The tipped over martini glass is a symbol for Rvers? Working for the CIA? and your design was so similar that she mistook it? How would she know about that symbol in the first place Mikado? Is that in open reference now?

Odd that she would equate that symbol with anything at all, don't you think?

How do the rest of us know that she was wrong if we don't know where she got her information?

Apparently she knew enough to know about this

"What is an “eight-martini” result?
Well, this is an intelligence community in-house term for remote viewing data so good that it cracks everyone’s realities. So they have to go out and drink eight martinis to recover”.
- Ingo Swann

Thats their magazine.

Now this begs the question Mikado. I know what you SAY that symbol represents but at this point how do we know that it wasn't just your ego popping up with your own special gag for the occasion?

How do I KNOW that you are in fact NOT associated with the CIA?

Perhaps she " stumbled" onto that situation and just said what she felt at the time. Yes.... Knee jerk... intuitive reaction..... but how do we know that she was wrong.

In the years after Dad organized and founded NICAP it was slowly taken over by interests from the CIA. How do I know that your entire interest in me and my Dads work hasn't been a reflection of that association? You can understand why I might ask that.... since things that you have touched ( Paul and the HUT) seem to have withered from the experience. I know that you will offer all kinds of reasons for all of that but I have to say that I think I have good reason to question that tipped over martini glass symbol. Maybe that little bit of spaghetti that Exterminator threw on the wall actually stuck. Linda
This goes along with The Pegasus Group thinking that they were being approached by the CIA Remote Viewers ( according to Mikados experience with Exterminator)

Remote Viewing - History

Its pretty interesting
especially this comment

The soldier as a psychic weapon has been used in every epoch of history from the ancient egyptians, to Moses and even the dark face of Germany in WWII with Himmler and the SS. Every generation has used an unrealized form of remote viewing to aid in times of great need and even though the official U.S. program was closed in 1995 - don't be sure this is the last we have heard of the psychic soldier.

Does anyone really believe something that valuable would have been closed?

And then of course there is SRI

SRI (Stanford Research Institute) - The beginning of Modern Remote Viewing
the next link down. Interesting reading and something maybe we can talk about another time.

I am pointing this out so that you will understand why I don't just out of hand dismiss Exterminators worries about Mikado. Mikado talks alot about the CIAs involvement in all of this and he says that its all a rebuttal to things that I have SAID or written in the past about MY involvement with the CIA. I want any one of you to point out ANYWHERE where I have admitted any kind of working association with the CIA. EVERY TIME they are mentioned it is Mikado who is doing the mentioning. And he says that I talk too much! <g> Linda

I will not give in to your antagonism. If you are expecting me to respond to you in a negative manner, you won’t find that happening. It is not in my nature to engage in such useless conversation. Unfortunately for a being in my status, language/words tend not to be our friends so sometimes things don’t come out quite the way they need to to be understood properly, but I do try my best to get my messages across.

I am not being antagonistic. I am merely asking questions

I am a light being born into a physical human body for the purpose of helping lightworkers to help humanity at this time of transition that is upon this world and the people in it. To take human form and be in the body as it grows helps to learn the ways of the world and the people in it and to better be able to understand and to communicate with them. Of course, there can never be any proof of this, so you can go ahead and do what you do best and ignore and try to disprove all you want my claims, this does not bother me in the least.

I have no interest in disproving your claims... though i disagree that we are in any 'transition' at this time... but we shall see soon enough. Dec 21,2012 is only a few weeks away and so far nothing major beyond natural cycles has come to pass

It has become apparent that you come here to antagonize and I don’t know what your fascination is with disproving who Linda Brown claims she is, but none of that really matters on the grand scale.

yes it does, especially in this case

Why does it matter that ANYONE have proof on who they are? What importance does it serve? Is information more true or reliable if it comes from a source that is famous or related to someone famous? Is information more true or reliable if it comes from someone educated through the education systems that have been put in place for enforcing so called facts on those who pay for it? I can tell you that no degrees, or amount of education has any bearing when it comes to the truth. Just because someone is famous does NOT mean they have any or all the answers to ANYTHING. Those who seek proof are close-minded. You must open your mind in order to even begin to search for the truth.

