
  1. Denise

    Earth Contact with the Ashtar Command

    Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Earth Contact with the Ashtar Command President Obama will not be the one deciding about another war. Who will decide? The US Congress. When all of the courageous men and women who left Iraq and Afghanistan can be entranced to accept yet another destructive death camp...
  2. Denise

    Greg Giles ~~ 03.05.12~~ Changing Newsflash!

    Not a very long thought I's post in its entirety... We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives For A Life Changing Newsflash! All your life you have waited for the good news, and that day has finally come. Very soon you will witness large-scale mass arrests all the...
  3. Denise

    Latest from Ashtar Command

    Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - February 22, 2012 Care is called for at this time as we proceed with the many plans to free your world from your oppressors. The speed at which these events proceed is not important at this time, although we do strive to maintain forward...
  4. Denise

    Incredible Advertures Await You ~ Greg Giles ~ February 15, 2012

    Message from the Ashtar Command 2/15/12 East contact. We wish you to know that we of your Star Family speak to you now and wish to share some thoughts with those who read your words. There have been some feelings expressed as of late by those who are beginning to question...
  5. Denise

    Nearing an Important Milestone ~ Greg Giles ~ February 8, 2012

    Message from the Ashtar Command 2/8/12 One thing your universal group needs to achieve here at this time is the reconciliation of past relationships with other universal groups. This is one area of this endeavor that is rarely discussed, but we feel this is very important for you to become...
  6. Denise

    Simply: We Are Here ~ All is Ready ~ Stay Tuned ~ Greg Giles ~ January 14, 2012

    Message from the Galactic Federation 1/14/12 News stories will begin to trickle through to the viewing public concerning matters which we have already discussed with many of you concerning our presence in your skies and of matters concerning your governments and financial systems. Soon, all...
  7. Denise

    Love is the Key to Ascension Into Higher Realms ~ Greg Giles ~ January 7, 2012

    Message from the Galactic Federation 1/7/12 Understanding better the process which you are now going through requires one to set aside notions of extraterrestrials, agents of the dark cabal, instances of seismic activity, and focus on what it's really all about, which is love. Love is the key...
  8. Denise

    Restoring Your True Freedom ~ A Gift From Your Creator ~ Greg Giles ~ January 6, 2012

    Message from the Galactic Federation 1/6/12 Life here in the physical world of the 3rd dimension has seen many that have pursued objects of the material, forsaking many ideals and even morals in this blinkered pursuit. As you are preparing yourselves for your homes in the higher realms...
  9. Denise

    The Ashtar Command Reclamation Project ~ Greg Giles ~ January 4, 2012

    Message from the Pleiadians 1/4/12 The Ashtar Command Reclamation Project is a joint cooperation between the forces of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. The goal of this project is to bring back light and freedom of thought and expression to the people of this planet...
  10. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Receive Our Everlasting Love ~ December 9, 2011

    There is around the world a sense of foreboding as it is becoming obvious from outer appearances that all is not well. Man has taken this civilization as far as it can go, and faces the slippery slope to oblivion. However, all of this was foreseen, and you have not just been left as you would...
  11. Denise

    A message from Ashtar and Sananda about Ascension

    ASHTAR: 144,000 The Ashtar Command have predicted that those who ascend in the first wave will be given the opportunity to return to the Earth in the ascended state, to awaken the rest of humanity to the ascension opportunity. The Keys of Enoch support this prediction by speaking of the...
  12. Denise

    For fans of Messages From Matthew I believe the creator or this site is directly in touch with Suzy Ward, who channels Mathew's messages. There is a lot more channeled info on his site as well. "Background and Analysis of Matthew’s June 11, 2011 Message 2011 June 12 by...
  13. Denise

    Ashtar has a Special Message ~ Decloakings are Seconds Away ~ Be in Joy

    Greetings, This is Ashtar. One of these days soon there will be mass declaokings of our Ships, all over the World, simultaneously. New developments recently have made this possible. When this takes place, you will know arrests have taken place. We cannot make the Galactic presence known on...
  14. Denise

    Planet Saturn and Earth ~ This is Metatron!

    Greetings. This is Metatron. This Equinox rides high on a tide of a supermoon illuminating the Planet Saturn. It pulls the Cosmic Waves from Galactic Center into the Equator and aligns Earth Axis in the Earth Grids on the 5th Dimension. It is a turbulent time. Lord Ashtar has called for...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Blossom Goodchild - So They Didnt Come (Transcript of her video)

    "TO LEADERS, GOVERNERS, POLITICIANS AND ALL PEOPLE OF EARTH ….We wish it to be understood that on the 14th day of your month of October in the year 2008 a craft of great size shall be visible within your skies." Blossom Goodchild is infamous for going public with her channelings from "Ashtar...
  16. Denise

    Channelled message ... Ashtar...

    Greetings, This is Ashtar. One of these days soon there will be mass declaokings of our Ships, all over the World, simultaneously. Ashtar has a Special Message Decloakings are Seconds Away Be In Joy Greetings, This is Ashtar. One of these days soon there will be mass declaokings of our Ships...
  17. K

    [Attention] Activation October 10th, 2010 Part 1

    I am a student of Stellar Quantum Cure taught by Rodrigo Romo in South America and some parts of Europe. Rodrigo Romo channels an entity named Shtareer. Shtareer is a member of the Voronandeck Order and is the brother of Micah. Rodrigo has written a message regarding Sunday, October 10th...
  18. Unhypnotized

    The Aura cleaning process

    The Aura cleaning process Artigo postado em 29-06-10 Initial Observations This process is very successful in cases of obsession during the sleep and in cases of sexual violence, also during the sleep, with enormous losses of vital energy. The main symptoms, normally shown in younger...
  19. New UFO Hunter

    Did contact Happen in 1977

    On Saturday, November 26, 1977 at 5:10 p.m. in the United Kingdom, a mysterious voice who called himself "Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command" performed an illegal broadcast on live television during the height of an evening news program. The transmission lasted for over five minutes. This...
  20. Lady of Light

    Evacuation...what to do...Message from the Ashtar Command

    PHASE I PHASE I of the Great Exodus of souls from the planet will take place at a moment's notice when it is determined that the inhabitants are in danger. The very second the great computers show that needle has gone across a certain point, every satellite and participating craft, already in...