middle east

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    Kerry visits Egypt to counter Iranian influence

    John Kerry, Obama’s new Crypto-Jew foreign secretary, landed in Cairo on March 2. Ahead of his arrival, Obama called his Egyptian counterpart Dr. Muhammad Morsi. Both leaders talked about Syria, Israel, Gaza, local economy and country’s democratic process. “The two Presidents discussed regional...
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    John Kerry “ignores” Israel during his foreign tour

    Two week ago, John Kerry began his nine foreign nations (Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE – all pro-USrael and anti-Syria) tour as Obama’s new foreign secretary. Kerry’s choice of those nations in Europe and the Middle East shows Obama administration’s...
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    UN Envoy: The two-state solution is on “life-support”

    Netherlands-born Robbert Sherry, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Middle East Peace (UN envoy to the Quartet), in a brief to the UN Security Council on January 23, 2013, said that unless the UN and other world powers take immediate practical action to push for a two-state solution to...
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    Stephen Harper: “thou shalt not defend Islam or Iran”

    On February 21, 2013, the MSN reported that Hamilton resident and long-time anti-war activist, Ken Stone, is being harassed by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) since he attended a conference on Palestine in Iran and writing his views last year about Iran being a peace-loving...
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    Syrian shot down two Israeli drones

    On Wednesday, Syrian Mayadeen TV claimed that Syrian army shot down two of the seven Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which entered Syrian space from the Golan Heights along Syrian-Lebanese border. The drones were shot down over the village of Deir al Ashayer, 15 miles West of Damascus and...
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    Jewish Lobby: ‘Iran has nukes’!

    The Jewish media is not in the habits of practicing journalistic ethics when it comes to reporting about the Islamic Republic. The latest example is an article by Lee Smith published in Jewish Tablet Magazine, on february 14, 2013. In the article, the Jewish journalist claims that since “North...
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    Droning for Dorner- The Internalization of the Enemy

    by Zen Gardner This Dorner situation is just too obvious. It’s clearly a Sandy Hook for drones and will certainly keep morphing into more useful police state images and enemy branding. They can’t help themselves. After all, never let a good crisis go to waste. Now we have a rogue cop...
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    Khamenei: ‘Iran refuses to be blackmailed’

    On Thursday, during a meeting with an Iranian army delegation, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei commented on the latest US proposal on direct talks between Washington and Tehran, saying: “Any such negotiations accompanied with threats, pressure, and bad intentions, are meaningless”...
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    Lobby: ‘Jews are not safe in Hungary’

    On February 3, 2013, the Jewish daily Forward reported that antisemitism in Hungary is causing an influx of Jewish immigrants to neighboring Austria. This latest hoax reminded me the statement issued by the Jewish advocacy group, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on December 20, 2012 in which its...
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    Israel’s Syrian Chutzpah!

    Lately, the war on Bashar al-Assad is going down the drain. This needed a new USS Liberty-type attack on Syria to pave the way for US-NATO intervention. So, on Wednesday, Israeli military jets, flying at low altitude, looked for a convoy carrying chemical weapons for Lebanese Islamic resistance...
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    British cartoon depicts Netanyahu a “bloodthirsty Jew”

    On the eve of the Holocaust Memorial Day, the British weekly, The Sunday Times, irked the Jewish groups for posting a cartoon depicting large-nozed Benjamin Netanyahu hunched over a wall building with blood and limbs of writhing Palestinians in pain (See the cartoon on top left). The caption...
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    French FM: ‘Assad’s fall is not imminent’

    French Zionist foreign minister Laurent Fabius (his both parents were Jewish) has now second thoughts about the US-Israel desired regime change in Damascus. On Tuesday, he told reporters that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s fall is not imminent. France was among the first western nation to...
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    Egyptian President says “Jews” control US media!

    The latest Israel Hasbara (propaganda lie) against Egyptian president Dr. Mohamed Morsi is hillarious. According to the Jewish Telegraph Agency (January 23, 2013), Morsi told US congressional delgate last week that “he gets bad US press because “certain forces” control the media“. The Jewish...
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    Bibi loses election but Israeli fascism stays

    Benjamin Netanyahu is set to form the next Zionist regime even though his warmongering coalition lost 11 seats. However, the election results show that the new regime would lack the necessary muscles to screw US president Barack Obama on the US foreign policy. Netanyahu called for early...
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    India’s subservience to Israel

    Last month, the Indian police, under pressure from Israel and pro-Israel Hindu opposition groups, took into custody Paul Larude, a US citizen, from the middle of a conference attended by 20,000 students and organized by the Student Islamic Organization of India (SIO) in Tirur (Kerala). Paul is...
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    Lobby: Saudi Arabia is kosher

    Bruce Riedel, is a former 30-year CIA official and currently a senior fellow at Israel advocacy group, Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute. On January 17, 2013, in a memorendum to president Barack Hussein Obama, Riedel warned him that a possible overthrow of Saudi...
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    Study: ‘European Jews are not Semite’

    The result of a new genetic study published in the British journal Genome Biology and Evolution claims that European Jews (Ashkenazi) don’t belong to the 12 (Semite) tribes of Israel. They’re a mix of genetic ancestries, far more of which than previously thought originating in tribes from the...
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    Israel: Syria will lead US to Iran

    The three pro-Israel hawks, Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham have been pushing Obama to provide more arms to anti-Assad foreign rebel groups. The three Zionists lawmakers are known for their thirst for Muslim blood. There is no war these threesome doesn’t like – it may be...
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    Israel and the “Iranian Threat”

    Yesterday, Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of visiting US Senators that if relected his first priority would be to stop Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb by all means (Israel has between 240-400 nuclear bombs of its own). He thanked the group for their blind support for the...
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    Israel fails to stop US-Iran direct nuclear talks

    The European Union foreign policy chief, British Baroness Cathrine Ashton has announced that her P5+1 group will hold talks with Iranian delegate on country’s nuclear program “very soon”. Saeed Jalili, Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator said on January 4 that Tehran would continue to determinedly...