It matters because many people are seeking the answers to Electrogravity to create projects and release free energy to the world, something that is supposedly being suppressed by the PTB. To say "it doesn't matter" is silly when someone pretending to be the daughter of the man responsible for EG is stonewalling the very knowledge everyone seeks. To her its a game. I am not sure yet about mikada, as he seems to care to advance the work... but its hard to tell because the two of them go from forum to forum and play out this charade...

Yes it matters, because if those who claim to be in possession of this knowledge are false, then all those spending real time effort and money on such projects are being deliberately led astray, thereby making any possible advancement for the betterment of mankind impossible.

You of all people should be able to see that. if you cannot, then more is the pity

What I DO know is that when it comes to helping this world, and to finding truths and opening the eyes of others to what is going on around them, no amount of ego held beliefs are helping anyone. In order to get to the actual TRUTH, you can’t stand behind your ego and allow your ego to control what you believe.
Believe nothing and question everything. Don’t let your ego hold you to beliefs, no matter how many people believe those things to be truthful and factual; even when there is ‘evidence’ to ‘prove’ who or what or even THAT something or someone IS.

Ego's are what makes people who and what they are... you cannot ever change that. Those without ego are merely sheep. You may be satisfied with vague 'truths' that have a good story, but in this case we are talking free energy solutions for the planet, and "Linda" has already said it she has no interest in seeing it happen in her lifetime, that its a multi generational project

Yet she appears and lurks at every forum that talks about it... Odd that almost like a true covert spook operation

And that Book that we keep getting pointed too? Looked it up at Amazon WOW $69.95 A tad steep. And oddly enough Rose also says the only family photo is in that book... then we see this...

An underground "Cult Classic" -- Here is the raw, unexpurgated, all-in, "kitchen sink" version of the authorized biography of Thomas Townsend Brown. Genius inventor, gentleman spy and mystic warrior, Brown is the enigmatic scientist who demonstrated the link between electricity and gravity in the 1920s, before disappearing behind a curtain of classified military research and covert intelligence operations after World War II. This is the first-ever comprehensive attempt to follow Brown's bizarre odyssey, and was originally written online from 2005-2008 with the aid of "reliable sources" with first-hand knowledge of Brown's covert activities. Discussion at

Uh huh the aid of "reliable sources" Who are these "reliable sources"? Sounds like a well planned disinfo campaign to me. TT Brown founder of NICAP and a 'signals' guy... Spooks Galore

The bottom line is, I refuse to get involved in the argument which stands between you folks and I am NOT taking sides. It is NOT my argument. All I can do is stand back and make sure things don’t get out of hand.

Fair enough... but then you did say your a conspiracy site... and boy have you got a BIG ONE here LOL. And I won't let it get out of hand on my part... just pop in from time to time to see how the weather is :D
Yes, I figured it out at the time. The avatar she was referencing is the symbol I derived for a Gravitor in the way it interacts with the aether. You may or may not recall it. However, it has a triangle that is sideways with a line extending from the apex of the triangle. She said that it is a martini glass on it's side which was a symbol used by RVers in reference to RVing and drinking martinis. At that point, she accused me of having a hidden agenda as an RVer on the Pegasus forum.

Ah Mikado... and here I had such hopes for you LOL The 'Martini Glass" reference came to us from Linda's group... I would have to go back and find the letter to give a name... It was linked to us to check out. BTW I was one voted to keep you around, for what its worth.

“What is an “eight-martini” result?
Well, this is an intelligence community in-house term for remote viewing data so good
that it cracks everyone’s realities. So they have to go out and drink eight martinis to recover”.
- Ingo Swann "

All she had to do was ask what the avatar meant and not come to a conclusion, a wrong one at that. If she would have taken the time to research on the Hut she would have had her answer. She was just throwing everything at the wall to see what would stick.

Why would I go to the Hut to research? LOL You guys repeated everything at our forum :p

Yes, you did miss alot for you were too busy talking.

On that we can agree :cupcake:
This goes along with The Pegasus Group thinking that they were being approached by the CIA Remote Viewers ( according to Mikados experience with Exterminator)

Actually no... we didn't think that at all though we do have members that are involved with some of the key players. It was your group that brought in the "we are being watched" stuff and tried to push peoples buttons into believing it. Shall I post the messages? You must think people are not to smart... not to see through all this.

Lets just hope the staff here is ready for it :welcoming:

Yes Hal Puthoff has visited Pegasus... about the same time YOU signed up at the yahoo group as E. Drake. John is a good friend of Ingo Swan and Joe McMoneagle and my dad will be seeing Ron Blackburn founder of PsiTech at john's birthday in a few weeks. But they aren't concerned about us :welcoming: We even have Uri Geller and Ed Mitchell in the wings... all those players that started it all... quite fascinating actually

My dad says Hal Puthoff made the comment that TT Brown had told him not to waste his time on EG, that it was a dead end...

Oh wait here it is;

""At this point I do not think T.T. Brown's results were a demonstration of anomalous gravity effects," he wrote. "Talking to him just before he died, he did not encourage me to follow up on this, as the effect was so weak...." Hal Puthoff
The Missing Times


The whole transition thing has EVERYTHING to do with natural cycles. And I don't believe anything spectacular is about to happen on December 21st 2012. So please, don't put words into my mouth about having said anything about something happening on that date. We are in a transition NOW, and have been for some time now. I have been feeling numerous energies telling me this is so. There are changes going on around us that most people can't see, hear, or feel, or sense in any other way.

When it comes to matters of Electrogravity, I have no part in that one. When it comes to other dealings with Linda Brown, that is a whole other area on my part.

Even when someone is claiming to be "the daughter of the inventor of EG", and even if she and others are as you are claiming to be suppressing the information from becoming public, it STILL doesn't matter WHO any of these people are, whether their claims be true or false. If they're suppressing and they ARE who they claim or they're suppressing and they are NOT who they claim, it makes little difference.

As for ego, yes, it is a part of us all, but when I speak of letting that not control us, I speak of having it hold onto beliefs. It does NOT make you a sheep just because you don't let your ego interfere with seeking truth. The ego I speak of is that which makes us angry when something that we think or believe to be true or false is challenged. I don't speak of the ego that is the sense of self.

You see, when I deal with any of these posts, I set my ego aside and go about it in a manner in which I accept all information given, but I will not believe nor disbelieve any of it.

And although I have stated that I will not be involved in these conversations, I feel there are still things that need to be addressed as they arise, such as the third last post of yours. I can see that you do not yet understand the side of things where I come from and so I don't expect you to react any differently than you have been.

If this IS just a conspiracy, as you say, then all the more reason for it to come to pass that this is out in the open. As things go on much higher levels, all things are truth, and all things are lies. Again, Believe Nothing and Question Everything. Take in ALL information, true and false, because there is NO other way to find what is real and what is make believe. Besides, conspiracies are part of learning and finding truths.

I believe the saying goes: "I don't like what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Something like that anyhow. So, even if I don't like or agree with what anyone says here or elsewhere, they still have the right to say it and talk about it. I expect others to be just as civil. Open minds change the world, closed minds shut it down. That could've been stated better, but words elude me, telepathy is much better, unfortunately these bodies are not at a frequency that can have that happen yet, at least not mostly. Open minds help THAT to happen too.

Anyhow, I think I've gone on long enough for this round. I will address what I feel is necessary to address, but I will not be drawn into any kind of 'battle'.